BY-LAWS(UpdatedSep 2015)
Article I: Name and Location
Section 1. Name
This organization shall be known as the Medford Youth Girls Softball (“MYGS”), hereafter referred to as the organization. This organization shall have multiple leagues within the organization.
Section 2. Location
The Organization boundaries shall be bounded by the same boundaries as that of The City of Medford, Massachusetts. MYGS shall not solicit players from other cities to play in the League. MYGS may accept players from outside the city if they contact us. Players from outside Medford shall be allowed to participate in MYGS, if they attend a school in Medford or if the city they live in does not have an active Girls Youth Softball League. Players that move from the city after participation will be allowed to continue to play in the league.
Article II: Purpose and Objective
The purpose of this Organization is to establish organized girls softball with the ultimate objective of having fun. Other important objectives include social, physical, mental, and moral development of girls ages 5 through 18. A program of friendly competition with the goal of educating players about sportsmanship, teamwork, fellowship, courtesy, discipline, and integrity will be established.
Article III: Leagues
MYGS shall have three (3) Leagues: MYGS Spring League, MYGS Summer League and MYGS Fall League. The Organization shall now be responsible for all three (3) Leagues.
Section 1. MYGS Spring League
As of September 2015, the Division known as MYGS will be known as MYGS Spring League. The Organization shall now be responsible for everything pertaining to the MYGS Spring League teams. All MYGS Spring League teams shall follow the Rules and regulations set forth by the Board Members and found in Addendum I.
Section 2. MYGS Summer League
As of September 2015, theDivision known as the Medford MiddleEssex Summer Softball Division (“Medford MiddleEssex”) shall now be known as MYGS Summer League. The Organization shall now be responsible for everything pertaining to MYGS Summer League Teams. All MYGS Summer Leagueteams shall follow the Medford MiddleEssex Summer Softball By-Laws that are found in Addendum II.
Section 1. MYGS Fall League
As of September 2015, the Organization added a new League that shall be known as MYGS Fall League. The Organization shall now be responsible for everything pertaining to the MYGS Spring League. All MYGS Fall Leagues shall follow the Rules and regulations set forth by the Fall League they join.
Article IV: Board Members
Section 1. Positions
- All Board Members for this League shall be elected by ballot vote.
- Fifteen(13) members shall makeup the MYGS Board.
a)The Board shall consist of four (4) Officers and eleven (11) Directors
- The four (4) Officers shall include: President; Vice President; Secretary/ Registration; and Treasurer.
- The Nine(9) Directors shall include:Webmaster Director, Majors DivisionDirector, Minors Division Director,FarmDivision Director, Instructional Division Director, Equipment Director, Fundraising/PR Director/Clothing Director, Umpire Director and Summer Director.
- The number of Directors Positions may be increased or decreased at anytime with a majority vote. The MYGS Board may elect a new Directorat any Board Meeting.
Section 2. Qualifications
- All Board Members must be twenty one (21) years of age or older.
- Board Members shall not use their position to the detriment of the league or to their own benefit or personal gain. Violation of this code can subject that person to be removed from the Board.
- The President and Vice President shall be Medford Residents.
- The President need not be a Board Member in prior years to become President.
- All Board Members shall be a resident of Massachusetts unless the corporation has a resident agent appointed for the purpose of service of process.
Section 3. Election for all Board Members
A Board Member may hold two or more positions on the MYGS Board but they may not hold 2 Officer Positions on the Board.
- Notice of Election
- In August, the Secretary will notify the membership that nominations are being accepted for the SeptemberElection League Board Meeting to facilitate the election of a new Board.
- Nomination of a candidate will result in that persons name being placed on the ballot. Ballots will be prepared and made available to the League’s voting members at or before the September meeting.
- Voting for Board members and the results of the voting will be announced before the conclusion of the September meeting.
- Nominees
- Nominations for Board Members may be made in advance via email or from the floor at the September Election meeting.
- Nominees must give their consent to be placed on the ballot for a vacant office.
- If there is only one candidate or nominee for an office, the vote will be conducted by a show of hands for confirmation of the candidate or nominee.
- If there is more than one candidate or nominee for an office, the vote will be by secret ballot with the individual receiving the most cumulative votes assuming the office. Any ties shall be broken by a second secret ballot of the Board only.
- If there is more than one candidate or nominee for an office, each person on the ballot may take up to 1 minute to address the meeting on why they want to serve in that capacity.
- Voting
- Each active Board Member from the season just past shall be entitled to one (1) vote. They may vote at the meeting or they may submit proxy votes to the President according to the Proxy Voting Section in the By-Laws. If Board Members are related, both members will receive their own vote unless they share one (1) Board Position.
- Each Division Team from the season just past shall have one (1) vote in the election process and the vote shall be cast by the managing Head Coach. If the Head Coach of the team is unavailable to vote, the Assistant Coach of the team shall vote in place of the Head Coach. All Coaches must be present at the meeting to vote. They shall not receive proxy votes.If a Coach is coaching more than one (1) team or serving in more than one (1) capacity they shall only be entitled to one (1) vote.
- After the voting has been completed, the President and/or Vice President from the season just past shall total the number of votes and count them to determine the new Board Members.
- Term
The term of each Board Member shall be from October 1st through September 30th, of the following year.
- Vacancies at Election
- All positions on the MYGS Board should be filled during the Election Meeting. If there is a vacancyof an Officer, the current President must send out emails and hold another Election Meeting within seven (7) days.
- There may be vacancies for Director Positions. These vacancies may be filled by the Board at any meeting. Until the positions are filled existing Board Members shall share in the position duties.
Section 4. Resignations
- Officer
- Any Officer may resign by delivering a written resignation to the President and Vice President. Such resignation shall be effective at the election of the new Officer.
- The President or Vice Presidentmust notify the other Board members of the resignation in writing within twenty-four (24) hours.
- If a Board meeting is not scheduled within two (2) weeks of the Resignation Date, the President or Vice President should send out an email to the League to hold an Emergency Special Meeting to hold elections to fill the Officer’s Board Position.
- A message should be sent out to the League notifying them that elections will be held for the vacant Officer’s position and anyone may submit their name to the President or Vice President to put their name on the ballot.
- All Board Members require seven (7) days notice before a Board Meeting to be held.
- Director
- Any Directormay resign by delivering their written resignation to the President and Vice President. Such resignation shall be effective upon receipt unless it is specified to be effective at some other time or upon the happening of some other event.
- The President orVice President must notify other Board Members of the resignation within forty-eight (48) hours.
- If a Directorresigns, the existing Board Members may fill in for the position until a vote can be taken at the next meeting. There is no need to hold a Special Meeting to hold a vote.
- A message should be sent out to the League notifying them that there is a vacancy in the Board and that anyone may submit their name on the ballot.
Section 5. Removal
- Officer
The MYGS Board Members may remove any Officer with or without cause by amajority vote after the Officer is given seven (7) days’ notice and opportunity to be heard by the Board Members prior to action thereon. After removal of an Officer an emergency elections shall need to take place.
- Director
The MYGS Board Members may remove any Director with or without cause by a majority vote, after the Director is given seven (7) days’ notice and opportunity to be heard before the Board Members. After removal Board Members can fill in for the Directors position till the next Board Meeting/ elections can take place.
Section 6. Disciplinary Action
Disciplinary action against a Board Member will only be considered if a written request is presented to the President at least one week prior to a scheduled Board meeting. Written notice of impending action, or any action taken by the President, must be given to the charged individual and Board Members prior to the Board meeting at which time the action will be discussed. The charged individual will be allowed to speak on his/her behalf at the Board meeting. Final discipline or removal from a position requires a majority vote of the Board Members.Noting that a quorum is necessary to do business at Board Meetings, the President may request the resignation of any Officer/Director who is absent habitually without excuse from three (3) or more consecutive Board Meetings. If the Board Position is held by two (2) Board Members, only one (1) of the Board Members is required to appear for the Board Meetings.
Section 7. Powers
- Board Members
- Shall have the entire charge, control and management of the corporation and its property and may exercise all or any of its powers.
- Shall have a vote on any regular league business, elections and changes to By-Laws.
- Shall follow Article V: Meetings Section 4. Transaction of Business.
Section 8. Duties
The duties of the Board Members shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
1. President
- Shall conduct the affairs of MYGS and execute the policies established by the Board Members.
- Shall communicate to the Board Members, such matters as deemed appropriate and make such suggestions as may tend to promote the welfare of MYGS.
- Shall be responsible for the conduct of MYGS in strict conformity to the policies, principles and Rules and Regulations of the MYGS.
- Shall investigate complaints, irregularities and conditions detrimental to MYGS and report them to the Board Members.
- Shall preside at and facilitate all Board Meetings.
- Shall serve as representative to all outside entities.
- Shall monitor and approve all MYGS League activities.
- Shall approve all Spring, Summer and Fall Coaches.
- Shall approve Division Directors schedules for regular season and playoffs.
- Shall assist Division Directors, Clinic Director and Coaches with the development of their knowledge and abilities of girls’ softball.
- Shall coordinate and run all 3 Division team drafts. If the President is a coach for a Division team, the Vice President shall coordinate the Division Draft in place of the President.
- Shall have authority to take immediate disciplinary action against any Coach, Manager, or League member for any serious violations of these By-Laws.
2. Vice President
- Shall perform the duties of the President in the absence or disability of the President, provided he/she is authorized by the President.
- Shall assist Webmaster/Registration Director, Fundraising/PR /Clothing Director as needed with activities concerning the registration process, clothing & uniform orders .
- Shall coordinate initial practice schedule
- Shall help approve weekly Division updates on the website
3. Secretary/Registration
- Shall maintain records of business transacted at each meeting and provide a copy of the minutes to the Board Members before the next regularly-scheduled meeting
- Shall generate and distribute agenda for the board meeting
- Shall be responsible for creation and update of all league forms and By-Laws.
- Shall maintain a running history of the League.
- Shall be responsible for Cori and Coaching forms
- Shall coordinate all Board communications to League via email.
- Shall receive a list of all eligible players and submit the insurance request for all players.
- Shall handle all on-line registration issues and maintain the online registration
- Shall coordinate activities concerning the registration process
- Shall be responsible to give Coaches all materials related to the Division draft
- Shall be responsible for giving Division Directors insurance cards and
medical release forms that shall be given to Coaches to maintain during the
4. Treasurer
- Shall receive and distribute all funds of the League as authorized by the Board Members.
- Shall keep all financial records.
- Shall collect deferred registration payment for players.
- Shall maintain a running history of the League's financial records
- Shall create and maintain a budget for all League expenses
- Shall report the financial status to the Board during regular monthly meetings
- Shall assist with Registration process
- Shall be responsible for prompt payment of team and League insurance.
1. Webmaster Director
- Shall be responsible for maintenance and update of official League website
- Shall be responsible for uploading the initial game schedule to the website
- Shall update the website in accordance with Officer Direction.
2.Fundraising/Public Relations/Clothing Director Director
- Shall be responsible for all League fundraising and sponsors
- Shall be responsible for ensuring that all sponsorship fees are paid
- Shall be responsible for distributing team pictures to Division Directors
- Shall be responsible for distributing Sponsor plagues and thank you letters to sponsors.
- Shall be responsible for reporting fundraising activities to the Board
- Shall plan and direct the League's banquet and any other social functions
- Shall work with Board Members to choose designs and clothing for MYGS
- Shall be responsible to order and distribute all league clothing and uniforms
including but not limited to: spring /summer team uniforms, clothing orders, all
star jersey’s, coaches shirts and 8th grade gifts.
- Shall be responsible to provide billing information to treasurer
- Shall be responsible for all publicity-related activities including, but not limited
to, newsletters, placement of information in local newspapers, cable television
and schools
3.Equipment Director
- Shall purchase necessary equipment
- Shall keep an inventory of each team's equipment
- Shall disburse and collect equipment from team Coaches
- Shall acquire and disburse trophies
- Shall obtain required use permits for fields utilized by the League
4.Major Division Director
- Shall be responsible for coordination of, and manages relations within, respective divisions
- Shall coordinate the recruitment, selection, and development of Coaches. Board
Members will approval all Head and Assistant Coaches before they can coach a
- Shall be the Division's Coaches’ representative to the Board
- Shall instruct Coaches of Division / League rules and By-Laws
- Shall assist Clinic Director with necessary clinics for Coaches and players within their Division
- Shall be responsible for keeping Division standings
- Shall assist the Board in team drafts
- Shall report all team, coach and/or player changes made to the Board
- Shall prepare division schedule for the season and playoffs, which needs approval from the President before being posted to the web site.
5.Minor Division Director
- Shall be responsible for coordination of, and manages relations within, respective divisions
- Shall coordinate the recruitment, selection, and development of Coaches. Board Members will approval all Head and Assistant Coaches before they can coach a team.
- Shall be the Division's Coaches’ representative to the Board
- Shall instruct Coaches of Division / League rules and By-Laws
- Shall assist Clinic Director with necessary clinics for Coaches and players within their Division
- Shall be responsible for keeping Division standings
- Shall assist the Board in team drafts
- Shall report all team, coach and/or player changes made to the Board
- Shall prepare division schedule for the season and playoffs, which needs approval from the President before being posted to the web site
6. Farm Division Director
- Shall be responsible for coordination of, and manages relations within, respective divisions
- Shall coordinate the recruitment, selection, and development of Coaches. Board Members will approval all Head and Assistant Coaches before they can coach a team.
- Shall be the Division's Coaches’ representative to the Board
- Shall instruct Coaches of Division / League rules and By-Laws
- Shall assist Clinic Director with necessary clinics for Coaches and players within their Division
- Shall be responsible for keeping Division standings
- Shall assist the Board in team drafts
- Shall report all team, coach and/or player changes made to the Board
- Shall prepare division schedule for the season and playoffs, which needs approval from the President before being posted to the web site
7. Instructional Division Director
- Shall be responsible for coordination of, and manages relations within, respective Divisions
- Shall assist the Board Members in the recruitment, selection, and development of
Coaches. Board Members will approval all Head and Assistant Coaches before