DrumahoePrimary School – Parent Memo: September 2011

P1 & New Starts:

A very big welcome to our forty-three new P1 pupils who have embarked on the “magical journey” through primary school. We also extend a warm welcome to Max Boggs, Chloe Austin as well as Cassey & Callie Gordon who have also joined ourselves from other schools.


After last years successful trip, we have again decided to support the local Millennium Forum’s production of “Cinderella” More details will follow shortly re. date, admission, etc..


Please ensure that all pupils adhere to the regulations for proper footwear and clothing for P.E. lessons. I would ask that you make sure your child has a white polo shirt, black shorts and a change of gym slippers on their designated P.E. day. Earrings are not permitted, except for children with pierced ears, who may wear studs on those days when they do not have swimming or P.E. On swimming and P.E. days studs should not be worn.

Anyone wishing to order a polar fleece (£15.00) or shower fleece coat (£20.00) should contact Mrs Glenn, as these items must be pre-ordered now for an end of September delivery. Last day for ordering these items is this Friday - 9th September 2011 and samples are available in school for sizing. Other items of uniform ie. Sweatshirts, polo shirts, ties etc. will be held as stock items in school and can be purchased from the front office.

Dinners/Money Pouches:

The administrative system is up and running with continued success. If your child decides to change from packed lunch to dinners, it would be helpful to know in advance so as we can issue yourself with a set of Dinner Money Pouches. Dinner money should be sent on a Monday if possible (currently £2.20 per day = £11.00 per week).Anyone needing additional pouches (£2.00 per booklet) can purchase these from the front Office.

Main Entrance Door:

Please note that the Main Entrance door at the front of the school is normally for the use of staff & visitors only.

Packed Lunches/Healthy Munch Box Challenge:

The various lunch-box trolleys assist the school in making the dinner-time arrangements run very smoothly. To ensure that these arrangements remain effective, it is necessary that all lunch-boxes are clearly marked with the owner’s name on the outside of the box. Please also ensure that you try to make your child’s packed lunch as healthy as possible.


The Prefects for this half-term are Lisa Ming, Kerri-Lynn Cooke, Lucy McConomy, George Chambers, Jake Kerr and Jack Chambers.The work that the Prefects do around the school is greatly appreciated by everyone and it is pleasing to see how the senior pupils respond to their responsibilities.

Class Information Leaflets:

Each teacher has prepared and distributed the information leaflet detailing how their particular class operates. Please take time to go through this with your child so as there is no confusion as to what is expected from their teacher. If you have any queries surrounding the contents of the leaflet then please address these with either the class teacher or myself.

Name Labels:

Please ensure that all items of clothing (school uniform/P.E. Uniform) and footwear (P.E. Slippers) have the owner’s name clearly marked upon them. We still waste a considerable amount of time in school trying to establish the ownership of numerous items of identical uniform which do not have the owner’s name on them!

Keep Fit:

The “Fitness for Fun” club was very popular last year with many adults getting themselves into

shape! Claire Lightowlers recommencesthese “Exercise to Music” classes on Tuesday 6th September

(Adults only) 7.30 – 8.30p.m. forparents, friends and the community - £3.00 admission.

Flower Arranging – Drumahoe Community Association:

Flower arranging classes (10 weeks) will commence on Wednesday 14th September 2011 in DrumahoePrimary School, 7.00p.m. – 9.00p.m. Cost £20 for the 10 week course. Enrolment will take place at the school on Wed. 7th September 2011 from 7-9 p.m. Please give names to Jean Brown – Tel: 71301716

School Trips:This school year the P6’s will be going to Gortatole Outdoor Centre in Co. Fermanagh from Tuesday 13th -Friday 16th March 2012. The destination of the P7 Trip is yet to be decided with the 2012 Olympics impacting on London prices etc. Further details will be issued in due course.

Breakfast Club:

The Breakfast Club has recommenced and operates from 8.00 a.m. – 8.45 a.m. each morning. This Club has proved to be very successful in the past, averaging around 40 pupils every morning. Children can come and purchase a “Breakfast Special” – choice of cereal, toast or pancake and tea/juice for £1. The school previously used the “Extended Schools Scheme” to subsidise the cost of the breakfast and supervised activities hence the slight increase in price. As well as a hearty breakfast the children are also provided with a wide selection of educational activities. The cost of taking breakfast for the week still remains at a very reasonable price of £5.00

New Appointments:

On behalf of the Board of Governors, I would like to inform you of a staffing appointment that took place last term. Mrs Bryson will be on maternity leave until 30 January 2012 and the P4 class will be taught by Miss Alison Manning until then.


Our congratulations go out to Mrs Julie Bryson and her husband Les on the recent birth of theirtwins, Sam and Lucy. We are also delighted to announce the arrival of a baby daughter, Iona, for Mr Jason Scott and his wife Gail.


As previously advised, school will be closed from Monday 31st October untilFriday 4th November (inclusive) for Half-Term (5 days).

“Zumba” Classes– Drumahoe Community Association:

Commencing Wed 21st September in DrumahoePrimary School, 8.00p.m. – 9.00p.m. Zumba combines Latin & International music with a fun and effective workout system. Cost £4 per person. To book a place please contact: SUSAN on 07730 506 467

Community Fun Day: DRUMAHOE P.S. SAT 10th SEPTEMBER 12 noon - 2pm FREE ADMISSION!


Community Fun Day is for all the family! Come along and join the fun for FREE!

T R McMaster - Principal

“Developing the potential of everyone to the full, within a caring and stimulating environment.”