Junior High Ministry
2009-2010 Leader Manual
Mission, Values, and Goals…………………………………………………………..Page 2
Programming…………………………………………………………………………..Page 3
Job Descriptions………………………………………………………….……………Page 4
Policies and Procedures……………………………………………………………...Page 6
Crisis Numbers……………...…………………………………………………………Page 9
Mission Statement:
Junior High Ministry exists to help move students and their families towards authentic Christian living.
Statement of values:
We see five values as essential to our current paradigm of Junior High ministry:
- Truth: Everyone seeks truth and meaning for their lives; we find this in the person of Jesus Christ and in Scripture. We strive to share this truth in love with one another.
- Missional: We are called to a mission, to intentionally share the Gospel with those in our broken world (through our words, actions and service to the church). We live as citizens of a new kingdom, countering the darkness of our world with the good news of Jesus.
- Journey: Following Jesus is a process of transformation and sanctification; it is not a one-time event or a program, but a life-long spiritual journey. We value change, movement, and steps of growth.
- Community: We are not meant to be alone or disconnected. God has reconciled us to Himself and to one another through Christ, so we are to be in authentic community with one another. We see ourselves as family-members, not individuals; interdependent, not independent; the Body of Christ, not a religious clique.
- Grace: The greatest commandment is to love God and love our neighbors. Our lifestyles must find a foundation in Christ’s love. We lovingly accept all and reject none, creating an atmosphere of grace and acceptance.
Measurable 3 Year Goals:
Maintain a 5:1 student/leader ratio.
Develop a functioning and student leadership team
1 Year Goals:
Small groups running less than 10 students per group.
Establish ongoing training for small group leaders.
Launch a successful Junior High drama ministry.
Launch a worship/praise small group.
Blast Weekend (5pm Saturday & 10:30am Sunday) – Every weekend we will create a fun learning environment for students to learn and process the truths of the Bible (Doctrine/Life Skill/Felt Need).
Small Groups (Weekly during school year) – Each Wednesday students can connect with other students and an adult leader to spur one another on in the journey of following Christ..
Service Teams (ongoing basis) – Students can join one of several ministries (Children’s, 5th-6th, Junior High) to use their gifts to serve the church and the community. Gail & Leo Haynes will assist students in this effort.
Camp (June 6-11, 2010) – Camp will be with Forest Home ( in Forest Falls, CA. Students will be engaged by the location, environment, and activities and then challenged by the teaching. Camp serves as a natural developer of small groups through “cabin time” as students and leaders process together what God might be teaching them.
Mission Trip –The innercity trip is designed to serve as an introductory trip for students.
Wet N Wild – July 21 2010. This event is designed to build community with Jr Highers as well as create an opportunity for Junior High students to invite their non-church friends to a friendly church event.
Job Descriptions:
Small Group Leader – Meet with a group (2-12) of the same gender students on Wednesday nights during school weeks to discuss God’s Word and how it applies to our lives in our specific situations. Leaders are expected to maintain a safe environment for students to share. We ask that small group leaders would be in contact with their students outside of regular small group time through phone calls (texting counts), email (if it’s possible to connect with your students at the weekend service that would be great). Small Group Leaders are also expected to maintain a healthy relationship with God (through quiet time, their own small group, etc) so that they can model and lead students to do the same.
Small group leaders must report any information regarding students that indicate a serious threat to themselves or others (primarily physical but does not exclude emotional and spiritual). Small group leaders are expected to commit to at least 1 full school year with a group of students. Small group leaders must be at all Junior High ministry meetings including a mandatory leader meeting for all Junior High leaders on the 4th Wednesday of each month. Leaders are expected to be at all meetings on time.
Small Group Coach – Connect monthly with Small Group Leaders of the same gender to discuss what is working and not working within individual small group dynamics. Process possible solutions with small group leader and assist in any way possible. Pray for small group leaders on a regular weekly basis. Report any trends within small groups (good or bad) to Ryan as well as any emergencies that need to be addressed. Attend the monthly leader meeting on the 4th Wednesday of each month.
Weekend Table Leader – Arrive 20 minutes before service time to go over the plan of service for that day. Welcome students as they arrive and help them connect with other students. Table leaders will also encourage students who aren’t in a small group to join one. Small group leaders can utilize the weekend service to be in contact with their students as well as recruit new students. Table leaders are also expected to help preserve the learning environment by lovingly addressing distractions (ie- texting, throwing objects, being disruptive, etc…). Weekend Table leaders must be at all Junior High ministry meetings including a mandatory leader meeting for all Junior High leaders on the 4th Wednesday of each month. Leaders are expected to be at all meetings on time.
Weekend Teacher – Work with Ryan to create materials for students to learn during Weekend Service. Teachers will also teach the material to a range of students (5-100), facilitate table discussions between table leaders and students, and answer any questions (even if the answer is “I don’t know”). Weekend teachers are to arrive at least 30 minutes early to allow for any set-up as well as addressing table leaders 20 minutes prior to the start of the service. Weekend Teachers must be at all Junior High ministry meetings including a mandatory leader meeting for all Junior High leaders on the 4th Wednesday of each month. Leaders are expected to be at all meetings on time.
Music Team – Work with Music Leader to provide quality music for the Blast Weekend service when needed. The music team must model appropriate character on and off stage and interact with the students. Music team members must be at all Junior High ministry meetings including a mandatory leader meeting for all Junior High leaders on the 4th Wednesday of each month. Leaders are expected to be at all meetings on time.
Music Leader – Organize Music Team through practices, sound checks, and musician development. The music leader works directly with the ministry staff to plan for appropriate music and service flow. The music leader also takes responsibility to make sure that equipment is treated responsibly and maintained with the help of the music team. The Music Leader must be at all Junior High ministry meetings including a mandatory leader meeting for all Junior High leaders on the 4th Wednesday of each month. Leaders are expected to be at all meetings on time.
Camp Counselor – Participate in meals and activities with the students throughout the week. Help create a safe environment by intervening when students are being unsafe, inappropriate, or demeaning to others. Each day there will be opportunities to discuss what students have been hearing during chapel times. Each night there will be cabin time with the goal of having 15 minutes of significant conversation This means we want students to genuinely talk through questions and answers for a combined total of 15 minutes (girls can usually accomplish this in 15-25 minutes, guys can usually accomplish this in 25 minutes to an hour). There will be a daily counselor meeting with the camp staff following dinner to equip leaders and discuss the details of the following day. All counselors must attend this meeting. Counselors will also need to be prepared to identify students in need and support them in whatever way necessary (ie - listening one-on-one, spending extended time with them, or praying with them). There will be at least one meeting prior to camp for all camp counselors to attend. Counselors are also to arrive 30 minutes before the students check in on the day of the event.
Mission Trip Leader – Participate in meals and projects with students during the trip. Help create a safe environment by intervening when students are being unsafe, inappropriate, or demeaning to others. Encourage students as they serve and help them acknowledge their efforts and gifts for serving. Give students an opportunity to be challenged beyond their comfort zone (let them take the lead on projects while you step back). Be prepared to identify students in need and support them in whatever way necessary (ie – listening one-on-one, spending extended time with them, or praying with them). There may be meetings prior to the mission trip for the mission trip leaders to attend. They are expected to be on time and to participate.
Policies and Procedures
It is our desire that we have a “high touch” and “high challenge” ministry with our students. In order for this kind of ministry to operate long term we must use caution and wisdom when developing relationships with students. Outlined below are basic policies for student-to-leader relationships. These policies serve as general guidelines and we ask that all of our adult volunteers think through their actions wisely to protect themselves, their ministry, the students, and Sun Valley. Please read the policies below and refer back to this whenever necessary. If further clarification is needed please contact the Junior High Pastor.
Staff Screening
All potential staff members must successfully complete an interview with a Student Ministries representative and receive a background check before working with students.
Physical Contact
Physical contact between staff and students is a vital part of developing and maintaining a trusting and loving relationship. To ensure that the integrity of the ministry and individuals is never compromised, appropriate touch between staff and students is defined as including a hand placed on a shoulder or arm or a hug from the side (arm around shoulder). Any touch that may be misinterpreted by the recipient or an observer must be avoided.
Private Meetings
Same Gender Meetings
To develop a discipleship/mentor relationship with students, it is necessary to meet individually. Meeting with same gender students should always be held in public places where there is no question as to the intent of the meeting.
Opposite Gender Meetings
No staff member should meet with a student of the opposite gender. Guys minister to guys and girls minister to girls. Should it become necessary to engage in an extended conversation with a student of the opposite gender, it is important that the staff member refer the student to a staff member of the same gender as soon as possible. Should circumstances make meeting with a student of the opposite gender unavoidable (such as family obligations, house sitting, emergency situations), the Junior High Pastor must be informed immediately.
No staff member should transport a student without another student or adult present or without parental permission.Drivers must be 18 or older to drive students. Make sure the parents are aware that you will be giving their student a ride and that you have their permission. Never should you give a ride to a student of the opposite sex without other people in the car and without clear permission from their parents. Drive safely. This is not the appropriate time to be “cool” in front of students by showing off your drifting skills or teaching them power slides. Even if your car can do something amazing (like jump ramps, crush cars, shoot laser beams, fly, go 0-60 in 2.5 seconds, etc.) please do not do it while students are in the car
There is safety in numbers. Please meet with students in groups of three or more. If there is a situation where you need to be one-on-one with a student, get permission from their parent(s) and then meet in a public place. Do not assume that students communicate these things to their parent(s). Talk to the parent(s) yourself.
Staff members may not pursue a romantic relationship with or express (verbally or nonverbally) romantic feelings to any student currently in student ministries or recently graduated from student ministries within one year of that student’s graduation year.
Staff Discipline
If the above guidelines for meeting, touching or transporting are disobeyed at any time the Student Ministries Pastors will take swift and definitive action, which may include but is not limited to the following:
- Warning
- Probation
- Suspension from Student Ministries staff
Student Behavior
Staff and students are to behave in such a way as to show respect for each other and the property that is being used (church, home, camp, etc.). All rowdy activities should take place outside and care should be taken that those who are participating are doing so willingly. Should any damage occur to any facility being used, the responsible parties are to arrange to pay for the damages and make any other arrangements that may be required. Should it become apparent that a student does not show appropriate respect for persons or property, the Junior High Pastor shall determine what disciplinary action is appropriate which may include but is not limited to removal from activity or suspension from participation in ministry.
All staff should be mindful to dress and behave in a manner that honors and glorifies Christ. Staff are held in high esteem by other staff and students alike and are to display modesty, tact, consideration for others, compassion and wisdom.
Meeting Attendance
Be at all planned Junior High Ministry meetings and activities 15 minutes early. Staff meetings begin on time and all staff members are expected to be prompt. Important information is presented that will benefit your understanding and involvement in the leadership Junior High Ministry.
Student Interaction
In addition to the students you already connect with, always watch for students who are not interacting with the group, are loners, demonstrate a lack of social skills or anti-social behavior. Reach out to those students and be ready to lead the student to Christ. As a staff member, you are called to minister, help, pray for, and encourage the students. Always avoid clustering with other staff.
Legal Reporting:
Crisis may arise as we meet with students. There are times that we are required by Arizona law to inform authorities, such as the police and CPS, of incidences students share with us. There may also be times we inform parents of other incidences because it is the right thing to do. Please use discernment to determine if parents need to be aware of the things the students are sharing with you. Because of this we can never promise students total secrecy. Below are topics that must be reported if they come up in conversation. In all cases contact your ministry leader (Ryan) and allow him to walk along side you and assist you with the process.
Arizona Mandatory Reports within 24 hours:
- Students threatening to commit suicide
- Students threatening to harm others
- Students being physically or sexually abused
Sun Valley Required Reports:
- Self-injuring (i.e. cutting)
- Drug abuse
- Sexual activity
This is not an exhaustive list. If you feel a conversation is serious in nature, contact your ministry leader and together you will determine the proper course of action.
Responding to a crisis
Involve a pastor in the situation.
Please inform us of any crisis that will require parental or legal involvement before you take action. We value working toward what is best for the student, and believe that any situation that threatens the student with immediate danger or the potential for long-term harm will require further action. However, we want to work through the process with you so that together, we can achieve the best possible response. If you are in doubt, err on the side of including a pastor in the process.
Crisis Numbers