A River Runs Through Him

Through an open dorm window

we could see it coming.

The rain pounding down in sheets.

Sweeping across the open field

towards us.

A cool fresh wind enters the room.

It reminds me of leaving

a room once full of my belongings

now empty, the floors swept clean.

It could be the first day

or maybe the last;

arriving or leaving.

But it is one day, a certain day

a moment in time.

A day that will not leave you,

one you cannot forget.

I remember a man

who was my mentor, my coach, my friend.

A man with warm words and an easy smile.

An outdoorsman, father of a spirit in me and in us

To explore, discover and forge ahead.

It has been many years

since I swam in that pool.

Returning now, it might seem small.

I would wonder, “Who swam in that lane?”

“Which was my locker?” And, “What happened

to that small red duffle that was my travel bag?”

The one I carried with me

to swim meets he drove us to and from

in a University van, returning in cold nights

and snowy evenings with heavy drifts alongside the road.

So may years ago now, I left that pool.

But there are other pools to dive into and enjoy.

And though I left that pool

there is water in it that has not left me.

And so we moved on

to another set of challenges

another season of meets

a part of us still rooted

in the people, the place

and the days we spent

with a man who believed in us

a coach who guided us

with his heart and with his mind

a man who, to this day,

still encourages us to reach our goals.

To Robert L. Northrop

Our Coach and friend

SLU Swimming: 1970-2000

With love and gratitude

From all your swimmers,
