Maxwell Theorizes That Light and Electromagnetism Have the Same Source
- ------Maxwell theorizes that light and electromagnetism have the same source
- 1869 --- Mendeleyev formulates the periodic table of the elements
- 1873 --- van der Waals understands intermolecular forces
- 1878 --- Kuhne coins term enzyme
- 1879 --- Stefan understands thermal radiation
- 1883 --- Reynolds defines his number
- ------Thomson (Lord Kelvin) publishes about the size of atoms
- 1887 --- Hertz observes the photoelectric effect
- 1888 --- Hertz and Lodge independently prove that light and radio are the same phenomena
- 1891 --- Eotvos shows equality of gravitational and inertial mass
- 1895 --- Lorentz discovers his force
- ------Rontgen discovers x-rays
- 1896 --- Becquerel discovers rays which will be called radioactivity
- 1897 --- Braun invents the oscilloscope
- ------Rutherford separates alpha and beta rays
- ------Thomson discovers the electron
- 1898 --- Benda discovers mitochondria
- 1900 --- Planck formulates quantum theory
- ------Richardson discovers electron emission
- ------Villard discovers gamma rays
- 1901 --- Curie measures heat equivalent of radioactivity
- 1903 --- Einthoven invents the EKG
- 1905 --- Einstein formulates photon theory of light and Special Theory of Relativity
- ------Hertzsprung relates stellar luminosity to spectra
- 1906 --- Nernst understands absolute zero
- 1907 --- Boltwood invents radioactive dating
- 1908 --- Perrin calculates the size of an atom
- 1911 --- Milliken measures elementary charge (electron q)
- ------Rutherford's scattering experiments lead to his theory of atomic structure
- 1912 --- Laue discovers x-ray diffraction
- 1913 --- Bohr Theory of the atom
- ------Russel develops theory of stellar evolution
- 1914 --- Adams discovers white dwarf stars
- ------Hertzsprung identifies main sequence stars
- ------Rutherford suggests that H nucleus is fundamental "proton"
- 1915 --- Einstein formulates the General Theory of Relativity
- 1916 --- Schwarzschild theorizes black holes
- 1918 --- Secchi defines stellar spectral classes
- 1919 --- Aston builds mass spectrograph and discovers isotopes
- ------Rutherford discovers nuclear reactions
- 1921 --- Stern and Gerlach discover spin
- 1923 --- Compton identifies his wavelength
- ------Svedberg invents the ultracentrifuge
- 1924 --- de Broglie publishes his wave theory of matter
- 1925 --- Pauli introduces the exclusion principle
- 1926 --- Fermi links spin with statistics
- 1927 --- Thomson observes electron diffraction
- 1928 --- Hartree develops his approximation
- ------London and Heitler apply quantum mechanics to chemical bonds
- 1930 --- Dirac theorizes antimatter
- 1931 --- Fermi theorizes the neutrino
- 1932 --- Anderson discovers the positron
- ------Chadwick discovers the neutron
- ------Ruska builds first electron microscope
- 1934 --- Fermi theorizes weak interactions
- ------Zwicky theorizes neutron stars
- 1935 --- Yukawa theorizes strong interactions
- 1937 --- Rabi does first NMR experiments
- ------Tiselius invents electrophoresis
- 1938 --- Bethe understands solar fusion
- ------Krebs dscovers the TCA cycle
- 1939 --- Hahn and Strassman and Meitner observe fission
- 1940 --- McMillan and Abelson manufacture first artificial element
- ---Fermi and Szillard prevail upon Einstein to convince Roosevelt of Nazi Atomic intentions. Manhattan project under direction of Robert Oppenheimer and Groves
- 1941 --- Lipmann understands high energy phosphates (ie., ATP)
- 1946 --- Bloch and Purcell make NMR practical as an observational instrument
- ------First electronic computer built at PennsylvaniaUniversity
- 1947 --- Libby does first carbon-14 dating
- 1948 --- Feynman develops QED (with Schwinger and Tomonaga)
- 1951 --- Hodgkin and Huxley and Katz work on transmission of nerve impulses
- 1952 --- First use of isotopes in medicine
- ------First artificial fusion reaction (after Teller denounced Opie) (U.S. Hydrogen bomb at Eniwetok Atoll)
- ------Franklin studies DNA with x-ray diffraction
- ------Sanger understands (first) protein structure
- 1953 --- Watson and Crick and Rosalind Franklin discover stucture of DNA
- 1956 --- Lee and Yang understand parity violation
- ------Neutrino discovered at Los Alamos
- 1957 --- Calvin discovers his cycle
- ------Esaki discovers tunneling in diodes
- 1960 --- First laser constructed by Maiman
- 1961 --- Gell-man and Ne'emen theorize quarks
- 1964 --- Fitch and Cronin do experiments leading to CPT theorem
- 1968 --- Development of Electroweak Model by Glashow, Salam and Weinberg
- 1972 --- Gell-man theorizes QCD (Quantum ChromoDynamics, about strong force)
- 1973 --- Gross, Politzer and Wilczek theorize asymptotic freedom
- 1974 --- First experimental evidence of quarks
- 1980 --- First Personal Computers
- 1983 --- W & Z bosons first observed
- 1988 --- First release of Mathematica
- 1994 --- Hubble Space Telescope confirms existance of black holes
- 1995 --- Top quark discovered