Stage 3 BA Fine Art / Design and Craft

Semester 2 - 2006/07

Contextual and Critical Studies

Critical Notebook and Essay Brief

You will spend this semester defining and clarifying a possible research area for your Stage 4 Contextual and Critical Studies Critical Evaluation. The culmination of this will be a Critical Notebook and Essay, both which will evidence your ongoing engagement with, and interrogation of, a critical theme(s) of your choice, ideally in relation to your own studio activity and output. This Critical Notebook and Essay should serve as a foundation or underpinning to your Stage 4 self-directed study, so that by the end of Stage 3 you should have a very clear idea of what you will do in Stage 4. (Remember that the Critical Evaluation is submitted before Christmas of 2006, so it is important that you are focused and organised by the end of Stage 3).

The Critical Notebook should allow you the opportunity to informally explore a number of themes, in order to best determine the one which you will eventually focus on for your 4th year Critical Evaluation. It should provide evidence of your research and development in preparation for your Essay (see below). It must be contained within a hard-backed notebook, no larger than A3, and will comprise informal writing, research, drawings, photographs, sketches and any other materials relevant to the analysis and criticism of your chosen themes.

The Essay should formally outline the area that you intend to focus on for your Stage 4 Critical Evaluation, and make clear the relationship between this research and your studio practice. It should be typed and fully referenced using footnotes, and should be approximately 2,500 – 3,000 words in length. It should include a substantive bibliography and follow the Vancouver format for the bibliography and footnotes (see Guide to Academic Presentation on www.

Your Essay should clearly identify the key research question you plan to address next year, and begin to break this down into possible sections that you intend to (or have started to) research and investigate. You should demonstrate that have begun to think critically about this research topic, by making links to relevant research, and begin to address your research question. Your conclusion should leave the reader with a clear idea of what your stage 4 Critical Evaluation will be about and why it will be a worthwhile project for you to undertake.

Note: you may wish to integrate the Essay into your Critical Notebook, or submit this as a separate piece of writing to accompany your Notebook.

SUBMISSION DATE:Tuesday April 10th, 2007 by 3.00pm to Contextual and Critical Studies Office, GP 20


Extensions will only be granted in exceptional circumstances, which encompass serious and acute problems or events which genuinely affect your ability to complete coursework on time. Such circumstances could include: serious physical or mental illness (must have doctor's certificate), serious illness or death of an immediate family member or close friend. 'Exceptional circumstances' do not include colds, headaches, hangovers, poor time management, problems caused by English not being your first language, and circumstances within your control (absence due to holidays, weddings, jobs etc). To request an extension please complete a Coursework Extension Request Form (available from your CCS tutor or School Office). This form must be submitted before the coursework submission date, and include written documentation (medical certificates etc.) where relevant. Claims are reviewed by your CCS tutor and treated as confidential.

Coursework handed in after the hand-in date, which is not supported by a fully approved Coursework Extension Request Form will be recorded as a non-submission. There will be no exceptions.