
A Ministry of the Original Free Will Baptists

We strive to help our students, churches, and community

Grow in grace through many different efforts.


802 South Caswell Street

La Grange, North Carolina 28551

Ronnie V. Hobgood, Pastor

Joshua T. Hobgood, Youth Pastor

Welcome! As we gather for worship today, we rejoice in God’s many blessings. With David, we can say to God, “I will thank you forever, because of what you have done. In the presence of the faithful I will proclaim your name, for it is good” Psalm 52:9. We’re glad you’re here!


Opportunities for Service and Growth

Sun. Sept. 235th Sunday of Kingdomtide

8:30amMen’s Fellowship

9:15amChoir Rehearsal

9:15amPartners in Prayer

9:45amSunday School

11:00amWorship & Celebration

4:50pmChoir Rehearsal


LA KIDS, Students, & Adults

Mon. Sept. 24 7:15pmBand Practice

Wed. Sept. 26 7:00pmBible Study - Hebrews

Sat. Sept. 29 6:30pmThe CRIB (Grades 6 and up)

Sun. Sept. 306th Sunday of Kingdomtide

9:15amPartners in Prayer

9:45amSunday School

11:00amWorship & Celebration

4:50pmChoir Rehearsal


LA KIDS, Students, & Adults

Mon. Oct. 1 7:15pmSunday Night Live Band Practice

Wed. Oct. 3 6:00pmCollege Bible Study

7:00pmBible Study - Hebrews

Sat. Oct. 6 6:00pmThe CRIB (Grades 6 and up)

Sun. Oct. 77th Sunday of Kingdomtide

Worldwide Communion Sunday

9:15amPartners in Prayer

9:45amSunday School

11:00amWorship & Celebration

4:50pmChoir Rehearsal


LA KIDS, Students, & Adults

Mon. Oct. 8 7:15pmBand Practice

The extended church calendars are on the bulletin board.



A Ministry to the Family on Sunday Nights @ 6:00pm

La Grange KIDs

La Grange Students – “The Greatest”

Adults – “Becoming A Contagious Christian”


University of Mount Olive Lenoir County Dinner

The 2018 Lenoir County Dinner for the University of Mount Olivehas been postponed until a later date. We will continue to seek to reach our goal by the end of September. Marian Kennedyis serving as our local church chairperson. Our Dinner goal is $6,600.00. Please be prayerful as we work together to meet this goal. If you would like to be a “Bridge Builder,” the categories are as Follows: College Club $ 150 to $ 249

Heritage Club$ 250 to $ 499

Presidents Club$ 500 to $ 999

Trustees Club$ 1,000 to $ 1,999

Founders Club$ 2,000 to $ 2,499

Golden Club$ 2,500 and above

At the present time we have two students at UMO pursuing their MBA: Dusk Stroud and Sara Hobgood. Remember them in your prayers. If you plan to attend the dinner, please sign the list on church bulletin board.


Brazil Mission Trip

Alex Liles of our church family will be returning November 4-17, 2018 on a short term Missions trip. Please be in prayer for Alex as she prepares for this trip. If you would like to support her financially, please take an envelope located on the table in the Information Center and place in the offering plate or give it to Carol Hardison, Church Treasurer.


We are planning a trip to Charlotte, N. C. November 15-17, 2018. The trip will include a visit to the Billy Graham Library, the Southern Christmas Show, and a Christmas Dinner Theatre. The approximate cost is $250 per person, based on double occupancy, and driving the church van instead of renting a bus. A $50 non-refundable deposit is due by September 23rd. If you have any questions, please contact Ronnie or Mitzi Hobgood.

Children’s Christmas Play

Plans are being made for the Children’s Christmas Play. If you would like to be in the Christmas Play (Kids and Students (age 4 – 8th grade) + high school assistants!), please sign the list on the Youth Bulletin Board. The play will be Sunday, December 2nd. More information will follow.


The Ministry of The CRIB

September 29 @ 6:30PM

The CRIB is the youth center of La Grange First Church. The CRIB is located behind the church on Lynn Drive. On most Saturdays, The CRIB is opened at 6:30pm for grades 6 – 12. The general outline of the program begins with fellowship and games, followed by a worship and praise service. After worship fellowship and games with refreshment.


Our Fall Festival - Family Fun Night will be October 28th beginning at 5:00pm with games and a hay ride, supper at 6:00pm.The youth are encouraged to wear their costumes for our games and our Trunk or Treat. Please sign the list on the church bulletin board if you are willing to help with games and food. We need everyone’s help. Thanks for making this a “Team” effort!


Star Dot Ministries

The Sunday School is sponsoring a project in support of “Star Dot Ministries.” This group offers new mothers at UNC-Lenoir a small gift at hospital discharge which includes some basic infant care items. Shelia Harrison is a member of this group. A list of needed items can be found on the bulletin board. There is a basket in the gathering Hall for these items.


9-21Sue Shivar9-22Pam Stroud

9-24Sheila Harrison9-25Fran Gibbons

9-27Doris Corbett9-27Erica Mayberry

9-28Bruce Bannister


Deacon of the Month: Wilbur Taylor

Greeters for Worship

North VestibuleSouth VestibuleGathering Hall

23- UshersTed HarrisonSue Shivar

30- UshersLucille HarrisonRobie & Eloise Killette

Ushers for Worship

Head Ushers – Jimmy D. Herring & Royce Holmes

23- Bruce Bannister, Carter Daniels, Jamie Daughety, Clifton Hardison

30- Royce Holmes, Jimmy D. Herring, Dallas Mayberry, Rob Mayberry


23- Whit Johnson30- Luke Westbrook

Children’s Church

23- Jennifer Sutton & Kathryn Hart30- Asa & Tiffany Creech

Infant Nursery (Birth – age 1) / Toddlers Nursery (Ages 1-2)

23- Morgan Hunter & Shelia Harrison30- Kim Wade & Emily Daniels

Grass Mowing

22- Royce & Elsie Holmes29-Clifton Harrison


Attendance for week of September 16, 2018

Worship & Celebration...... 110

Wednesday Night Bible Study...... 24


La Grange First Church

Website: lagrangefwb.org

Facebook: @LaGrange1stFWB


Calendar Reminders

October 28th – Fall Family Fun Night @ 5:00PM

November 4th – Homecoming Day

November 89th – Community Thanksgiving Service @ 7:00PM

December 2nd – First Sunday of Advent

December 2nd – Children’s Christmas Play

December 16th & 17th – Dinner Theater @ 7:00PM

Prayer Ministry


Praise the Lord for the great and mighty things He has done!


Aubrey Hart (UNC-Lenoir).


Robin Avery (Hobgood Family), Eleanor Baker (Mother of Sandra Rouse), Jeannie Bannister (Mother of Bruce Bannister), Louis Barrow (Friend of Sue Shivar), Patricia Bird (Erica Mayberry),Pat Bogey (Laura Eason),Faye Boyette (Christy Smith),Glenn Bowman (Terry & Gale Yarborugh), Ed Creech (Brother of Asa Creech), Sandi Crews,Andy Estal (Friend of Ray Kennedy), John Fisher (Brother of Carol Hardison), Winnie Gaynor (Pastor’s sister), Fran Gibbons, Barbara Sue Gray, Jerry Gray (Sue Shivar), Michael Hardison & fiancé Shelby (Cliff & Carol Hardison), Donna Hardy, Donnie Harrison, Helen Harrison, Holton Harrison, Carolyn Heath, Charles Hill (Mary Gresham), Dempsey Hill (Brad & Angela Taylor), Sue Hill (Bethany Jones), Pat Hinson, Carol Jones (David Letchworth), Clifford Jones (David Letchworth), Jan Lancaster, Tom Landon (Friend of Sherwood Shivar), Ernie Langston III (Christy Smith), Fay Letchworth, Cindy Lewis (Mary Gresham), Janie Little (Aunt of Pastor), Joyce Martin, Tommy Millen (Christy Smith), Josh Moye (Sue Shivar), Kelly Poole (Laura Beth Daughety), Allen Potter (Lucille Harrison), Asef Quader (Darlene Creech),Cooper Roddy, Chuck Roman, David Roman (Brother of Chuck Roman),Selena Royal (Friend of Laura Eason), Sharon Smith (Mother of Lucretia Creech),Robert Sorrell (Brother of Vernon Sorrell),George Strickland(Brother-in-law of Holmes/Johnson family),Ron Sutton, Jeff Taylor (Nephew of Edna Johnson), Brody Thornburg (Tommy & Sandi Crews), Colby Tucker,Chuck Wackerman,Crystal Wackerman, Lee Wiggins (Susie Harrison), Jeff Williams (Nephew of Edna Johnson), and Carolyn Willis (Mother of Anthony Willis).


Nan Fields and Esther Flowers.


First Church, Pastor, Youth Pastor, Deacons, Sunday School Leaders/Teachers, College Students, Convention of Original FWB, Denominational Ministries, Ronnie V. Hobgood (Convention President), Josh Whitfield (Convention Vice-President),Rev. Donald Fader (Director of FWB Minister’s Program & Church Finance), Rev. Chris Singleton (Rise Against Hunger), the Lost, Persecuted Christians, and all Christians.


Relief efforts from Hurricane Florence, Our military & their families: Camren Betts (Service/Sara Hobgood), Jordan Betts (Service/Sara Hobgood),Revival in the church.


US: President Donald Trump, Vice-President Mike Pence, Cabinet, Congress, and the Supreme Court

NC: Governor Cooper, NC Senators and NC Representatives.

La Grange/Lenoir County: Mayor Gurley, John Craft (Town Manager), Town Commissioners, County Commissioners, County & Private Schools, and Lenoir Community College.


If you have an item of praise or a prayer request, please take the yellow card from the pew rack, fill it out, and place it in the offering plate or hand it to the Pastor. Individuals will stay on the prayer list for six weeks. If they need to be on the list longer, please fill out a new request card.

Worship & Celebration

September 23, 2018• The Lord’s Day•Eleven O’clock

Fifth Sunday of Kingdomtide

Kingdomtide is a time to reflect on doing the

work of God’s kingdom and growing spiritually.

Preparation for Worship

Prelude – Musician

Welcome and Announcements

Quiet Reflection and Lighting of the Candles

Call to Worship

“I Worship You, Almighty God”(sing twice)

Invocation – Youth Pastor

Hymns and Songs of Praise

“I Sing the Mighty Power of God”

“Great and Mighty”

A time of Fellowship for the family of God

Kids Ministry

Time with the Children

Old Testament Lesson

Psalm 1 NIV– Jerry Mills

Leader: This is the Word of the Lord.

People: Thanks be to God.

Time of Prayer

Prayer Verse of the Month – Romans 12:12 NIV

“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer”

Sharing our prayer concerns

Morning Prayer


Offertory Prayer

Giving His Tithes and Our Offerings


New Testament Lesson

James 3:13-4:3, 7-8a NRSV – Youth Pastor

Leader: This is the Word of the Lord.

People: Thanks be to God.


“Thy Word” - Choir

(Children ages 3 – 3rd grade dismissed to Children’s Worship)

Message from God’s Word

“So You Want First Place?” - Pastor

Mark 9:33-37 MSG

Time of Invitation and Commitment

The altar of the Lord is always open at First Church

for those who desire to receive Christ as Savior,

rededicate their lives, pray, or transfer their church membership.

Our prayer is that you follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit in your life.

“Here I Am, Lord”

Altar Prayer – Pastor

Blessing and Benediction

Ephesians 2:10 NKJV

“Make Me a Servant” - # 669


Amen Amen Amen

The Mission of the people of God called

La Grange First Free Will Baptist Church is to glorify God,

therefore, we strive to know Christ, build His Church and

make Him known to all people as we continue to seek His will.

802 South Caswell Street

La Grange, North Carolina 28551

Ronnie V. Hobgood, Pastor

Joshua T. Hobgood, Youth Pastor



Christ-First • Bible-First • Ministry-First

Christ is First at La Grange First Church.

Everything we do grows out of our shared commitment to

Jesus Christ as Lord.

Bibleis First at La Grange First Church.

We believe the Bible was inspired by the Holy Spirit and is

God’s revealed word to man.

Ministry is First at La Grange First Church.

Our calling is to nurture and serve the people of God.