HPL Gymnastics
Peter Lloyd GC, Bankfield Road, Liverpool, L13 0BQ.
Ø All gymnasts must participate within the rules and respect coaches, volunteers, judges and their decisions
Ø All members must be affiliated to the British Gymnastics Association (BGA), the fee for which must be paid by 31st October each year.
Ø Gymnasts must listen carefully to the coaches and volunteers and follow their instructions.
Ø Gymnasts must wear suitable clothing for training (girls must wear a leotard – shorts or leggings may be worn, but should be worn over leotards. Boys should wear either a leotard and shorts or shorts and tshirt). Long hair must be tied back off the face. All body jewellery must be removed.
Ø Gymnasts need to arrive prompt for their lessons. More than 15 late they will not be able to join in. Warm up is important and happens at the start of the session.
Ø If gymnasts do not join in with conditioning, they will not be allowed to join in with the rest of the session (unless previously agreed by coaches in special circumstances)
Ø Gymnasts must not smoke, consume alcohol or take drugs of any kind whilst representing the club at competitions or other events or during training.
Ø Gymnasts should treat all equipment with respect, and only use it when told to do so by a coach or volunteer.
Ø Gymnasts must inform a coach of any injuries or illness they may have before the warm-up begins.
Ø Gymnasts should not eat or chew gum during a session.
Ø Gymnasts must not use offensive language or name call.
Ø Gymnasts should not bully or try to force others to do or say things they don't want to. Do not be afraid to tell the coaches if you see or hear anything in the gym that contravenes our club rules.
Ø Gymnasts must not borrow other peoples belongings without their permission, if you accidentally take someone else's belonging, please ring us to let us know and return them as soon as possible.
Ø Gymnasts should turn off mobile phones during training.
Ø All gymnasts must respect opponents and fellow club members.
Ø Gymnasts must pay any fees for training or events promptly.
Ø When representing the club in competitions and displays, gymnasts must have the correct club uniform. This is the short sleeved navy club leotard (and leggings/shorts if desired), plain navy jogging bottoms, navy club polo short, grey club zoodie, white/navy socks and mostly white trainers. And it must all fit!!!
Action taken by HPL Gymnastics Club in the event of the Club Rules/Code of Conduct being broken:
1. Discussion with parent about the incident and support in resolving the issue by one of the coaches.
2. Verbal Warning from one of the coaches.
3. Second Verbal Warning from one of the coaches.
4. Written Dismissal.
I agree to abide by the code of conduct above, and understand the action that will be taken in the event of club rules being broken.
Signed ______Date ______
Coaches: Emma Simpson, Clare Cooney, Helen Murdock, Nikki Dawes. Tel: 07739 149985
Email: Website: www.hplgymnastics.co.uk