Payment options include credit card, bank transfer or local deposit. Registration will only take place after payment.
A.LOCAL DEPOSIT. Two options are available.
BBVA BANCOMER / HSBCAccount Number: / 00688517 / Transaction: / 5503
Code: / 7630
Account Owner: / Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey / Account Owner: / Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey
Reference: / 00202029971000000035 / Reference: / 00202029971000000035
Please scan your receipt and send it with your registration form by e-mail to the local organisers:
Att. Dr. José Armando Albert HuertaEmail:
Postal address: Garza Sada 2501, Monterrey, Nuevo León. 64849. México.
B.TRANSFERENCE. Please, send a bank transfer free of charges to the following account.
Beneficiary Bank: / WELLS FARGO BANK N.A.Account Owner: / Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM)
Account Number: / 2985-50094-7
Address: / Wells Fargo Bank, NA
Attn: Int’l Business Banking
1100 Matamoros St. Laredo, TX.
ZIP Code 78040-5005
ABA Code: / 121-000-248
Please scan the receipt of your bank transfer and send it with your registration form by e-mail to the local organisers:
Att. Dr. José Armando Albert HuertaEmail:
Postal address: Garza Sada 2501, Monterrey, Nuevo León. 64849. México.
C.CREDIT CARD. Visa, MasterCard and American Express credit cards are accepted.
Participant Name:Participant E-mail:
Please, fill out the form bellow, print and sign.
C. CREDIT CARD PAYMENT / I authorize ITESM to charge the total amount of / US dollars to my Credit Card Number:and expiration date:
Credit Card Number / month / year
as payment of attendance to the Joint ICMI/IASE Study Conference at ITESM.
Name on Card:
day / month / year
Selected the type of credit card:
Visa / Master Card / American Express
Security code: / American Express: four digits on the front of the card (right top on your credit card number)
Visa and Master Card: three last digits on the back of your credit card.
Please, send this form (only this page) with your signature to the Local Committee by fax.
ITESM Campus MonterreyDepartamento de Matemáticas
Att. Dr. José Armando Albert Huerta
FAX: + 52 (81) 83284222
Postal address: Garza Sada 2501, Monterrey, Nuevo León. 64849. México.
Monterrey-México, 2008
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Registration fees
•Full registration fees will cover attendance at the conference sessions, CDROM of proceedings, delegate bag, coffee-breaks, 5 lunches, a Welcome reception and the Conference dinner.
•Accompanying registration fees will cover a Welcome reception and the Conference dinner.
Registration deadlines
•Early registration deadline is April 8, 2008. Authors of papers should register before this deadline, before papers are accepted to be published in the proceedings.
•Latest registration deadline is May 31, 2008.
•Acceptance of registration after May 31 will depend on space and an extra 20% will be charged.
•From March 15, 2008 to March 23, 2008 there will not be registrations (the ITESM will be closed). Please, do not send faxes or e-mails in those dates.
•Registration forms should be sent with the payment receipt.
•Registration and residence booking will only be confirmed after payment.
•The local organizers will send you the confirmation by email. If you do not receive confirmation within six days, please, contact the local organizers () or send your registration form again.
Refund/Cancellation Policies
•50% of registration will be refunded for cancellations made before May 31 2008. After this date there will be no refunds.
•An e-mail request should be sent to Local Commission () in case of cancellation.
Sending registration forms
•Registration forms should be sent in a Word document to:
Att. Dr. José Armando Albert HuertaEmail:
•The registration form should include a copy of the payment receipt if payment is made by bank transfer or local deposit.
•If payment is made by Credit Card, the payment form should be sent only by Fax (see details above), while the registration form should be sent by email.
Monterrey-México, 2008
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