Curriculum Vitae of Frédéric Benhamou
Frédéric Benhamou
Department of Computer Science
University of Nantes
2 rue de la Houssinière – Bât 11
44322 NANTES Cedex 3 France
Mobile: +33 6 15 75 58 67
Assistant : +33 2 51 12 58 77
Frederic Benhamou is a Full Professor of Computer Science at the University of Nantes. He is currently Head of the Computer Science department and of the CNRS ICT Research Institute AtlanSTIC. He is the former head and founder of the CNRS research lab LINA.
Prior to his current position, he obtained his PhD on Constraint Logic Programming from the University of Marseilles in 1988, spent two post-doctoral years in Ottawa, Canada and got an assistant Professor position at the University of Orleans in 1993 followed by an associate Professor position at the University of Nantes in 1997.
His main scientific areas of expertise are decision support, optimisation and constraint programming, with a focus on Numerical Optimization based on Constraint and Interval techniques. His main contributions concern the generalization of the constraint satisfaction problem paradigm to continuous constraints and the design of several reference algorithms for continuous constraints solving (e.g. HC4). He has been involved in the design and implementation of different constraint-based languages including Prolog III and IV (PrologIA licence), and CLP (BNR) (Bell Northern Research, now Nortel, licence).
He co-edited with Alain Colmerauer one of the first books on Constraint Logic Programming with MIT Press in 1992, was the invited editor of several journal special issues and is the author of more than 80 scientific articles on Constraint Programming, including two survey articles, in the Encyclopaedia of Optimization and in a the Handbook on Constraint Programming. His h-number is 20 (Google scholar). The number of citations for his main contributions is as follows: Interval constraints: 300+ citations. — Box-Consistency: 300+ cit. - HC4 and BC3 algorithms 190+ citations
In 2006, he was conference chair and program chair of CP 2006, the major international annual conference on constraint programming (rank A in CORE) and of the French CLP conference in 1996. He also organized several international events on CLP, was area chair of ECAI in 2008 and sat on the PC of numerous conferences including CP, ECAI, CP-AI-OR, ILPS, ICLP, CL, ALP. He was involved in various national and international projects on Logic and Constraint Programming, Concurrency, Debugging and Global Optimization. This includes six European R&D and Basic research projects and a European network of Excellence on Computational Logic.
He is a former member of the board of the Association for Constraint Programming and current member of the board of Informatics Europe. He provides expertise for various international agencies, including SFI Ireland, BIRS Canada, Austrian academy of sciences as well as the French ministry of research, the French research funding agency (ANR) and the French evaluation agency (AERES) for research projects or research laboratories visiting committees. He is also a member of the advisory board for the Erasmus Mundus European Master’s program in Computational Logic.
- 1997: Habilitation in Computer Science, University of Orléans, FR
- 1988:PhD in Mathematics and Computer Science, Univ. of Marseille, FR
- 1983:MSc in Mathematics and Computer Science, Univ. of Marseille, FR
- 1981:BSc in Mathematics and Computer Science, Univ. of Marseille, FR
- 2010:Auditeur, Institut des Hautes Études pour la Science et la Technologie. Promotion Claude Lévi-Strauss
- 2009- :Professor (PR classe exceptionelle), University of Nantes, FR
- 2001 – 2009 :Professor (PR 1ere classe), University of Nantes, FR
- 1997 – 2001:Associate Professor (PR 2eme classe), University of Nantes, FR
- 1993 – 1997:Assistant Professor (MC), University of Orléans, FR
- 1992 – 1993:Research Scientist, CNRS – LIM – University of Marseilles , FR
- 1990 – 1992:Visiting scholar, Nortel – Ottawa, Canada, CA
RESEARCH (Selected publications)
- Jean-Marie Normand, Alexandre Goldsztejn, Marc Christie, et Frédéric Benhamou. A Branch and Bound Algorithm for Numerical MAX-CSP. Constraints, 15(2) :213–237
- Laurent Granvilliers et Frédéric Benhamou. RealPaver: An Interval Solver using Constraint Satisfaction Techniques. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 32(1), 2006.
- Frédéric Benhamou, Frédéric Goualard, Eric Languénou et Marc Christie. Interval Constraint Solving for Camera Control and Motion Planning. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, 5(4): 732 – 767, 2004.
- Laurent Granvilliers et Frédéric Benhamou, Progress in the Solving of a Circuit Design Problem. Int. Journal of Global Optimization, 20(2):155-168, 2001.
- Frédéric Benhamou, Pascal Van Hentenryck: In honor of Alain Colmerauer's 60th birthday. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming 1(6): 633-635, 2001.
- Frédéric Goualard and Frédéric Benhamou and Laurent Granvilliers, An Extension of the WAM for Hybrid Interval Solvers, Journal of Functional and Logic Programming, the MIT Press, 1999.
- Frédéric Benhamou and Laurent Granvilliers, Automatic Generation of Numerical Redundancies for Non-linear Constraint Solving, Reliable Computing, Kluwer, 3(3):335-344, 1997.
- Frédéric Benhamou and Pascal Van Hentenryck, Introduction to the special issue on interval constraints, Constraints, 2(2): 107-112, Kluwer, 1997.
- Pascal Van Hentenryck and Laurent Michel and Frédéric Benhamou, Newton: Constraint Programming over non-linear Constraints, Science of Computer Programming, 30(1-2): 83-118, Elsevier, 1997.
- Frédéric Benhamou et William Older, Applying Interval Arithmetic to Real, Integer and Boolean Constraints, Journal of Logic Programming, Elsevier, 32(1): 1-24, 1997.
Books chapters
- Frédéric Benhamou, Interval Constraints, in Encyclopedia of Optimization (2ème edition), C. A. Floudas and P. M. Pardalos (eds), p. 1733–1736, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2009.
- F. Benhamou et L. Granvilliers. Continuous and Interval Constraints. In F.Rossi, P.van Beek et T.Walsh (eds), Handbook of Constraint Programming, Foundations of Artificial Intelligence, chapitre 16. Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2006.
- Frédéric Goualard et Frédéric Benhamou, Debugging Constraint Programs by Store Inspection, Analysis and Visualization Tools for Constraint Programming, Pierre Deransart, Jan Maluszinski and Manuel Hermenegildo, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol.1870, pages 273-297, Springer Verlag, 2000.
- Francesca Rossi, Frédéric Benhamou et als, Constraint (Logic) Programming: A Survey on Research and Applications, New trends in Constraints, Krzysztof R. Apt and A. C. Kakas and Eric Monfroy and Francesca Rossi (eds), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, vol 1865, pages 40-74, Springer-Verlag, ISBN 3-540-67885-9, 2000.
Books and Journal special issues editing
- Frédéric Benhamou, Narendra Jussien and Barry O’Sullivan (eds), Trends in Constraint Programming, ISTE, London, 2007.
- Frédéric Benhamou (ed), Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP 2006), Lecture notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2006.
- Frédéric Benhamou et Pascal Van Hentenryck (eds), special issue in honor of Alain Colmerauer’s 60th birthday, Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, Cambridge University Press, 2001.
- Frédéric Benhamou et Siva Anantharaman (eds), numéro thématique Formalismes Logiques, Contraintes et Applications, Technique et Science Informatique, vol 18, No 2, ISSN 0752-4072, Hermes, 1999.
- Frédéric Benhamou et Pascal Van Hentenryck (eds), special issue on interval constraints, Constraints, 2(2), Kluwer, 1997.
- Frédéric Benhamou (ed), Actes des sixièmes journées francophones de programmation logique et programmation par contraintes (JFPLC’97), Hermes, 1997.
- Frédéric Benhamou et Alain Colmerauer (eds), Constraint Logic Programming: Selected Research, the MIT Press, 1993.
Invited conferences
- Frédéric Benhamou, Continuous Constraint Propagation for CAD, isiCAD 2004, Academgorodok, Russie, 2004.
- Frédéric Benhamou, Interval reasoning (invited tutorial), 8th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming,, Ithaca, USA, 2002.
- Frédéric Benhamou, Interval Constraints: Some Results and Perspectives, ERCIM Working Group on Constraints/CompulogNet Area on "Constraint programming" annual workshop, Paphos, Cyprus, 1999.
- Frédéric Benhamou, Interval-based local consistencies, SIAM annual meeting, Mini-symposium on Interval Constraints, Toronto, Canada, 1998.
- Frédéric Benhamou and Laurent Granvilliers, Application of Groebner Bases to Numerical Constraint Solving, IMACS International Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra (ACA'96), Linz, Austria, 1996.
Refereed conferences
- F. Lamarche, M. Christie, et F. Benhamou. A Spatio-temporal Reasoning System for Virtual Camera Planning. In Smart Graphics Smart Graphics, 9th International Symposium, SG 2009, pages 119–127, Salamanca Espagne
- J.-M. Normand, A. Goldsztejn, M. Christie, F. Benhamou, A Branch and Bound Algorithm for Numerical MAX-CSP, in proceedings of the 14thInternational Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP'2008), LNCS 5202, Springer, Sydney, 2008 (Best student paper award)
- Lucas Bordeaux, Eric Monfroy and Frédéric Benhamou, Towards automated reasoning on the properties of numerical constraints, in selected papers from the 2002 ERCIM/colognet Workshop on Constraints, Springer LNCS 2627, p. 47-61, Cork, Ireland, 2003.
- Evgueni Petrov and Frédéric Benhamou, Automatic analysis of composite solvers, in proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS), Springer LNCS 2330, 1097-1105, Amsterdam, 2002.
- Lucas Bordeaux, Eric Monfroy et Frédéric Benhamou, An improved algorithm for computing Kb-consistency, Seventeenth International Joint Conferenceon Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI’2001), p 303-308, Morgan Kaufmann ,Seattle, Washington, USA, 2001.
- Laurent Granvilliers, Eric Monfroy et Frédéric Benhamou. Symbolic-Interval Cooperation in Constraint Programming. In Proceedings of ISSAC’2001, International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, p. 150-166, ACM Press, London, Ont, Canada, 2001.
- Frédéric Benhamou and Frédéric Goualard, Universally Quantified Interval Constraints, in proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP'2000), LNCS 1894, p 67-82, Springer, Singapore, 2000.
- Frédéric Benhamou, Laurent Granvilliers and Frédéric Goualard. Interval Constraints: Results and Perspectives. New Trends in Constraints, LNAI 1865, 1-16, 2000.
- Jorge Cruz, Pedro Barahona and Frédéric Benhamou, Integrating Deep Biomedical Models into Medical Decision Support Systems: an Interval Constraint Approach, in proceedings of the Seventh biennial Joint European Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Medical Decision Making (AIMDM'99), LNAI, Springer, Aalborg, Denmark, 1999.
- Frédéric Goualard and Frédéric Benhamou, A Visualization Tool for Constraint Program Debugging, in proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE'99), IEEE Computer Society, ISBN 0-7695-0415-9, Cocoa Beach, Florida, USA, 1999.
- Frédéric Benhamou, Frédéric Goualard, Laurent Granvilliers and Jean-Francois Puget, Revising hull and box consistency, in proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP'99), the MIT Press, ISBN 0-262-54104-1, Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA, 1999.
- Laurent Granvilliers, Frédéric Goualard, Frédéric Benhamou, Box Consistency through Weak Box Consistency, in proceedings of the Eleventh IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI'99), IEEE Computer Society, ISBN 0-7695-0456-6, Chicago IL, USA, 1999.
- Frédéric Benhamou and Laurent Granvilliers, A Constraint Programming Toolbox for Non-linear Constraint Solving (full paper), in proceedings of the Second International Conference on Nonlinear Problems in Aviation and Aerospace (ICNPAA'98), Daytona Beach, Florida, USA, European Conference Publishers, ISBN 0-952-66431-3, 1998.
- Frédéric Benhamou, Heterogeneous Constraint Solving. Proceedings of the fifth International Conference on Algebraic and Logic Programming (ALP'96), LNCS 1139, Aachen, Germany, Springer-Verlag, p 62-76, 1996.
- Frédéric Benhamou and David McAllister et Pascal Van Hentenryck, CLP(Intervals) Revisited, p 124-138, International Symposium on Logic Programming, the MIT Press, 1994, Ithaca, NY, USA.
PhD and Habilitation supervision
- 10 achieved PhD, 1 in progress (co-supervised with Pascal Van Hentenryck, Brown University, USA). Currentstatus of doctors:
- Lucas Bordeaux, research engineer, Microsoft Research, Cambridge
- Martine Ceberio, assistant professor, University of Texas at El Paso
- Marc Christie, assistant professor, University of Nantes and Univ of Rennes
- Frédéric Goualard, assistant professor, University of Nantes
- Laurent Granvilliers, associate professor, University of Nantes
- Michael Heusch, expert consultant, IBM
- Jean-Marie Normand, post-doc University of Barcelona
- Mina Ouabiba, assistant professor, private institution
- Brice Pajot, R&D engineer
- Guillaume Rochart, R&D engineer, Bouygues
- 3 Habilitation supervision
- External reviewer for
- 1 full professor application, Brandeis University (2000)
- 1 docent in Computer Science (tenure) Univ. of Stockholm (2009)
- 1 habilitation in Computer Science (agrégation) Univ. of Lisbon (2002)
- 1 habilitation in Mathematics, University of Vienna ( 2004)
- 2 Habilitation in CS (Universities of Angers and Nice – 2003, 2010)
- 1 Habilitation in Control theory (2001)
- External reviewer for 19 PhD thesis in France
- Exteral reviewer for 4 PhD thesis abroad (University of Lisbon, University of Girona, University of Saarbrücken, University of Melbourne)
- Chair of 15 PhD defense jurys.
- Member of 10 PhD defense jurys and 4 habilitation defense jurys
National and international contracts and funded projects (since 1997)
- International
- University PI - 2 Europeans projects (DISCIPL, COCONUT),
- University PI - European network of excellence, European Network of Excellence in Computational Logic (COMPUNET 1994-2004),
- French PI - 3 international bilateral projects: Russia (Liapunov 1998-2000), Japan (AITEC 1998), Japan (SAKURA, 2004-2005), PI
- National
- University PI - 1 RNTL project (2002-2005)
- University PI - 1 PRIAMM project (2003-2006)
- Regional PI - «Lab of excellence» proposal (national call “Investissements d’avenir”). Expected budget (if project is accepted): 20M€ (2010 – 2020)
- Regional projects
- PI «ICT and computing» CPER (13M€ over 7 years, including building extension, 2007-2013)
- PI regional project MILES (1,2 M€ over 3 years, 2006-2009).
- PI regional project COM (1M€ over 7 years, 2000-2006)
Awards and prizes
- 1996 - :Scientific excellence national award (given for 4 years to 20% of the French researchers)
- 2008 : Best student paper award (with one of my students) – CP 2008
To the University of Nantes
- 2006 - :Head of the CNRS Research Cluster AtlanSTIC
- 2008 - : Head of the Computer Science Department (School of Sciences)
- 2004 - 2007:Founder and head of the CNRS research laboratory LINA
- 1999 - 2003Head of the research laboratory IRIN
- 2008- : Member of the Scientific council since 2008
- 2004-2008:Member of the Scientific council, Ecole polytechnique of Nantes
- 2000-2004 : Member of the Scientific council, school of Sciences.
- 2005 - : Member of board, school of sciences, since 2005
- 2004-2007: ICT and Maths Doctoral school. Member of the council 2004-2007
- 2006-2008:CAPACITéS, subsidiary company of the University of Nantes, member of the strategic and technological council,
To regional and national organizations
- 2005-: Chair of the exact sciences committee (research funding)
- 2007 - : Scientific coordinator of scientific and strategic committee for ICT
- Member of several hiring committees (assitant professors and professors) in University of Nantes, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, University of Nice, INRIA
To the community
- International
- CP’2006: Program chair (main international conference in Constraint Programming)
- CP’2006: General chair, Nantes
- IJCAI 2008: Constraint programming Area chair
- Program committee member of 30+ international refereed conferences and workshops with published proceedings (includes CP'97, CP'2002, CP'2003, CP'2004, CP 2005, CP 2006, CP 2007, CP 2008, CP’2009, CP 2011, CP-AI-OR 2007, CP-AI-OR 2008, ECAI 2008, ILPS'97, CL'2000, ICLP'2001, PLILP/ALP'98)
- Editor of six journal special issues
- Executive committee member of the International Association for Constraint Programming (2006)
- Board member of the Informatics-Europe association (2009-)
- Member of the advisory board for the Erasmus Mundus European Master’s program in Computational Logic
- National
- Program chair of the Constraint national conference JFPLC’97
- Journal «Information - Interaction – Intelligence». Member of the editorial board.
- Association Française de Programmation par Contraintes: member of the board (2000-2005)
- International
- External reviewer and panel member for research programs funded by the Science Foundation Ireland, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007
- External reviewer for a research project submitted to the Swiss Research Fund, 2003
- External reviewer for a «Young Scientist Fellowship» application submitted to the Austrian Academy of Sciences, 2006
- Jury member for the«Excellence in Research award2006 » Association for Constraint Programming
- National
- President of a research lab evaluation visiting commitee. French National Evaluation Agency. 2010
- Member of a research lab evaluation visiting commitee. CNRS. 2010
- Member of evaluation committee for “Excellence in research” award. French ministry of research, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009. 2010
- Jury member of Gilles Khan PhD thesis award. French academy of sciences. 2007, 2008, 2009
- Jury member for INRIA researchers (CR) 2007
- Regular external reviewer for research projects submitted to the French Research Agency
- Reviewer for companies R&D funding applications. French Ministry of research 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008
- Regional jury member for the national “ innovative technological start-ups” competition 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
- Number of citations:1974; h-index:20; g-index:43.
- 3 most cited papers: 353, 336 and 193 citations