Accountable to: The Finance Director

Salary: £38,117

Hours: 37 hours a week

Location: This job is based in the Shared Lives Plus Liverpool Office.

Period: Up to three months to cover recruitment period.

Job Objectives:

This role line manages two assistants and also involves hands-on delivery of communications support to a busy team, managing external and internal communications for Shared Lives Plus and its members for up to three months. The postholder will support Shared Lives Plus in its work with both the Homeshare and Shared Lives sectors.

The postholder will provide continuity to the team during this interim period, which will include:

-  the launch of our new website which is currently being built;

-  the launch of a report on the Homeshare sector;

-  an edition of our regular members’ magazine along with a number of monthly bulletins;

-  planning for our annual conference and a parliamentary reception;

-  planning participation in an external conference.

The postholder will have a close working relationship with the CEO, with regular meetings on communications strategy and opportunities between the CEO, FD and postholder. The postholder has budget management responsibility for the communication budget which includes managing and monitoring spending, with support from the FD.

The post holder will:

  1. Support a communications assistant, raising awareness through the traditional media, trade press, and social media.
  2. Support a communications assistant to market membership to potential members, including those from under-represented groups.
  3. Ensure delivery of our publications, members’ magazine and regular bulletins.
  4. Promote engagement, participation and communication amongst existing members.

Main Duties and Responsibilities

1.  Raise awareness, working with the traditional and new media:

a)  line manage a part time Communications Assistant;

b)  develop and deliver a communications and awareness-raising strategy which boosts awareness of our work amongst current and potential members, users of members’ services, decision makers and the general public;

c)  support an outside contractor to deliver our new website, planning an approach for maintaining and updating the new site with regular input from colleagues;

d)  support the assistant to gather case studies, practice examples and learning from members and promote our stories and learning to the media;

e)  support the assistant to develop and deliver a social media strategy with members;

f)  plan and support Shared Lives Plus’ presence at identified external events;

g)  support the Operations Manager and other colleagues to market and brand the shared lives Plus annual conference;

h)  monitor and report on the impact of our awareness-raising work.

2.  Market Shared Lives Plus’ membership to potential members, including those from under-represented groups:

a)  line manage a part time Communications Assistant, supporting them to develop, deliver and monitor the marketing plan for our membership and publications;

b)  working with Shared Lives schemes to market Shared Lives Plus membership to Shared Lives carers who are not currently members, including through the production of resources and developing marketing arrangements with member organisations;

c)  analyse feedback from our membership diversity and satisfaction surveys (which are collated by the administration team) and devise marketing and engagement approaches built upon that feedback.

3.  Ensure delivery of our publications, members’ magazine and regular bulletins.

a)  ensure that our regular bulletins and newsletters are planned and published on schedule and to a high standard, gathering content from colleagues and members;

b)  support colleagues to plan, develop and launch publications, ensuring that the principle of coproduction is routinely used;

c)  support colleagues to produce Shared Lives Plus guidance documents to conform to our style guide and key messages, championing correct use of our brand.

4.  Promote engagement, participation and communication amongst existing members and people who use our members’ services:

a)  develop our online members’ communities and build greater participation; support the members-only online communities and the transfer of our online library of resources to the new website;

b)  support the Homeshare team to maintain and develop the Homeshare website;

5.  Working Practice:

a)  to work positively and co-operatively as part of the Shared Lives Plus staff team;

b)  to work in a way which is consistent with the philosophy and values of Shared Lives Plus;

c)  to work in a way which promotes equality and celebrates diversity, empowering people from overlooked or excluded groups;

d)  to maintain accurate records and compile reports for SMT, the board and funders;

e)  to operate at all times in a way that is consistent with Shared Lives Plus’ legal responsibilities including health and safety legislation and guidance.

f)  to undertake any other duties on behalf of Shared Lives Plus commensurate with the grade of the post.

Shared Lives Plus UK Ltd Reg charity no: 1095562 Company no: 4511426

Qualification / ·  A relevant communications qualification
Experience / ·  Extensive experience of communications management and leadership within the not for profit and/or public sector.
·  Building productive relationships with media professionals across print, broadcast and trade press.
·  Working with social media and websites.
·  Line management and supporting colleagues.
·  Budget planning and management.
Knowledge / ·  An understanding of Shared Lives and the philosophy and values underpinning our work and our members’ work.
·  An understanding of the ways in which health and social care for adults is organised in the UK.
·  An understanding of how national membership organisations work.
Attitudes / ·  Commitment to empowering people who use services and their families, promoting their rights and services which are user-led, personalised and self-directed.
·  Demonstrable commitment to working in ways which promote equality of opportunity.
·  Member-focused and values the principles of co-production and partnership working.
·  Commitment to continuous professional development.
Practical / ·  Ability to work the hours dictated by the needs and demands of the job (including occasional evenings and weekends).
·  Able to travel as and when required by the job, including some overnight stays across the UK.

Person Specification

Shared Lives Plus UK Ltd Reg charity no: 1095562 Company no: 4511426