A Deeper Search for Solar Wisdom… Name ______Hr_
Score ____ /25 pts
Go to the enclosed websites and answer the following questions
1) The structure of the sun. Go to one or both of the following websites to take a look at
the “guts” of our sun.
· http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/astronomy/sun/sunstructure.shtml
v http://solar.physics.montana.edu/ypop/Spotlight/SunInfo/Structure.html
**Add in the remaining layers in the CROSS-SECTION of the sun. Use arrows and label each of the six (6) layers of the sun AND write a VIP about each layer. (1/2 pt each*12)
**note: your drawing doesn’t have to look exactly like the illustration…it’s more important to know where the layers are located.
(1/2 pt each) (1/2 pt each)
Next go to http://space-facts.com/the-sun to answer the following questions:
2) Explain about the Sun’s energy…. (6 pts)
· What is the Sun’s energy source ______and how does “it” work? (2 pts)
· How does this (total) process compare to the energy we use each day?
· How long would it take to “feel” the effect if the sun stopped producing energy today?
Go to http://cleantechnica.com/2012/04/18/in-14-and-a-half-seconds/ for this one.
· What will likely happen to the Sun (and Earth) in the distant future?
When will this happen?______(2 pts)
3) Sunspots –Check out http://www.kidsastronomy.com/our_sun.htm or http://www.kidsastronomy.com/sunspots-official.htm (3 pts)
· What are sunspots? ______
· Why do they form?______
· Explain how, using sunspots, we know the sun changes.
4) ______eject particles from the sun’s surface. These can affect satellites in orbit and also interfere with radio communication here on Earth.
5) Auroras
· In MN we can see Auroras, otherwise known as Aurora borealis or Northern lights.
Give a simple explanation of how these are formed.
6) Solar Storms. Now go to http://www.solarstorms.org/index.html (2 pts)
Click the tabs across the top under the title.
· What is space weather?
· How does space weather affect us on earth?
7) Go through the “Virtual tour of the Sun” http://climate.nasa.gov/interactives/sun .
Record 5 VIPS about the Sun that could help you answer the Essential Question,
“What is so average about the Sun & how is the Sun related to the Milky Way?” (5 pts)
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8) Read the “One-on-One Interview with the Sun” at http://www.amnh.org/ology/features/sun/?TB_iframe=true&height=420&width=640.
· Why is our sun considered “average”?