1. Context
1.1. This policy and procedure document supports the vision, mission statement and strategic business objectives of Global Star Enterprises (GSE). By implementing the guidelines listed in this document, our promotional activities will align with our strategic objectives and provide ongoing success for our business as a market leader and company of choice in the door and window manufacturing industry.
2. Purpose
2.1. This document aims to ensure that GSE marketing and sales teams have clear guidelines to work within when creating a promotional activity. It aims to ensure that all promotional activities developed and launched generates a consistent and professional image of GSE and meets our responsibilities under the Australian Consumer Law.
3. Scope
3.1. This policy and procedure applies to the development and launch of all promotional activities used as part of the GSE brand, including our Constellations Café ventures.
3.2. This document supports the objectives and strategies outlined in the Marketing Policy and Strategy.
4. Changes
4.1. Requests for changes or improvements to this document shall be forwarded to the General Manager of Marketing.
5. Choosing the message
5.1. AIDA formula
5.1.1. Attention – include colourful text and dramatic graphics
5.1.2. Interest – link to needs; offer a possible solution or a possible reward
5.1.3. Desire – activate a positive thought: 'What is in it for me?'
5.1.4. Action – clear directions: 'Mark your calendar'.
5.2. Message content
5.2.1. How do you appeal to the prospective customer? Consider the type of appeal that would be relative for the promotional activity:
· rational appeal – appeal to the person’s self-interest
· emotional appeal – provoke emotions that motivate the person
· moral appeal – appeal to the person’s sense of what is right and proper.
5.3. Message structure
5.3.1. How are you going to draw the prospective customer’s attention? The most effective message structure presents the message first to draw the attention of the reader. Begin by focusing on what the promotional activity can offer the prospective customer.
5.3.2. Write text for the promotional material in accordance with the following considerations:
· lead (first paragraph) with a strong message to gain attention
· include details of goals and objects, topics and speakers
· include relevant information on GSE organisation
· write in a clear, concise and lively style
· include a form to register an interest or make contact with GSE for further information; make it easy to respond
5.4. Message design: instructions for the designer
5.4.1. What will entice the reader to the promotional activity message?
5.4.2. Does the front page grab the attention of the target market?
5.4.3. Ensure on the headline, text, illustrations and colours aligns with our image and branding.
5.4.4. Choose an advertising medium that is in line with the allocated budget.
5.4.5. It may be beneficial to obtain up to three written quotes from designers and printers. Also check references, samples of previous work, and consider their work schedules in relation to the promotional activity lead time.
5.4.6. Maintain a promotional file with ideas from other events (adapt, don't reinvent the wheel) and keep a thorough record and samples of the current promotional program.
5.5. Message format: instructions for the public relations consultant
5.5.1. Content needs to be written to suit each media format:
· advertisers – can use novelty and contrast, eye-catching, pictures and headlines, distinctive formats, message size, position, colour and shape
· radio – choose clear, simple and engaging words, sounds and voices
· TV – as for radio, but also includes body language, dress, posture and hairstyle and imagery.
5.5.2. The use of a celebrity or personality as a spokesperson for a promotional activity attracts greater attention and recall, and may also lend credibility to an event. A highly credible spokesperson can be very persuasive and may encourage participation through the following characteristics:
· Expertise – a degree of authority
· Trustworthiness – objectivity and honesty
· Likeability – open, humorous and natural.
5.5.3. Promotional material can range from an article in a professional magazine to a bulk mail-out, but there are three elements to consider when formulating a successful promotional strategy:
· Distribution – How will the package be distributed: mail, fax, email?
· Content – What should be included: covering letter, response card and agenda with names of speakers?
· Follow-up – Encourage further communication by telephone, or by follow-up email to create a relationship and confirm attendance.
6. Planning a promotional activity
6.1. Identify promotional activity – the promotional activity must be compatible with GSE organisational requirements, branding and image.
6.1.1. Decide on marketing mix – consider the 4 P’s of product, price, promotion and place and how they interrelate.
6.1.2. Consider the marketing plan – market segmentation, differential advantage and positioning.
6.2. Identify promotional objectives – each promotional activity must have clear objectives that meet the SMART criteria:
6.2.1. Specific
6.2.2. Measurable
6.2.3. Achievable
6.2.4. Relevant
6.2.5. Time-bound
7. Coordination of promotional activities’ resources – to facilitate a successful promotional activity you must ensure that you identify and acquire the resources required, in line with your allocated budget.
7.1. Human resources – Determine who at GSE is skilled to fulfil each position needed on the promotional team. Determine the need for hiring short-term casual staff or specialist contractors to assist in facilitating the promotional activity. Use the promotional brief to allocate clear roles and responsibilities to all team members involved in the promotional activity.
7.2. Venue – Determine an appropriate location to host the promotional activity and confirm costs, suitability and availability meets the budget and SMART objectives.
7.3. Physical resources – Determine the need for promotional materials, stock, prize packs, registration forms, stationary items and other items. Identify appropriate suppliers and where possible, use GSE approved suppliers.
7.4. Acquiring resources – Organise all resources and materials well in advance to ensure they are available at least seven (7) days before the official launch date.
8. Establishing the promotional mix
8.1. Consider a blend of the major promotional activities to achieve the promotional advertising objectives, including:
8.1.1. Advertising campaigns – TV, Radio, Billboard, Transport or Internet
8.1.2. Personal selling approaches – One to one sales, telemarketing, direct postal and email offers
8.1.3. Word of mouth – Generate new business by satisfying our existing customers
8.1.4. Sales promotion – Dropping a price point, discounts on bulk purchases, special offers and free shipping
8.1.5. Public relations and publicity – News articles, a feature story in a magazine, use of a flash-mob and social media
8.1.6. Direct marketing – Texting, telemarketing, door to door or email
9. Reviewing and analysing promotional activities
9.1. All promotional activities must be analysed to establish whether or not the activity has been effective. The following things must be assessed as part of a formal review process:
9.1.1. What marketing or business objective was the promotional activity supporting?
9.1.2. Did the promotional activity achieve the marketing/ promotional activity objectives?
9.1.3. Did the promotional activity meet the allocated budget?
9.1.4. Was the promotional activity profitable?
9.1.5. Should this promotional activity be repeated? If so, why?
9.1.6. What changes would you conclude about the promotional activity in terms of successes and failures?
9.1.7. What would you recommend if the promotional activity was to be conducted again?
10. Reporting on promotional activities
10.1. The data collected about the effectiveness and costs of a promotional activity allows GSE to prepare conclusions and recommendations for similar events in the future. A full report must be compiled at the completion of each promotional activity and forwarded to the GM of Marketing. The report must include:
10.1.1. A full description of the promotional activity:
· names and roles of staff involved
· the planning process including timelines
· the budget and eventual cost of the activity
· the structure of the activity
· the purpose of the activity
· the desired outcome of the activity
10.1.2. A description of how the promotional activity was evaluated and how the evidence of this was collected including:
· a summary of the evidence
· an analysis of costs compared to the benefits using the cost per thousand method
10.1.3. Conclusion based on the evidence which covers:
· the effectiveness of the activity
· the effectiveness of the planning process
10.1.4. Final recommendations and suggestions for future promotional activities
11. Complying with legal requirements
11.1. All GSE promotional activities must comply with the following legislative and regulatory requirements:
11.1.1. The Competition and Consumer Act 2010
11.1.2. The Privacy Act 1988
11.1.3. Anti-discrimination Laws
11.1.4. Australian Direct Marketing Association (ADMA) Code of Practice
11.1.5. The Copyright Act 1968 (Cth)
11.1.6. Spam Act 2003 (Cth)
11.1.7. Defamation laws (State/ territory)
11.1.8. Confidentiality requirements
11.1.9. Gaming and competitions law (State/ territory)
11.1.10. Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) Australian e-Marketing Code of Practice
11.1.11. Australian Marketing Institute Code of Marketing Practice
11.1.12. Free TV Australia Commercial Television Code of Practice
11.1.13. Ethical principles
11.1.14. WHS legislation, policies, procedures and programs
Global Star Enterprises is a fictional company created for educational and training purposes only. This document may not be reproduced or distributed, without the prior written permission of the copyright holder. Copyright © Raw Pixel 2017
Promotional Activities Policy and Procedure V2.0: May 2017 Page 6 of 6