DATE: / 29 July 2013
SUBJECT: / RFP: RAF/2013/00021

Questions and Answers: Pack 1

Page 74 of tender document: what type of programmes are to be defined and implemented for different LSM’s?
Answer 1:
These are any media and public relations programmes or tactics that would be used to target different LSM’s
Question 2
Page 76 of tender document: You need an implementation and delivery schedule. What format does this take, what should be included in it? Should we include a calendar for the 3 years?
Answer 2:
This can beMS Project, Excel Spreadsheet or Powerpoint depending on the format that will best present the schedule. This is to track milestones and provide a clear indication of the type of project management and reporting tools used. The Calendar should be for 3 years; highlighting the different PR and Media elements, the duration and timings.
Question 3:
Clause 4, page 77 lays out what the bidder will be expected to provide in terms of media and PR services - presumably for the overall budget of R3.6m over 3 years. Is the R3.6m ex VAT?
Answer 3:
The amount excludes VAT
Question 4:
The briefing on Monday 22 July mentioned that we should include a % mark up for any third party projects such as events, brochure design or appointing of third party service providers presumably this is in addition to what is laid out in Annexure F, Clause 4? Is this a % mark-up on top of the R3.6m total budget, If so, is there an indication on how many events/publications RAF envisage this would include?
Answer 4:
The refers to separate costs to be incurred in the delivery of campaigns, so should the strategy include brochures, billboards, television or radio the agency needs to provide cost implications including % mark up for the next financial year for budgeting purposes.
Question 5:
One of the requirements for the proposal is that we furnish an:
Audited Financial Statements with auditor’s report of the company for the past three years. / Financial Statements of a CC for the past three years prepared by an independent accountant with proof.
The question is we have not been trading for more than three years so:
1. Is this going to be problem/can this disqualify us?
2. can we submit financial statements from when we started trading?
Answer 5:
Bidders must submit financials statements from when they started trading
Question 6:
Pg 78: There is a reference to a Presentation of case study. Can I assume that there would be a shortlist compiled and only theses shortlisted would be briefed on the case study which would then need to be presented? Can I also safely assume that this case study is not a requirement for this first phase?
Answer 6:
The case study will be for the shortlisted companies. The brief is the PR and Media strategy for the roll out and implementation of the Road Accident Benefit Scheme. This includes the name changing from RAF to RABS and the communication to the public about the change impacts them.
Question 7:
Pg 79: Pricing Schedule: The pricing schedule given only has 3 line items (Management Fee, % of Mark Up fee for events & Addition cost). My questions are as follows:
  1. Can we create our own pricing template that considers, for example, a retainer based fee model wherein we will list all the required resources and their cost on a monthly basis? The current template on Pg 79 does not cater for a number of budget line items.
  2. What is "Addition Cost" referred to in the document?

Answer 7:
Additional Cost refers to all cost that the bidder may charge the RAF expert what is identified on the costing model.
Question 8
On page 16, number 2.8 it states “For ease of reference and evaluating purposes, please furnish replies under the same headings and refer individually to all specific paragraph numbers. Please be clear in your response and use definite answers” What do you mean here, must we complete the answers beneath the questions or created a separate page with the same page numbers and type out the answers and submit it with the questions?
Answer 8:
Bidders must provide response were is required and if attachment of reference to the response is made bidders must indicate were the information is at in the bid response.
Question 9
On SBD 9, where they ask name of institution, must I fill in our company’s name or RAF?
Answer 9
SBD 9 must be filled in by bidder the institution is the RAF and the bidder is the name of the company bidding.
Question 10
Is the RAF seeking the development of policies and strategies (as mentioned by points 1,2,3 and 4)
Answer 10:
Strategy; however should there be a need to amend and or update the Policy then the agency would also be required to provide their expertise.
Question 11
Point 2 refers to a “Sound Media and Public Relations Policy Strategy”. I would like to ask whetherthis refers to either a policy or a strategy.
Answer 11:
Strategy; however should there be a need to amend and or update the Policy then the agency would also be required to provide their expertise.

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