Name- ______

Touching Spirit Bear

Vocabulary – Part 1

Directions: use the context clues to figure out the meaning of the following vocabulary words.

Word (part of speech) / Actual Definition / Guessed Definition / Sentence
Ashen (adjective) / Cole’s face went ashen when he came head to head with the eight hundred pound Spirit Bear.
Banishment (noun) / After being charged with assault, Cole’s consequence was banishment to a remote island in southern Alaska.
Bough (noun) / The weight of the snow caused the bough of the tree to break.
Brandish (verb) / The general ordered his soldiers to brandish their swords in order to arouse the enemy.
Chafe (verb) / The wet socks began to chafe my skin and cause painful blisters.
Composure (noun) / Even though tests make you extremely nervous, you must keep your composure or you will not do well!
Conjure (verb) / Fearing that his parents would ground him for hitting the mailbox with his father’s car, John decided to conjure a lie.
Dawdle (verb) / Children who don’t want to do their chores often dawdle, and take their time doing other things.
Defy (verb) / It is not a very wise idea to defy the principal. You may get a detention.
Detainee (noun) / Cole was a detainee of the juvenile court.
Feign (verb) / I don’t want to go to school so I will feign illness, and maybe my mom will let me stay home.
Gluttonous (adjective) / No wonder the gluttonous man weighed over five hundred pounds. Look at all of the food on his plate!
Grimace (noun or verb) / Cole grimaced in pain after being attacked by the Spirit Bear.
Gunwale (noun) / The soldier rested his weapon on the gunwale of the ship.
Incessant (adjective) / Your incessant talking is really annoying! Can you just be quiet already!