Minutes of Eagle & Swinethorpe Parish Council Meeting, held on Tuesday 25th August 2015 at 7.30pm in Eagle Village Hall.

Present – Councillor Nigel Bottom (Vice Chair), Councillors Annette Bryan, Dawn Warnock, Mark Nolan, Chris Patty, Katy Thomas, Alan Parker, and Martyn Jackson.

PCSO Sarah Lingard

3 members of the public

1. Apologies

Apologies were received from Councillor Michael Chennells, Barbara Wells and Sally Appleby.

2. Police Items

The PCSO confirmed that there had been one reported crime during the period 28.7.2015 – 25.8.2015. It was criminal damage to a metal memorial plate at Eagle Playing Field. During the same period there had been one report of Anti-social Behaviour, regarding a youth that had been firing a BB gun at children in the village, the offender and parents had been spoken to.

Councillor Annette Bryan asked the PCSO to clarify the rules regarding parking on pavements, after recent incidents where villagers were unable to walk safely on the pavement whilst using a pushchair/wheelchair. The PCSO offered to write a piece for the village, to be put on the website, in the Eagle Eye and the parish council minutes.


3. Declaration of Interest.

None Given

4. Public Comment

The two members of the public that were present, made comment about speeding in the village, especially on Scarle Lane, and what else could be done to help alleviate the problem. The Chair confirmed what had been done to help slow drivers down with the installation of the white village entrance gates and the newly installed green ’30 mph’ signs around the village. The PCSO was aware of the problem and offered her support saying she would look into getting a speed gun session within the village.

The PCSO also confirmed that there was a spare ‘flashing speed sign’ that was purchased by a cluster of villages a few years ago. It would potentially be available to the parish, after clarification from Councillor Sally Appleby, as to who it belongs to. Clarity was also needed on how it was to be maintained, insured and who would look after it. The clerk was asked to contact Councillor Appleby.


5. Minutes of Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 28th July 2015

The minutes were proposed as a true record by Councillor Annette Bryan and seconded by Councillor Alan Parker. All agreed and signed by the Chair.

6. Clerks Update.

The clerk confirmed that she had returned Councillor Martyn Jacksons’ forms to North Kesteven District Council, after his recent election to the parish council. The clerk had sent Mr G Lower an invoice for the Bouncy Castle, which is now sold.

The clerk confirmed that the litter picker had removed the dog fouling notice that had been attached to the entrance gates.

The clerk confirmed that the insurance company didn’t need a copy of the ROSPA report, as long as a copy was held on file for future reference.

All standing orders are now signed and in place.

The Clerk had also contacted Lincolnshire County Council, with regard to clearing the pathway along Eagle Moor, they confirmed that it would be cleared by October 2015.

7. Finance

The following cheques were signed

a. Eagle Village Hall Management Committee - £15.00

b. Clerks Salary & Expenses - £178.75

c. Lincolnshire County Council – New Road Signs - £1393.05

d. Lincolnshire County Council – Temporary Radar for Swinderby Carpark


Monies Received

a. Bouncy Castle - £1.20

b. VAT refund - £668.60

8. Bank Balances

31/07/2014 - £26,181.29

31/07/2015 - £104,953.16

9. Local Plan

Councillor Alan Parker, offered to write a Local Plan Proposal for the village, setting out potential guidelines to be used when development plans were submitted for the village. Although the Councillors did agree to consider each application on an individual basis. Councillor Parker will also attend a Local Plan Briefing at North Kesteven District Council on the 29th September with an update to follow.


10. Entrance Gates

Further to the invoice of £1393.05 being received for the new roadsigns, the clerk was asked to confirm the total bill for installing the white entrance gates for the next meeting.


11. Dog Waste Bins

The councillors confirmed that they would replace two of the dog waste bins.

The new bins would be sighted in the Church Yard and on Hilltop Close.


12. Open Items

The Litter picker was asked to put up a ‘No Dog Fouling’ notice on Eagle Moor.

The Clerk was asked to email Lincolnshire County Council regarding the gritting routes, to try and add on the High Street and possibly Thorpe Lane.


Councillor Warnock confirmed the website was all up to date.

13. Eagle Playfield Projects and the ROSPA Report

The councillors confirmed that the ROSPA report would be paid for by the parish council, the Clerk was asked to raise a cheque for £102.00 to cover this.

The parish council, agreed in principal to offer their help to Eagle Playfield Committee in respect of their request for financial support to improve the play equipment at the park. The councillors were in agreement that they needed a more detailed business plan so that they could make an informed decision. Councillor Nigel Bottom offered to contact Clare Bower to arrange a meeting so that he could help the Playing Field Committee put definite plans together, to present to the Parish Council.


14. Items for the Next Agenda

The Chair offered the parish councils support for the Eagle Eye, saying that it was a fantastic asset to the village and hoped that a new editor would be found very soon.

Councillor Bryan, commented that one of the signs on Eagle Moor actually says Eagle Moo, the clerk was asked to contact Highways to get it amended.


15. Date and time of next meeting

Tuesday 29th September 2015 at 7.30pm.

Meeting closed at 9.30pm