Where in the World?

We’re going to use the computer to explore the earth and travel to the different continents.

1. We will be using Google Earth. Click on the Google Earth icon. It is blue with white stripes. What do you first see when it opens up?


2. Next click in the small, white rectangle. Type in Westfield, MA and press the Enter button. This is where we will begin our journey. What happens when you hit the Enter button?


3. Next, in the same small rectangle type in Europe and press the Enter button. Do you go over land or water?


4. Next, in the same small rectangle, type in Asia and press the Enter button. Do you move across an ocean?


5. Next, in the same small rectangle, type in Australia and press the Enter button. Where do you think you are compared to where we started in Westfield, MA?


6. Next, in the same small rectangle, type in Antarctica and press the Enter button. Could you get from Australia to Antarctica by a car?


7. Next, in the same small rectangle, type in South America and press the Enter button. Do you think you are closer to Westfield, MA or further away now?

8. Next, in the same small rectangle, type in North America and press the Enter button. Can you get here with a boat, a car, or an airplane?


9. Next, in the same small rectangle, type in Westfield, MA and press the Enter button. What happens when you press the Enter button?


10. Using all of the information you just saw, what continent do you think Westfield, MA?


Now that you have finished with this activity, please return to the carpet, so we can talk about what you found!