Instructor: Amy Severino
Week Of: 10-25 through 10-29 / Class: ASL I-Advanced
Periods: 2, 8-9 and 12
Tuesday / NJCCCS:
7.1 Communication-Basic / Essential Question(s) / Objectives:
How do we use non manual signals to indicate adverbs and adjectives in ASL? How can facial expressions change the meaning of a sign? / Instruction: Unit 1: Welcome
Finish “Through Deaf Eyes”
Complete written discussion questions. / Differentiation / Modifications:
Interdisciplinary NJCCCS:
3.3, 3.4, 2.5 / Assessment:
Collins writing type 2:
List 3 ways Deaf culture is different than Hearing Culture.
Wednesday / NJCCCS:
7.1 Communication-Basic / Essential Question(s) / Objectives:
How do we use non manual signals to indicate adverbs and adjectives in ASL? How can facial expressions change the meaning of a sign? / Instruction: Unit 1: Welcome
WARM-UP: A-Z, 1-20, FS drill on overhead “ing”
1. INSIDE/OUTSIDE dialogue similar to pg. 28 T2—students identify the grammatical elements
2) partner parallel drills T1, U1 and U2, V, W-1
3) Do W-2 with a partner
4) Games to build receptive/expressive fingerspelling skills
5) Inside/Outside Dialogue…vocabulary and grammar review.
6) Steal the Bacon—vocabulary review
7) Interactive Survey—Unit 1 / Differentiation / Modifications:
20, 22
(and any others as needed)
Interdisciplinary NJCCCS:
3.3, 3.4, 2.5 / Assessment:
hw: pg. 32 HW 5C
Thursday / NJCCCS:
7.1 Communication-Basic / Essential Question(s) / Objectives: How do we use non manual signals to indicate adverbs and adjectives in ASL? How can facial expressions change the meaning of a sign? How do we show negation when signing? / Instruction: Unit 1: Welcome
REVIEW: A-Z, #’s 1-30, Today is….
1. Unit 1 Review…pgs. 34-35 / Differentiation / Modifications:
20, 22
(and any others as needed)
Interdisciplinary NJCCCS:
3.3, 3.4, 2.5 / Assessment:
Friday / NJCCCS:
7.1 Communication-Basic / Essential Question(s) / Objectives:
How do we introduce ourselves to each other in ASL? How can we ask and answer questions in ASL? What are proper greetings and farewells in ASL? / Instruction: Unit 1: Welcome
UNIT 1 TEST-Receptive / Differentiation / Modifications:
Interdisciplinary NJCCCS:
3.3, 3.4, 2.5 / Assessment:


Principal’s Comments: