Purdue Agriculture News Page 2


Xxx (Month) XX (Date), 2014

Purdue Extension mission highlighted during centennial

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. - Purdue E x tension in Xxxxxx (Name) County is reaffirming its mission of serving the needs of people and helping to make their communities stronger as the Cooperative Extension Service nationwide celebrates its centennial this year.

The commemoration centers on the federal Smith-Lever Act of May 8, 1914, which created the national Extension system.

The centennial observance, however, isn't only about looking back - it's also about planning for the future, said Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx (Name), xxxxxxxxx (title).

"The past 100 years provide a strong foundation for Extension, but we also are preparing for the next 100 years of relevant, university-based information to continue improving lives and communities in Xxxxxx (Name) County," he/she said.

Gov. Mike Pence said in a proclamation noting the centennial that Extension's work includes:

* Providing research-based information that has helped farmers and ranchers established the U.S. as a world leader in agriculture.

* Reaching millions of young people in 4-H programs.

* Lifting people out of poverty and preparing them for healthy, productive lives through educational programs.

* Providing assistance through rapid response during disasters and other emergencies such as floods, drought and outbreaks of infectious diseases.

* Engaging with rural and urban leaders to foster community vitality.

Pence encouraged the people of Indiana "to observe and celebrate the centennial of the Smith-Lever Act with a focus on launching an innovative and sustainable future for Purdue Cooperative Extension."

Mention local activities with new paragraph here.

While some issues have changed over the years, Extension's core mission remains, Xxxxxx (last name of person identified in 3rd paragraph) said. Examples of how Purdue Extension's work has benefited the people of Indiana are at .purdue.e d u/extension/makingadifference.

All Indiana counties have a Purdue Extension office that is a resource for local residents. The Xxxxxxxx (Name) County website is at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (URL).

The website of The Education Store of Purdue Extension has a specialty page highlighting books on the history of Purdue Extension at www.extension.purdue.e d u /CESHistory.

Contact: Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx (Name), xxx-xxx-xxxx (telephone number), (email address)


A publishable graphic of Extension centennial is available at http://extension100years.net/MCMS/RelatedFiles/%7B4D6A4C20-17E7-42B2-934B-CD00A16515BD%7D/Green.jpg