Summer Theater


Open to children who are entering 4th, 5th, or 6th grade

Summer Theater is an intensive 2 week program where kids:




·  help design and paint sets

·  help create their costumes and props

·  work together to glorify God

·  increase their overall knowledge of: acting, singing, choreography, auditioning, costumes, and set design… and participate in as many aspects of production as possible!

Auditions will take place Saturday, July 11th from

10:00-12:00 in the Fellowship Center @ RBCPC

Auditioning is not necessary to be in the play,

but is necessary if you want to be considered for a lead role.

Auditions are no-pressure!

Rehearsal Schedule

Due to the short amount of time we have to produce this musical,

good attendance is necessary.

Please make every effort to be on time to all rehearsals

July 11 Auditions! 10:00am-12:00pm

July 13-16 9:00-3:00 (please bring a lunch!)

July 17 9:00-3:00 (We provide Lunch)

July 20-23 9:00-3:00 (please bring a lunch!)

July 24th ²SHOWTIME²

Dress rehearsal: 9:00-12:00

Please return at 5:00 p.m.

(We provide dinner!)

The show is at 7:00 p.m.

Attention Parents!

If you would like to help with Summer Theater or be on campus during the hours of the camp (9:00-3:00), please visit and fill in the “Acknowledgements” section AND the “Background Screening” section ASAP.

Everyone who interacts with the students must be cleared through our child protection policy.

Thank you in advance for your willingness to volunteer with our program and your understanding as we do our best to keep your children safe.

If you would like to volunteer, please fill out and return the

“We Love Helpers” page!

Summer Theater Registration

Please register soon, as enrollment is limited!

Child’s Name:
Parent(s) Name(s): Grade in the Fall:
Phone: Child’s T-shirt size:
Emergency contact:
Any additional information you would like us to know about your child: (i.e. food allergies, special needs, anything!) feel free to write on back, e-mail, or call!
I consent to have pictures with my child posted on the RBCPC website
I do not consent to have pictures with my child posted on the RBCPC website
IMPORTANT! Please refer to rehearsal schedule and list any/all known conflicts on the back of this form. Your rehearsal attendance will be a factor in our casting of this show. Please be complete in listing conflicts.


$ 200 per child

$ 150 for additional siblings

Scholarships are available

Make checks payable to “RBCPC”

We love Helpers!

Please place check next to your volunteer interest!

I am interested in helping with:

ü / Area / Details
Listed below are possible opportunities for volunteering
Food / _Lunch for Staff/volunteers
Thank you! Food for about 20
Please list days you can help ______
_Reception after performance
Ice cream scoopers/ table decoration
_Surprise Lunch
7/17: special Friday lunch for Cast+Staff
_Pre-show Dinner for Cast
Costumes/Props / _Craft preparation
_Stage Make-up tutorial
Sets/Painting / _Paint preparation
_Clean up
_Details and/or touch ups
Lunch Playtime Supervision
30 minute shift 12:00-12:30 / _Please list days available:
Stage Crew / _Stage and set Construction
_Load-In 12:30 July 19rd
_Tear down July 24th

Thank you for your dedication to this ministry.

Please be sure to fill out the forms required by our Child Protection Policy. Visit and fill in the “Acknowledgements” AND the “Background Screening” sections ASAP. Thank you for understanding as we keep your children safe.

Sign In/Sign Out Policy

We need all parents and responsible adults to meet with one of our volunteers to sign their children in and out each day. Each morning we will begin in Lower Fireside at 9:00 am where you will sign your child in. We will end each afternoon in the Sanctuary where you will sign your child out.

If someone else is going to pick up or drop off your child, we need to have a written permission note with your signature. The form on the next page is an easy way for you to let us know who has your permission to sign your child in and out, and what dates they have permission to do so.

If there is an emergency, you may give us verbal permission (over the phone) to release your child to someone. Also, children need to be picked up within 10 minutes of the program ending, and may not be checked in more than 5 minutes early.

Thank you for your understanding as

we do our best to keep your children safe!

Sign in/sign out

Permission form

I give ______

(Name(s) of those who can sign your child in/out)

permission to check in or pick up my child, ______

(Child’s name)

from Summer Theater 2015 at RBCPC

(Choose one)

On ______

date (s)

For the duration of the Summer Theater program.

Parent signature: ______

QUESTIONS? Please call 858-487-0811 x269