
Criteria / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0
Thesis Statement / IdentifiesHow Revolution effected political, social and economic changes in France and Haiti in an articulate, well written thesis statement. / Identifieshow Revolution effected political, social and economic changes in France and Haiti in a clear, articulate thesis statement. (clear opinion) / Writer may not provide a clear thesis statement. / Writer may not provide a thesis statement / Writer does not provide a thesis statement
Quality of Response / Writer identifies (one each) political, social and economic effect of Revolutionin both France and Haiti.
Writer provides a brief conclusion to connect the response. / Writer identifiestwo (2)categories of the effects of revolution in both France and Haiti.
Writer demonstrates asufficient understanding of the topic / Writer identifiesone (1) category of the effects of revolution in both France and Haiti.
Writer attempts to demonstrate an understanding of the topic / Writer misunderstands most of the question or does not respond to the prompts.
Writer does not provide details or details are not relevant to support his/her answer. / No response or response is completely incorrect.
Evidence and Supporting Details / Writer utilizes specific, relevantdetails which support each of the effects listed above as evidence to support his/her answer.
Writereffectively integrates evidence into the text of the response. / Writer provides relevant details which support each of the causes listed above as evidence to support his/her answer.
Writer may not effectively integrate evidence. / Writer provides some relevant details as evidence to support his/her answer.
▪Writer may not integrate evidence. / Writer does not provide evidence or evidence is not relevant to the prompt.
Analysis of Evidence / Writer effectively analyzesthe political, economic and social effect of “revolution” in France and Haiti anddemonstrates its relevance to the thesis. / Writer provides analysis of evidenceon the similarities between France and Haiti and attempts to demonstrate its relevance to the thesis. / Writer attempts to connect evidence to his/her response, but evidence may not be relevant. / Writer does not provide analysis or explanation of his/her evidence.
Conventions / Writer has control of conventions. / Writer may have some problems with conventions. / Writer may have some problems with conventions. / Writer may have some problems with conventions.


Assignment: Explain how “revolution” effected political, economic, and social change in France and Haiti.