Garner Police Athletic / Activities League

Minutes of the Board of Directors for April 7, 2011

In attendance:Mr. Tim Montgomery, President; Mr. Justin Byars, Treasurer; Mr. Claude Jenkins, Board Member; Mrs. Amaka Flynn, Board Member; Chief Brandon Zuidema, Executive Director

The meeting was called to order at 6:15 by President Tim Montgomery.

The following business was discussed:

1)The planning sheet developed at the retreat was reviewed for progress and due dates.

-Chief Zuidema confirmed that the PAL application had been submitted to the National PAL

-There was discussion of the method for youth to “apply” to PAL and it was decided to hold the discussion until Sgt. McIver was present

-We discussed the proposed action steps in the planning sheet with the following reports back:

  • Tim discussed a possible Dunn visit on April 23; Sgt. McIver will confirm the date
  • Chief Zuidema reported speaking with Parks and Rec Director Sonya Shaw regarding facilities; Rob Smith will begin attending meetings as Parks and Rec liaison to the board
  • Chief Zuidema reported that the Wake County Training Center site on Garner Rd. was unavailable due to the condition of the buildings
  • Chief Zuidema reported that he had met with Travis Horton, Southeast Regional Library Director, and had gotten a commitment to partner
  • Chief Zuidema reported that the Garner Fire Department would not be able to allow use of their gym by PAL but that they would be interested in their employees volunteering
  • Claude reported speaking with Garner Area Ministries and that they were interested in partnering and helping to identify at risk youth in their respective congregations

2)We discussed an application for potential board members; Tim provided an example used by Wake County and we discussed whether or not we would want a criminal background for board members. We also discussed the need for sharing the conflict of interest policy and for having an ethics statement and for possibly asking for references with follow-up by the Program Director.

Tim will be working on a draft for the May meeting.

3)We discussed the current version of the brochure and that it was a good start based on our current progress.

4)We will be presenting at the Garner Town Council on May 2 and 7 p.m. to provide them with an overview of PAL and what we hope to accomplish in the future. Tim and Chief Zuidema will collaborate to develop a handout and presentation for the meeting.

5)We decided that going forward we would use the council handout and the brochure as our “consistent message” for talking to groups going forward.

6)We discussed starting to meet with elementary and middle schools to establish partnerships before the end of the school year. The following assignments were made:

-Chief Zuidema will contact East Garner Middle School and North Garner Middle School

-Tim will contact Timber Drive Elementary

-Amaka will contact Aversboro Elementary

It was decided that we will always try to have a uniformed officer and a board member on all such visits to show the community partnership in our board.

7)We discussed the need for a preliminary budget. Justin and Sgt. McIver will be meeting prior to the May board meeting to draft a budget.

8)The board was presented with a resignation letter from Vice-President Ralph Smith due to health reasons limited his availability for board meetings. It was decided that we would accept his resignation as Vice-President at the May meeting but we would not accept his resignation from the board in case he was able to contribute again in the future.

The next meeting of the Board of Directors for the Garner Police Activity / Athletics League will be held on Thursday, May 5 at 6:00 p.m.