
Instructor’s Manual

Chapter 23

Student Assignment

Bowel Elimination


Match each term with the correct definition.

A. Colostomy

B. Constipation

C. Diarrhea

D. Enema

E. Fecal impaction

F. Flatus

G. Fecal incontinence

H. Peristalsis

I. Flatulence

J. Ileostomy

K. Stool

L. Suppository

1. _____ The introduction of fluid into the rectum and lower colon

2. _____ A surgically created opening between the ileum and the abdominal wall

3. _____ Gas or air passed through the anus

4. _____ Excreted feces

5. _____ A surgically created opening between the colon and the abdominal wall

6. _____ The frequent passage of liquid stools

7. _____ The alternating contraction and relaxation of intestinal muscles

8. _____ The prolonged retention and buildup of feces in the rectum

9. _____ The inability to control the passage of feces and gas through the anus

10. _____ The passage of a hard, dry stool

11. _____ The excessive formation of gas or air in the stomach and intestines

12. _____ A cone-shaped solid medication that is inserted into a body opening

Fill in the blanks

13. Bleeding in the stomach and small intestine causes ______________________________ stools.

14. Describe the role of diet in preventing constipation.




15. How does fluid intake affect bowel elimination?





16. List seven common causes of constipation.

A. _________________________________________

B. _________________________________________

C. _________________________________________

D. _________________________________________

E. _________________________________________

F. _________________________________________

G. _________________________________________

17. A resident has diarrhea. You need to:

A. _________________________________________

B. _________________________________________

C. _________________________________________

18. The person with fecal incontinence may need the following care measures:

A. _________________________________________

B. _________________________________________

C. _________________________________________

D. _________________________________________

19. If flatus is not expelled, the intestines distend. List four measures that often produce flatus.

A. _________________________________________

B. _________________________________________

C. _________________________________________

D. _________________________________________

20. A saline enema is _________________________________


21. To prevent cramping while giving an enema, you need to:

A. ____________________________________________

B. ____________________________________________

22. A cleansing enema is given to _______________________



23. Small-volume enemas cause defecation by _____________


24. How long is an oil-retention enema retained? _____________


25. Miss Kline has a colostomy. Her colostomy site depends on _______________________________________________. Her stool consistency depends on _______________________________________________.

26. ______________________________________ stool drain constantly from an ileostomy.

27. The person with an ostomy can wear normal clothing. Why are tight garments avoided? ________________________________________




True or False

Mark T for true or F for false.

1. _____ The frequency of bowel movements varies from person to person.

2. _____ Ignoring the need to defecate can lead to constipation.

3. _____ Diarrhea is very serious in older persons.

4. _____ Follow Standard Precautions and the Bloodborne Pathogen Standard when giving enemas.

5. _____ Up to five tap-water enemas are given to cleanse the bowels.

6. _____ The person is positioned in the right side-lying position for a cleansing enema.

7. _____ Stomas have nerve endings and are painful.

8. _____ All colostomies are permanent.

9. _____ Liquid feces drain constantly from an ileostomy.

10. _____ Ostomy pouches are flushed down the toilet.

Multiple Choice

Circle the BEST answer.

11. Which is not a cause of constipation?

A. Decreased fluid intake

B. High fiber diet

C. Some medications

D. Inactivity

12. A resident complains of abdominal discomfort. Watery stool has been leaking from the person’s rectum. This is probably

A. Diarrhea

B. Anal incontinence

C. A fecal impaction

D. Constipation

13. A resident has fecal incontinence. You know that

A. Good skin care is required.

B. A bowel training program will cure the person’s incontinence.

C. The condition is permanent.

D. The person has dementia.

14. A person has an ileostomy. Which is incorrect?

A. The stool is formed.

B. Good skin care is essential.

C. The entire large intestine has been removed.

D. The pouch must fit well.

15. Odors in ostomy pouches are prevented by all of the following except

A. Good hygiene

B. Emptying the pouch

C. Using a deodorant in the pouch as directed

D. Changing the pouch every 8 hours

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