JULY 2, 2017

WELCOME FR. JASPER – Today we welcome our new Assistant Pastor Fr. Richard Jasper. Newly ordained, Fr. Jasper reflects on how the hand of God guided his journey to the priesthood and for the future…per the advice of Bishop W. Francis Malooly…will continue to be himself — “joyful, present, energized and in touch with the Lord”. Fr. is very excited to begin his ministry here at St. Ann’s and with his expertise, will enrich and engage our parish community for many years to come. Welcome!!!


Has expressed an interest in becoming Catholic?

Was baptized Catholic as a child, but has not celebrated the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist?

We offer an opportunity to come together in a small group to learn more about our faith. Sessions focus on the teachings and experience of Church and prepare individuals to celebrate the Sacraments of Baptism, confirmation, and Eucharist during the Easter season. You are welcome to participate in the process with your questions, your insights and your faith story in a warm accepting setting. For info, please contact Jane at the rectory at 654-5519.

2017 Annual Catholic Appeal – Thousands of individuals and families rely upon the ministries and programs of the Diocese of Wilmington to receive needed comfort, shelter, enrichment and encouragement. Giving to the Annual Appeal allows each of us the opportunity to put our faith into action. To those who have already contributed to this year’s campaign, thank you. If you have not yet offered your support, please consider making a pledge or a one-time contribution today. To date, $135,000 has been received representing 93.5% or our parish’s $144,500 goal. Thank you.

Could this be you? Looking for a few adult disciples being called by the Holy Spirit to do some missionary work for the Lord – right here at St. Ann! Your Sunday morning children’s faith formation program (PREP) needs people to share their faith with our parish’s youngest disciples and saints in the making. Currently we have openings at all age levels beginning with kindergarten through the 8th grade. Formal classes do not begin until September but now is the time to get a head start! For more info contact Pat Walker at 654-8504.

St. Ann’s Novena -July 23-26, (Sunday-Wednesday). Holy Hour 9am Sunday, Monday- Wednesday at 7pm. Check the bulletin/website for more details as available.

PREP Registrations are currently being accepted for grades K through 8. You can access the form online at the parish website at under Religious Education and then Registration Forms. If you have any questions, please call 654-8504.

First Communion and Confirmation registrations for the 2017-18 school year are now being accepted. These forms are also online at the parish website at or call 654-8504.

SPONSORS/GODPARENTS To be a godparent for Baptism, a person must be 16 years or older and a practicing and fully initiated Catholic, having completed the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. If married, the union must be recognized by the Catholic Church. One Catholic godparent is required; 2 godparents (one male & one female) is the ordinary and recommended practice. Keep in mind the purpose of a sponsor is to give good example and support in the Catholic faith of the baptized. Documentation of eligibility for all Catholic godparents are required from the Catholic Church where they are registered and attend weekly mass. If you have eligibility questions, please call (302)654-8504 before choosing any godparents. The next required Baptismal Preparation class will be Thursday, July 13th at 7pm in the St. Ann School.

The second collection next weekend is for the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception Trinity Dome. This collection will be to complete the construction of the Great Upper Church of the Basilica in Washington, DC.


Saturday July 1

8:00 A.M. Kane & Farren families

5:00 P.M. Anita M. & Thomas A. McBride

Sunday July 2

7:30 A.M. Intention of Fr. Lance Martin, K of C

9:30 A.M. Parishioners

11:30 A.M. Georgina Sheing & Hank Salacki

Monday July 3

9:00 A.M. Lawrence Rizzo

Tuesday July 4 Independence Day

9:00 A.M. Chas O’Connor

Wednesday July 5

6:30 A.M. Dick Vanderloo

8:00 A.M. Betsy Fraczkowski

Thursday July 6

6:30 A.M. Donald Brady

8:00 A.M. Harry Monck

Friday July 7

6:30 A.M. Mary Louise Duffy

8:00 A.M. R. Franklin Balotti

Saturday July 8

8:00 A.M. Chas O’Connor

5:00 P.M. Helen M. Rutter

Sunday July 9

7:30 A.M. Parishioners

9:30 A.M. William Piccone

11:30 A.M. Beatrice Kleman

Pray for the sick, shut-ins and elderly of our Parish.

WE CONGRATULATE the following who were welcomed into the Christian community through Baptism:

Jonathan Patrick Donohue…son of Jonathan/Cathleen Donohue

Remy Drummond…daughter of Ryan/Meaghan Drummond

Violet Dale Schuster…daughter of Derek/Karen Schuster

The Chapel of Divine Mercy is open 6am to 10pm, 7 days a week with the Blessed Sacrament exposed. Can you offer an hour of your time? Visit to sign up. You can also call Chris at 584-1422 or Nan at 656-8438.

ST. ANN’S PRAYER LINE – to place a name or special request on the prayer line email Joe/Shirley Ackerman at or 384-7513.

Hospital Visitations – Make sure to call the Rectory at 654-5519 if you are in the hospital and would like a priest to visit.

Summer Program – St. Ann’s School will have a camp this summer from June 19th – August 14th, designed for our younger campers - ages 3 to 5 years old. The cost is $225.00 per week. The schedule will be 9am-3pm daily with before and after care provided at an additional cost. Weekly themes will include Under the Sea, Animals, Stars & Stripes, Fairytales, Pirates, Rainforest, Beach Week, Camping and the Circus. To register, visit

Helping Hands; Washing Feet Summer Work Camp - John 13:15 “I have given you a model to follow, so that as I have done for you, you should also do.”

This weeklong summer work camp program offers High School students 16 and older the opportunity to follow the example of Christ by serving others. Partnering with Habitat for Humanity, tis service camp will take place from July 20th – August 5th. Students will be staying at Saints Peter and Paul Parish in Easton, Maryland. They will fork during the day at local sites helping Habitat for Humanity construct and upkeep homes for families in need. Evenings will be filled with planned activities that will be spiritual driven along with fun and fellowship. Participants will earn 30 service hours for the week.

For additional information and to register, please visit and click on the Helping Hands Washing Feet event in the first column of the homepage.

National Catholic Youth Conference – November 16-18 in Indianapolis, Indiana

The NCYC is an exciting, biennial three-day experience of prayer, catechesis, community, and discipleship. Catholic teenagers and their adult chaperones learn about the Catholic faith through keynote presentations and workshop sessions that address a wide variety of topics. The Eucharist is celebrated daily and experienced in a way that touches the minds and heart of all participants. Concerts, exhibits, an interactive thematic park and recreational activities round out this high energy three day event. The Office for Catholic Youth Ministry is looking for donations to help make the cost for this event affordable for any youth who wished to attend. Even the smallest donation will have a huge impact! Send your donation to Catholic Youth Ministry, NCYC Support at 1626 N. Union Street, Wilmington, DE 19806.

St. Thomas More Membership – If you are a judge or a lawyer, please consider joining the St. Thomas More Society. Visit the website to sign up!

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Catholic Forum – Listen to Catholic Forum every Sunday morning at 10:05am on WDEL 101.7FM, 1150AM and Next Sunday, July 9th, Kevin Lowry, author of the book, “How God Hauled Me Kicking and Screaming into the Catholic Church” will be interviewed. For photos, podcast links and info regarding upcoming guests, podcasts and more, like

Worldwide Marriage Encounter – Only YOU can set marriage fires! Want to find out how to keep yours burning? Take each other on a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. The next weekend is November 3-5, 2017. To receive more info or to apply, call Tony & Linda Massino at 302-220-9833.

Religious Vocations –In today’s Gospel, Jesus says to his apostles “Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.” In every generation, God calls some people to leave behind the lives they’re used to and to follow Him along a different path. Might He be calling you to embark upon the road to priesthood or religious life? If you think so, please call or write Father Norm Carroll, Diocesan Director of Priestly and Religious Vocations ( or call 573-3113).

2017 Quo Vadis Days – for High School and College students will be Thursday, July 27 to Saturday, July 29 in Malvern, Pa. This event offers a time of prayer, fraternity, sports, and recreation focused on the life and ministry of the Priesthood. You will spend three days with other young men who have the same interest and aspiration in life. Is God calling me to be a Priest? For more info and to register online: Registration deadline is July 9th.

St. Joseph Parish Carnival – Middletown – Tuesday July 18th through Saturday July 22nd. Rides, games and nightly entertainment under the big top. Special children’s game area. Nightly raffles and delicious meals in the air-conditioned Parish hall beginning at 5:30pm Tuesday through Friday. FREE admission and parking. For more info, call the Parish Office at 378-5800 or email

Our Lady of Fatima Parish Annual Fair – Monday, July 10th to Saturday, July 15th, 6pm-10pm on the Fatima Church grounds. Great rides, fun games, ice cream and food. There is something for everyone – hope to see you there.

Employment Opportunity Diocese of Wilmington for Senior Program Manager of Basic Needs – to direct, manage, develop, evaluate and administer the Basic Needs Program including Case Management, Immigration and Thrift Services. Supervises direct service personnel, monitors and directs service funds and contract, oversee distribution of donated items, maintain accurate date and reporting systems, oversees program design and recommends strategies to service community needs. The Diocese offers an excellent benefit package and for more info, as well as duties and qualifications for this position, see

Rediscover the Love in Your Marriage – Do you feel lost, alone or bored in your marriage? Are you frustrated, hurt or angry with your spouse? Are you constantly fighting or do you simply shut down? Have you thought about separation or divorce? Retrouvaille may be the LIFELINE that you need. It is not just a social gathering or series of seminars, but rather a way to rediscover and rekindle the loving relationship in your marriage. Tens of thousands of couples have successfully saved their marriages by attending a Retrouvaille weekend and the sessions that follow. The next program begins the weekend of August 11-13 at the Family Life Center in Malvern, PA. For more info or to register, visit or call 1-800-470-2230. All inquiries are kept strictly confidential.

BULLETIN ADVERTISERS – Have you taken a look at the patrons listed on the back on the bulletin? It’s because of their support that we can provide this bulletin at no cost to our parish. Please visit these businesses and don’t forget to tell them where you saw their ad!

Coming Up:

7/3-7/4 Rectory closed – holiday

7/3-7/4 9am Daily Mass only

7/13 7pm Baptism Prep Class

7/21 10am Kentmere Mass

7/23 9am St. Ann Novena Holy Hour

7/24 7pm St. Ann Novena

7/25 7pm St. Ann Novena

7/26 7pm St. Ann Novena

Have a safe and festive Fourth of July!
