Roaring Twenties

Red Summer 1919

US attitude

Red Scare


Palmer Raids


Nicola Sacco andBartolomeo Vanzetti


Ku Klux Klan


Immigration Acts of 1921, 1924, and 1929

Quota System

Prohibition (Noble Experiment)

Anti-Saloon League and WCTU


18th amendment (1919)

Speakeasies and Bootleggers

21st amendment

Al Capone

Scopes Monkey Trial – 1925

Fundamentalists vs. Modernists

Clarence Darrow and William Jennings Bryan

Economic growth and prosperity

Mass consumption



Leisure time



“Birth of a Nation” 1915 - D.W. Griffith

“The Jazz Singer” 1927

Rise of the automobile

Henry Ford

Assembly line

Impact on industry

Wright Brothers 1903

Charles Lindbergh

Spirit of St. Louis

Margaret Sanger


Harlem Renaissance

Langston Hughes

Marcus Garvey

Jazz Age

Duke Ellington and Louis Armstrong

Lost Generation

F. Scott Fitzgerald

“The Great Gatsby” 1925

Ernest Hemingway

“A Farewell to Arms” 1929

Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928

Warren G. Harding


“Ohio Gang”


Teapot Dome 1923

Albert Fall

August 2, 1923

Calvin Coolidge


“The business of government is business”

Election of 1924

Rep. Calvin Coolidge

Dem. John Davis

Progressive Party Robert LaFollette

Labor unrest

Boston Police Strike 1919

“There is no right to strike against the public safety by anybody, anywhere, anytime.”

Steel Mill Strike 1919

Coal Miner’s Strike 1919

United Mine Workers of America - John L. Lewis

International debt

1922 - $16 billion

Election of 1928

Rep. Herbert Hoover

Dem. Alfred Smith

“We in America today are nearer to the final triumph over poverty than ever before in the history of any land”

The Great Depression



Foreign debt

Consumer debt

Stock Market Frenzy

Bull Market

Buying on the Margin

Oct. 29, 1929 - Black Tuesday

Banking system

Dust Bowl



Route 66

The Grapes of Wrath 1939John Steinbeck

Herbert Hoover’s response

Rugged individualism

Industry meeting

Hawley-Smoot Tariff 1930

Reconstruction Finance Corporation

Boulder (Hoover) Dam

Bonus Army 1932

Patman Bill

Douglas MacArthur and Dwight Eisenhower


Election of 1932

Rep. Herbert Hoover

Dem. Franklin DelanoRoosevelt

Polio in 1921 (Jonas Salk 1955), Eleanor,

pledges a New Deal to the American people

Brain Trust

Inaugural address

“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself”

20th amendment – March to January

New Deal

Relief, Recovery, Reform

“prime the pump”

First 100 days

Bank Holiday

Fireside chats

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation FDIC

Agricultural Adjustment Act 1933

TennesseeValley Authority 1933

Civilian Conservation Corps 1933

National Industrial Recovery Act 1933

National Recovery Administration

Public Works Administration

Gold Standard

Deficit spending

21st amendment

Securities and Exchange Act 1934

Social Security Act of 1935

Fair Labor Standards Act 1938

Supreme Court

Schecter Poultry Corp. v. US 1935

Sick Chicken Case


US v. Butler 1936


Father Charles Coughlin

Court Packing Plan 1937

Effects of New Deal

How successful was the New Deal?

