Algebra 2 –Syllabus and Class Policies

Mrs. Helbing / Mr. Dugger


Algebra 2 by McDougal Littell, copyright 2007. This text is also available on-line at You will need the activation code.

Course Information:

Algebra 2 is an SOL course. Information on the Algebra 2 SOL curriculum can be found on the state website: w w A complete Algebra 2 course syllabus can be found on my webpage on the Heritage HS website.

Recommended Materials:

Three ring binder just for math. (1 ?” -2”)



Pencils and erasers

TI-83 or TI-83+ Graphing Calculator


On Time? You are expected to be in your seat and ready to begin your warm-up when the bell rings. If you are not, you will sign the tardy book.

Late to class? There is a “Tardy Binder” by the pencil sharpener. You must find the section for your class and sign in.

Tardy Penalties: 1st Warning

2nd Parent Call

3rd After School Detention (1 Day)

4th After School Detention (2 Days + Parent Call)

5th Parent Conference

6th Referral

What to do at the start of class… Come in and sit down immediately. Take out your homework from the night before and place it on the desk. Start the warm-up on the overhead or Promethean. When you are absent YOU ARE STILL RESPONSIBLE for getting the missed warm-up and doing it.

What to do if you forget your materials… You are expected to come to class every block with your notebook, paper, and pencils. You will not be allowed to go to your locker to retrieve forgotten items. If possible, borrow from your neighbor.

How is homework graded? While you are doing your warm-up, I will walk around and assign 10 points for your completed homework. You are expected to ATTEMPT each and every problem and SHOW ALL WORK. If work is not shown, you will not receive full credit. You should make sure that the page number and assigned problems, as well as the date the homework was assigned, are written at the top of the paper with your name and class section.

How is you notebook organized? You are expected keep an organized notebook. You should have the following sections: warm-ups, notes, class work, homework and quizzes and tests.

What to do if you are absent… If you are home and near a computer, check the school website and find my homework posted on-line. When you return, you need to show me any homework that was due on the day you missed. Go to the make-up folder to collect missing assignments. Your textbook is online, so you have access to that if you don’ t have your book. Tests/quizzes need to be made up BEFORE school or during study hall, and you must arrange that appointment with me ahead of time.

Restroom … You should be able to get your belongings and use the restroom PRIOR to the start of class. During class, you must ask for permission to use the restroom and then sign out. If I see that you are going constantly and abusing the privilege, I will limit the number of times you may go.

The end of class… Your homework will be on the board. You are expected to start working on it until I say you can pack up. We do NOT line up at the door and wait for the bell. The bell does not dismiss you, I do!

My Classroom Rules:

1. Come to class prepared to learn.

2. Sit down immediately and start the warm-up. You are to have nothing on your desk except: a book, notebook, calculator, pencil and water bottle. No electronic devices or playing calculator games.

3. Respect the people, items, and furnishings of this room. Making fun of your classmates work, ideas and questions will not be tolerated.

4. Do you very best.

Homework Policy:

Doing your homework is important. It is designed to give you a chance to practice and master concepts taught in class. If the assignment is complete I will give you 10 points. You can turn it in late THE VERY NEXT CLASS and receive a 6/10. After that it is a 0.

Make-up Work:

County policy is followed on time allowed for make-up. One day for each day you are absent. If you are absent the block before a previously announced quiz or test, but were here when the material was taught, you are still expected to take the quiz or test. If you are absent the block of a previously announced quiz or test you need to see me the day you return to schedule a time to make up the test or quiz.

Extra Help:

I am available for extra help in the morning after 8 a.m. You DO need to make an appointment as you will need a pass. In addition, there is a math teacher available during every study hall, and math lab available before and after school (days TBA).


Tests: 100 points

Quizzes: 50 points

Projects: 25-200 points

Homework: 10 points

Assignments: 5 – 25 points

Warm-up check: 50 points


Feel free to contact me via e-mail with any concerns or questions.


Please review this syllabus and class policies sheet with your child and then fill out and sign the student information sheet with them. To help keep you informed I update my webpage and homework calendar on a routine basis. Check their notebook to make sure they are doing their homework. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via e-mail or by calling the school. I look forward to seeing you at back to school night on September _____.