Call for Presentations
9th Annual SHRM Jacksonville Conference and Expo
March 30 – March 31, 2017
University of North Florida
Adam W. Herbert University Center
Jacksonville, FL 32224
We value your continued support. You are invited to submit a proposal to share your experience and expertise with your colleagues in human resources management at the SHRM Jacksonville 9th Annual Conference and Expo. Others will benefit from your experience while you make a valuable contribution to the profession’s field of knowledge.
We have a keynote speaker and networking event scheduled for March 30, 2017, and breakout sessions start on March 30, 2017 and conclude on March 31, 2017. Responses to the Call for Presentations are due to SHRM Jacksonville no later than Wednesday, November 23, 2016. Submit your completed Call for Presentations form and supporting documentation to:
SHRM Jacksonville
c/o Natasha Slaughter
2017 Conference Chair
Any questions regarding this proposal should be directed to .
Instructions for Submitting a Proposal
· Complete this Call for Presentations with all information requested. If reproducing this form electronically, be sure to include all information. Proposals with missing information cannot be evaluated.
· Review for completeness, accuracy and legibility; sign and date the proposal.
· Including proof of performance will greatly enhance your chance of being selected. Accepted forms of proof of performance include videotapes, CDs, DVDs or electronic videos, evaluations from a previous presentation or letters of recommendation (with contact information) from previous presentation organizers. Marketing brochures, books and articles do not qualify as proof of performance.
· Be sure to include all requested additional information, such as proof of performance and biographical sketch that will be used to introduce you as the speaker.
· Submit the completed proposal no later than Wednesday, November 23, 2016 to .
· Notification of the status of the submission will be emailed to the proposing speaker no later than November 30, 2016.
Proposal Review Process
Members of the Program Committee will review all complete proposals. Final selections will be made by the conference program organizers. We have a strong preference for single speaker presentations. In addition, if your presentation has previously been certified by the HR Certificate Institute or SHRM, please indicate that on your proposal as we give preference to these credited presentations.
A Note Concerning Honoraria
The SHRM Jacksonville Conference began a tradition of using educational conference sessions as a platform for innovation in the field of human resource management. We look for contributors who are willing to share their expertise without expectation of payment in the spirit of networking, a purpose for which the Society was founded. At our sole discretion, we may elect to provide honoraria to secure keynote speakers or other presenters to achieve our programming goals.
Presentation Information
The Selection Process
We strive to offer a balanced program of educational sessions by selecting proposals that best fit within the theme of the conference, Moving HR Forward.
All sessions will be arranged according to conference tracks. The proposed tracks for the 2017 conference are:
· “Changing Lanes”– Career Development Pre-Conference Sessions (career development/transition, etc.)
· “Strategies to Move HR Forward”- Masters Series (Business Management & Strategy) Eligible programs must meet ‘Business’ criteria of HRCI certification
· “Rules of the Road”- Human Resource Compliance (Legal Updates & Compliance Topics)
· “Keeping the Momentum”– Talent Management (Employee Relations, Training, etc.)
· “Driving Incentives Forward”- Total Rewards (Compensation, Benefits, Health & Wellness, etc.)
Practical Application
Sessions conducted by practitioners that include practical, immediately applicable work tools will be given preference. The programs committee seeks presentations that will provide our attendees with information that will improve their effectiveness on the job. In addition, all sessions must directly relate to the HR Certification Institute as well as, the SHRM Body of Competency and Knowledge. It is our intention that all sessions at the conference receive HR Certification Institute Recertification Credits and SHRM Professional Development Credits.
Proven Speaking Ability
The programs committee seeks experienced presenters with proven speaking ability. Those with a track record of speaking and performing well at large conferences will be given preference.
Proof of Performance
Applicants who submit videotapes, previous evaluations, and/or letters of recommendation from previous audience participants will receive preference in the program selection process, as will applicants who have received positive evaluations from prior SHRM Jacksonville Conferences. Please note that copies of proofs of performance will not be returned.
· Videos – Videotapes/CDs/DVDs/electronic files of the speaker presenting a session. Promotional videos about the speaker’s organization or highlighting products and services are not acceptable.
· Evaluations – Evaluations that show your quality ratings and scores from previous speaking engagements. Please include the number of attendees present and define the rating scale.
· Letters of Recommendation – Letters from the organizer of your previous sessions or from SHRM chapter to whom you have spoken will be accepted. Please ensure current contact information is included with the letter of recommendation.
We expect presenters to:
· Meet all deadlines;
· Present a session that is 60 minutes in length;
· Arrive at the conference site at least 60 minutes prior to the scheduled start of your session;
· Utilize our standard Power Point template to create presentation;
· Retain the session content, audio/visual needs as originally submitted;
· Not add a co-presenter or change the identity or number of presenters without permission;
· Provide high-quality handouts by the date and in the format requested;
· Provide SHRM Jacksonville with an electronic copy of the presentation by the date and in the format requested for inclusion on our website. This will be made available to the attendees.
· Honor our commitment to provide education by not showcasing or promoting the speaker’s practice, services or products; and
· Respect the SHRM Jacksonville Conference as the sponsoring organization with either positive or neutral comments from the platform. No selling can be done during an educational breakout or keynote speech. All speakers who would like to showcase their products and/or services are encouraged to be a sponsor of the event.
In return, SHRM Jacksonville will:
· Provide a complimentary registration for the conference, including admission to the expo, educational programs, meals and social events.
· Pay reasonable one night lodging. Please note that we do not pay expenses for co-presenter.
· Grant you valuable professional exposure.
· Provide you with your evaluation scores after the conference.
9th Annual SHRM Jacksonville Conference and Expo
Call for Presentations – Proposal
All information must be typed and submitted either on this form or in this exact order. Submit your name as you wish to see it published. Please include any professional designations (Ph.D., Ed.D., SPHR, SHRM-CP, etc.) after your last name. We will allow one proposal per person.
Name: / Job Title:Company:
City: / State: / Zip:
Office Number: / Cell Number:
Email Address:
Will you have a co- presenter? / Yes No
If yes, please duplicate this form for your co-presenter and attached the completed form with your own submission. Please note that we discourage co-presentations for educational session and do not reimburse for co-presenter expenses.
Will you agree to present your session twice? / Yes No
(These would be scheduled on the same day.)
Title of Session:
Conference Track:
(Career Development; Master Series; Human Resource Compliance; Talent Management; Total Rewards)
Previous Certification / Has this session been previously certified by the HR Certification Institute?
Yes No If yes, please provide the certification number and the date presented:
If yes, was the certification for General, Business Management and Strategy, or International:
Yes No Has this session been previously certified by SHRM for PDC’s?
Summary of Session:
In 75 words or less, provide a summary of the content. If you are selected to present, the description submitted below will be used in promotional brochures and on the conference website. Please note that we may change and/or reduce your title and/or description for program clarity and space.
Content of Session:
Provide three bullet point leaning objectives of you presentation and three bullet point skills that attendees should expect to learn, as well as the current HR Certification Institute or SHRM Bodies of Knowledge presentation targets.
Learning Objectives: / ·
Skills Learned: / ·
HRCI Body of Knowledge References: / ·
SHRM Body of Competency and Knowledge References: / ·
Proof of Performance:
List the type of proof of performance that is included with this proposal.
Social Media Information:
Facebook Email:
Twitter Handle:
LinkedIn Information:
You Tube Channel:
By signing this proposal I UNDERSTAND THAT I WILL NOT RECEIVE AN HONORARIUM; if I have a co-presenter, he or she will not receive an honorarium and will not have his or her expenses reimbursed. If selected, I agree to adhere to the deadline schedule furnished by conference organizers. I understand that my conference presentation is not a showcase for promotion of my business, service or product, and I will not sell my products or services from the SHRM speaker platform. I also understand that I will be notified about the status of my proposal by e-mail no later than November 30, 2016.
Month of Birth:
Please enter your name and your month of birth as your e-signature above (e.g., John Doe, May) / Date
Ø Completed and signed form
Ø Enclosed/attached proof of performance as defined
Ø Attached a biographical sketch
Ø Attached a photo