Somerset County Student Assistance Program Association
Somerset County Superintendent’s Conference Room
27 Warren Street, Somerville – 4th floor
April 14, 2013
· Introductions: Christine Grossman, Stephanie Simmons, Rebecca Balaguer, Jason Marchitto, Valerie Northey, Ruthie Lowell, Julie Kempf, Jasmine Chiles, Lauren Bukowski
· Professional Development Hours
Meeting for 2012-2013: 5/9, and 6/13 (8:30 networking and 9:00 meeting.) Jason Marchitto Scribe
· Montgomery’s Mask Theatre:
o Student advocates against violence (relationship/dating abuse/bullying). Members need to listen actively, respect others, advocate for others and themselves. Educational DVD to start group/club at school. 1 in 3 people experience an “unhealthy relationship” started in 2011 and partnered with resource center in Somerset. Events in Montgomery include PSAs, skits involving silhouettes and violence, Tie Die for Violence, Girl Scout workshops grades 6-8 on violence in media, Denim Day, Walk a mile in her shoes (guys in high heels walk around track), candlelight vigil in school auditorium during students lunch to address violence. Students did not know what to expect but were told to voluntarily participate in “event” in auditorium during their lunch. If interested in making MASK group, SAC identifies students that would be good for club, club has no rules, students can make it their own i.e., develop their own ideas. Student educators can meet one time a week with a teacher advisor and student educators can come to your school during school day to speak to students in existing groups. where you can access youtube videos.
o Mini grants: email coming from NJ ASAP on mini grants up to 1000 dollars for a scientific proven program. You will answer 5 questions with a short narrative, application due by May 31st.
o Professional Development-Meetings count as professional development, contact Rebecca for hours. Discussed previous meeting agendas and DBT information/application. If we use speakers to discuss topics from ASAP conference, we do not have to apply for CEU’s as the speakers are already qualified. Offer something during teacher in service days i.e., Columbus day, MLK day etc. Discussed a “SAC crawl” to visit different provider facilities in our community. Rebecca discussed the creation of a data base (google doc or spreadsheet form etc.) of treatment providers if all SACS give info to her for preferred providers and possible meeting or Open House with such providers at SAC mtg in June. Give your resources to Rebecca prior to May meeting.
· Q & A
· Other Concerns- 2 SAC maternity positions available. One in Bridgewater and one in Montgomery for about 3 months.
· Discussed concerns of creating SGOs to measure growth. STRONG and Danielson models used to evaluate counselors which can include SACs on STRONG model. Look at Core Curriculum Standards that are used to parallel standards to what we do such as for example, leadership.
· What are things we would measure…grief group example: identifying goals such as what are stages of grief via pre/posttest, questionnaire, goal setting with students at start of group. In 2013 September, October meeting, we can compare notes on our SGO’s.
· Keep SGOs in context of education.
Next Meeting: May 9th