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GEOGRAPHY: ITS NATURE AND PERSPECTIVES: An Introduction to Human Geography,

James M. Rubenstein, 9th ed.

Chapter 9: Development 290-325
Varying Development Among Countries 290-300
Define each of the following & explain how each can be used by geographers: / Definition / Explanation
  1. Human Development Index

  1. Gross Domestic Product

  1. Primary Sector

  1. Secondary Sector

  1. Tertiary Sector

  1. Productivity

  1. Value added

  1. List the four major areas of the world with a high HDIs.
/ 1. 3.
2. 4.
  1. Explain why consumer goods an important measure of HDI?

  1. What are the four important measures of demographics?
/ 1. 3.
2. 4.
Distribution of MDCs and LDCs 301-309
In the space below, describe why each region has the HDI that it has. Be sure to consider economic, social and demographic factors. 3-5 sentences for each region.
  1. Anglo-America

  1. Western Europe

  1. Eastern Europe

  1. Japan

  1. South Pacific

  1. Latin America

  1. East Asia

  1. Middle East

  1. Southeast Asia

  1. South Asia

  1. Sub-Saharan Africa

Development and Gender 309-314
  1. Gender-Related Development Index (Be sure to include why it is useful to geographers)

  1. Gender-Related Empowerment Index (Be sure to include why it is useful to geographers)

Obstacles to Development 314-323
  1. Structural adjustment program

  1. Fair trade

  1. Barriers to international investment

  1. International trade approach

  1. Self-sufficiency approach

  1. World Trade Orginzation

  1. Foreign direct investment

  1. International Monetary Fund

  1. World Bank

Ignoring the page numbers, complete this activity. Answer the questions using complete sentences (there is no minimum /maximum requirement for completion). The linked articles will also be useful in understanding Rostow’s Development Model
Article 1
Article 2
Spatial Association, 367-372
  1. Industrial Revolution

  1. Cottage Industry

/ Invention/contribution / Significance
  1. James Watt

  1. Henry Cory

  1. Abraham Darby

  1. Richard Arkwright

  1. Nicholas Appert

Situation Factors, 372 – 378
  1. Bulk-Reducing Industry

  1. Bulk-Reducing Industry Example/explanation

  1. Bulk-Gaining Industry

  1. Bulk-Gaining Industry Example/explanation

  1. Factors in determining method of shipping (ship, rail, truck, or air)
/ 1.
Site Factors, 378 – 384
  1. Explain why textile production is a labor-intensive industry. Include the steps in manufacturing textiles

  1. Why are rural sites desirable for factories?

  1. Why are environmental factors important?

  1. Why is capital important?

Where is Industry Expanding & Attraction of New Industrial Regions, 384 – 392
  1. Describe the intraregional shifts in manufacturing in:
/ Southern US: / Western US:
Western Europe:
  1. NEW INDUSTRIAL REGIONS: Complete the worksheet (IF FALSE, explain why)
  1. T/F
  2. T/F
  3. T/F
  4. T/F
  5. T/F
  6. T/F
  7. T/F
  8. T/F
  9. T/F
  10. T/F
  11. T/F
  12. T/F
  13. T/F
  14. T/F
  15. T/F

  1. Explains why some manufacturers prefer local sources of labor over outsourcing

Chapter 12: Services 396-429
Three types of services 396-406
  1. Service

  1. Settlement

  1. Consumer services

  1. Business services

  1. Public services

  1. City states

  1. Using the data on p. 400 create a pie chart (using the Word tools above) on the following jobs: retail and wholesale services, education services, health services, leisure and hospitality services, financial services, professional services, transportation and similar services, and public services.

  1. List some of the early services:
/ Mesopotamia
South Asia
  1. How did services improve in Greece?

  1. How did services improve in Rome?

  1. How services improve in the Middle Ages?

  1. What were the five most populous cities in 900? What was the largest city in the 1800s?

  1. Clustered rural settlement

  1. Dispersed rural segment

  1. Enclosure movement

  1. Urbanization

  1. Give three reasons and explain why the New England colonies chose the clustered model.

  1. What are the ten most populous cities in the world today?

Distribution of Consumer Services 406 – 412
  1. Gravity model

  1. Periodic market

  1. Basic-industry

  1. Nonbasic industries

  1. Economic base

  1. What kinds of services are available in world cities?

  1. Describe the two kinds of services available in LDCs

  1. What are the three factors that attract talented people to a city? Be specific with examples.
/ 1
77. Using the information in the text, including maps, identify to which each of the following might be attracted:
- a college graduate in her early twenties pursuing a career in robotics
- a homosexual male in his late twenties interested in pursuing a career in business
- a married couple in their 70s with traditional values and want to live in a city with warm weather