12 September 2015
Dear Parent,
Understanding US Politics 2015
A one-day conference for sixth-formers, to be held at the Eccles Centre for American Studies, British Library, on Monday 9 November 2015
One of the options we have chosen to study this year, as part of the A level in Government and Politics is entitled “Governing the US”. To assist students in their studying of this unit, the Politics department has arranged for the class to attend the above conference. On the basis of our experience in previous years, this should again prove an excellent opportunity to hear both academics and former members of congress discuss key elements of our syllabus.
The cost of the conference is £10.10 per student (which includes a buffet lunch) and payment can be made using the ParentPay facility on the school website. If you would like your son to attend the conference, would you please make your payment by Friday 25 September.
We shall be travelling by train, departing from Sutton station at 8.30am and students will also be responsible for their own travel costs. If your son is not travelling with the school party, either to or from the conference, would you also please supply me with your written consent to his alternative travel arrangements.
Yours sincerely
Nigel Bartlett
Head of Economics