Social Science in the News – Analysis and Application of the 3 Social Sciences

Unit One Culminating Project – College Stream

Name: _________________________________________________

Up to ‘2’ other members in your group: _____________________ ______________________

Evaluation of written: _______/30

Presentation Format: Slideshow/Poster


Day ONE: Computer Lab – Read through Case

Day TWO: Computer Lab – Finish Graphic Organizer and write your paper!

____ Have figured out if you are working alone, with one or two other awesome, like-minded individuals

____ Found an amazing article that you want to investigate

____ Agreed to who is doing what, and are very clear what each person is doing!!

____ Open a Google Slides, or Drawing and collaborate on your project.

BRAINSTORM Topics with your group – Take 10 minutes and research ideas of what you could explore for this project!!!

1. Independent: YOUR Synopsis Points: (5 marks)


2. Find another article about the case and add 6 more points to your research about your topic/issue.


2. Step into the role of a psychologist, anthropologist or sociologist and determine at least 3 aspects that should be considered when analyzing your issue (s) from your selected perspective. If you are doing this independently or doing more than one ‘ology attach this step using lined paper! (5 marks)

‘Ology you are focusing on: ____________________

Definition of ‘ology: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Factors to explore for that ‘ology:

A. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________





HSP3C - YOUR OWN Research Overview - 20 marks – Citations done IN APA FORMAT!!!!

2pts -Source: article title, author, where it came from (what paper/journal), page, date published. If the article is taken from the Internet you must submit the complete URL!

Must be cited in proper APA format

4pts- Summary of the content of the article, in your own words. (1 paragraph)

6pts- Connection: How does this article relate to all the social sciences?

6pts- Opinion: Which ‘ology best explained why this happened to the victim? Why (give 4 strong points, use proof/research)?

2pts- Format: professional product, neatness and the ability to follow directions.

Submitted to Drop Box – Due Date: ________________________