Members of the public and press are welcome to attend the following meeting (Public Bodies (Admission to Meeting) Act 1960 Section 1& LGC 1972 S.100) unless precluded by the Parish Council by resolution during the whole or part of the proceedings. (S.O 3d). They may address the parish council on any matter of council business during the time allotted at the beginning of the meeting for public participation.

Anyone wishing to speak must give prior notice with name and address to the Clerk before the meeting starts.

No member of the public or press shall speak for more than 5 minutes unless the Chairman so declares and the total time for public participation is 20 minutes. (S.O. 3f & g). There is no entitlement to speak at any other time during the meeting.

An issue raised shall not require a response at the meeting nor start a debate. The Chairman may direct that an oral or written response be given (S.O. 3h) or that a note be made for later action.

A record of public participation may be included in the Minutes and if any actions are required they will be reported on at the next meeting.

Wednesday 1st June 2016

To: Parishioners of Old Marston Parish Council

Ladies & Gentlemen

You are invited to the MEETING of OLD MARSTON PARISH COUNCIL to be held at 7:30pm on Tuesday 7th June 2016 at MORTIMER HALL, Oxford Road, Old Marston, Oxford, OX3 0PH when the following business will be transacted.

Yours faithfully

Tim Cann.

Parish Clerk

Councillors are requested to declare any prejudicial interest they have in any of the items.


1.  Request if anyone is intending to record the proceeds of the meeting, if so has any member of the public any objections in being included.

2.  Apologies for absence

3.  Requests from members of the public to speak: Please note you are required to complete a brief slip and return to the Clerk prior to speaking.

4.  Minutes of the meetings on 3rd May 2016

5.  Matters arising omitting those for which an agenda heading follows

6.  Planning

Applications to be decided:-

16/01064/FUL – 17 Oxford Road – Erection of conservatory.

16/01157/FUL – 29 Mill Lane : Demolition of existing side extension. Erection of two storey side extension to form 1 x 3 bedroom dwellinghouse (Use Class C3). Provision of car parking spaces.

16/01207/FUL – 10 Elsfield Road – Demolition of existing rear extension. Erection of part single, part two storey rear extension. Formation of 3No rear dormer windows.

16/01208/LBC – 10 Elsfield Road – Demolition of existing rear extension. Erection of part single, part two storey rear extension. Formation of 3No rear dormer windows. Internal alterations.

16/01008/FUL – 139 Oxford Road – Erection of 1 x 1 bed annexe (Use Class C3)

16/01212/FUL – 19 Salford Road – Erection of new boundary wall and gate.

16/01313/FUL – 30 Elms Drive – Erection of a single storey rear extension. Formation of new access to side elevation, and infill of front porch with insertion of 1 no. window.

16/01336/FUL – 31 Oxford Road – Conversion of existing barn into habitable space. Replacement windows and render to existing dwelling.

16/01418/FUL – 54 Cherwell Drive – Demolition of existing garage. Erection of a single storey outbuilding to provide ancillary accommodation.

Applications considered between meetings:- None.


15/03410/FUL – 19 Arlington Drive - REFUSED

16/00144/FUL – Land adjacent 20 Salford Road – REFUSED

16/00262/FUL – 31 Oxford Road - WITHDRAWN

16/00216/FUL – Pond House, 2 Mill Lane - WITHDRAWN

16/00843/FUL – Land at Mill Lane - APPROVED

16/00845/FUL – Hill View Farm - WITHDRAWN

Awaiting Decisions:

15/02282/OUT – The Jack Russell Pub – Awaiting Decision

16/01009/FUL – 124 & 126 Oxford Road

HMO (use class C4) (retrospective)HMO (use class C4) (retrospective)

7.  Boults Lane Development :

a.  New Pavilion update

i.  Awaiting invoice from Oxford City Council for costings of purchase of Pavilion £20,000

ii.  Received and paid invoice for dismantle, transport to Midlands and storage for 12 weeks £41,750 + VAT

iii.  Architect update, planning application approval for submission

iv.  Slabs: I have had confirmation that we can have the slabs however we will be responsible for lifting and take away & storage. Mr Ward has advised that this would be a very labour intensive job and has declined tendering. He is willing to store should the Council decide to proceed.

b.  Mill Lane Paddock: The Secretary of State has now given permission for the land to be dispose of. The Council now needs to make a decision whether it proceeds with this.

8.  Recreation Ground:

a.  Maintenance on Boults Lane recreation ground. We have a three year program for maintaining the field suggested last year of which you decided to proceed with year one of the program. A decision needs to be made whether you proceed with year two of the program or go out to tender. Quotation received for £2,384.70 plus VAT.

9.  Finance

a.  Bank balance as at 26/05/2016 –

Current Account £88,979.78 (including £2,307.73 CIL money) Business Reserve Account £3,744.03 Petty Cash £137.95

Newbury Building Society Account £224,045.21

The following accounts to be paid: £

Incl. VAT

Clerks Pay Including Expenses, Pension, etc. – May 2016

Clerks Travel to & from Milton Keynes (79m x 2 x40p) 63.20

HMRC (Underpayment of Tax & NI) 86.80

Xpressrelocation (Lift & Storage of pavilion) 54780.00

PC World/Curry’s (Chairman’s Tablet & Case) 229.98

Tree King (Tree Survey) 462.00

Thames Water (Cemetery Water usage) 8.58

SLCC (Clerk’s day Course on VAT) 114.00

Clerk’s travel expenses to and from Swindon (77m x 40p) 30.80

BT (Clerk’s quarterly Telephone) 84.45

Richard James (Internal Auditor end of year audit) 284.00

TOTAL 57,307.93

Petty Cash Expenditure:-

TOTAL 00.00


HMRC (VAT Return 4th Quarter) 253.99

Mr & Mrs Ponting (Pre-purchase of 2 burial plots) 2770.00

TOTAL 3023.99

b.  End of Year accounts in preparation for external auditor and approval of annual governance statement.

c.  Agreement that the new chairman becomes the new signatory on cheques.

d.  Asset register as listed by the Internal Auditor. CH request to purchase the old laptop.

10. Revise Standing Orders:

a.  Voting of the Parish Council: At present the law states that “unless a Councils standing orders state otherwise voting of a Parish Council shall be by a show of hands” It was asked if this could be put on the agenda.

b.  Length of service of a chairman: At present a chairman, or vice-chairman, can serve for as long as they remain a Councillor and are elected into office. It was asked if this could be put on the agenda.

c.  Confirmation of Terms of Reference of Committees

d.  Delegated Powers of the Clerk/RFO

11. Benches: There have been several objections to the Salford Road location, one objection to the Fairfax Avenue and none to the Mortimer Drive location. Council needs to discuss implications of objections.

12. Oxford Half Marathon

13. Transport Forum Report

14. Separate email address for individual councillors

15.  Parish Firework Display Venue 2016.

16. Web Site, Facebook, Twitter & Streetlife

17. Information sharing (including correspondence)

Clerk’s Updates

Recreation ground path: has been finished. It is a naturally binding surface and will bed down with time. The sides have been seeded with grass.

Boults Lane manhole cover: This is in hand and is being replaced.

Rural Services Network Digest etc,

Email from Bea Waterfield & Mary Clarkson’s reply concerning fencing in Horseman Close

Email from City Council confirming subway flooding cleared.

OALC Newsletter – May

OALC AGM 4th July 7:30pm Inform Clerk if you are interested in attending.

Email in reply to letter from City Council regarding Back Lane field

The Correspondence file now consists of two sections, first is internal correspondence the second is general interest circulars.

18. Date of next meeting : -

Tuesday 5th July 2016 in Mortimer Hall at 7:30pm.