Report by Anne Gent, Director of Human Resources
The Board is asked to:
· Note that the Staff Governance Committee met on Tuesday 15 November 2016 with attendance as noted below.
· Note the Assurance Report and agreed actions resulting from the review of the specific topics detailed below.
Present:Alasdair Lawton, Board Non-Executive Director (Chair)
Elspeth Caithness, Staffside Representative
Anne Gent, Director of Human Resources
Adam Palmer, Employee Director
Sarah Wedgwood, Board Non-Executive Director
In Attendance:
Gaye Boyd, Deputy Director of Human Resources
Pam Cremin, Workforce Planning and Development Manager
Judith McKelvie, Head of Learning and Development
Brian Mitchell, Board Committee Administrator
Paul Simmons, Learning and Development Facilitator
Robin Creelman, Board Non-Executive Director
Margaret MacRae, Staffside Representative
Elaine Wilkinson, Board Non-Executive Director
· Statutory and Mandatory Training
· Knowledge and Skills Framework (including National Developments) Update
· Annual Objectives 2016/17 – Measuring Success
· Staff Experience and iMatter Activity Update
· IHI Joy at Work Prototype Testing
· NHS Highland Staff Governance Monitoring Return Feedback Letter and Draft Response
· Whistle Blowing Reporting
· NHSH Workforce Development Plan 2016/17 Rolling Action Plan Progress Report
· National Workforce Plan Proposal and Review of Board Workforce Plans
· Workforce Report
· Band 1 Review Update
· Retrospective PVG Checks Update
· National PIN Policy Update
· Review of Committee Terms of Reference
· Provisional Meeting Schedule for 2017
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 14 February 2017 in the Board Room, Assynt House, Inverness at 10.00am.
Meeting on Tuesday 15 November 2016
1 / TOPIC: Welcome and Declarations of InterestIssues / Assurance / Actions
Do members have any interest to declare in relation to any Item on the agenda? / · No declarations made. / Action: None
2 / TOPIC: Draft Assurance Report and Action Plan – 17 May 2016
Issues / Assurance / Actions
Any issues relating to accuracy of draft Assurance Report?
Need to update Action Plan / No matters raised.
Agreed. / Action:
· Action Plan to continue to be updated – Committee Administrator
3 / TOPIC: Matters Arising – NHS Highland Workforce Development Plan 2016/17
Issues / Assurance / Actions
How does NHSH capture the workforce impact of efficiency/ redesign activity? / AG stated this was a complex area, with released capacity subject to management decision as to how to make the most efficient use of the same. PC emphasised validated workforce tools were utilised to determine appropriate establishment levels and stated work in relation to Badenoch and Strathspey service redesign, as circulated, was a good example of this in practice. / Action: None
4.1 / TOPIC: Minutes of Meetings of the Highland Partnership Forum on 19 August and 23 September 2016
Issues / Assurance / Actions
Any Issues arising from the Minutes? / AP advised a review of the HPF was underway with a view to reinvigorating this moving forward. AG emphasised the importance of partnership working in the delivery of the Staff Governance agenda at an Operational Unit level. SW stated similar issues were being considered in relation to the Clinical Governance Committee, with Committee membership a key consideration. / Action:
· Key Issues to be discussed with Directors of Operations – A Gent
4.2 / TOPIC: Minute of Meeting of Health and Safety Committee on 11 August 2016
Issues / Assurance / Actions
Any Issues arising from the draft Minute? / On the point raised it was advised that the approved draft Procedure document on Managing the Risks to New and Expectant Mothers related to support aspects for relevant members of staff. / Action: None
4.3 / TOPIC: Draft Abridged Minute of Meeting of Remuneration Sub Committee on 17 May 2016
Issues / Assurance / Actions
Any Issues arising from the draft Minute? / No matters raised. / Action: None
5.1 / TOPIC: Statutory and Mandatory Training
Issues / Assurance / Actions
What is the current position in relation to the provision and recording of Statutory and Mandatory training within NHSH and the actions taken to date?
How many Educational Frameworks will eventually be required in NHSH? / JMcK spoke to the circulated report advising as to the three month evaluation of outcomes from RPIW activity, the 180 day Report Out in relation to which had been held on 12 August 2016. A survey of staff recruited during this period had identified a number of issues, as well as positive aspects such as provision of induction plans and mentors for new staff. Following a further workshop to review the feedback from the evaluation exercise a number of subsequent actions had been agreed. Actions included development of a Visual Control clarifying standard work required for the on-boarding of Bands 2 and 5 new start nurses at Raigmore; review of the current induction policy; and completion of the Educational Framework for Raigmore Nurses. A further meeting with Raigmore Nurse Managers was planned, with a view to appraising them of the feedback and to seek their support in improving engagement issues and providing clarity to Senior Charge Nurses, as to their role and responsibility in this area. The circulated report went on to outline agreed governance aspects relating to the six core Statutory and Mandatory programmes. Action in relation to other supporting activities was outlined, including in relation to development of Educational Frameworks, the Statutory and Mandatory Prospectus, the NHS Scotland Statutory and Mandatory Training Framework, and Oracle Learning Management (OLM) System. It was also reported that the format of the Workforce Development Plan was in the process being reviewed to allow for the easy identification of Statutory and Mandatory programmes.
JMck advised work developing Educational Frameworks was continuing, with a large degree of commonality being identified in relation to Statutory and Mandatory training requirements. Staff groups were identified through the eESS system and Frameworks continued to evolve and emerge. Frameworks would identify that training which was considered core to the individual role. All this activity would contribute to the stated aim of developing a robust system to enable all Statutory and Mandatory Training to be identified by individual staff, access and record the same, and allow the organisation to ensure all staff are appropriately trained.
SW asked if the Learning and Development Team have the capacity to deliver on this challenging agenda. AG stated that prioritisation was always challenging in the current environment. However this issue is so complex, we are planning to develop a High Level Value Stream for Statutory and Mandatory training. The work undertaken to date had been significant and has certainly raised the profile and importance of Statutory and Mandatory Training across the organisation.
AL stated that the Committee should know where our gaps are and direct focus on those areas. It was recognised that this was as an issue for many Boards and National Work was being led by NES to improve the situation.
JMcK stated that we have seen managers and staff taking up individual responsibility for developing the Educational Frameworks so there are positive stories to be told. In addition the Statutory and Mandatory prospectus is updated six monthly and has been redesigned so is easier to use.
In addition links with training providers have improved to ensure that training is relevant and up to date. However a number of providers are finding it more difficult to meet demand and don’t have the capacity to delivery sufficient training.
JMcK reported that 6 common areas have been prioritised that are relevant to all staff - Equality and Diversity, Information Governance, Infection Control Fire Safety, Moving and Handling and Violence and Aggression. The Operational Units need to focus on high risk areas, with the reporting format now having been agreed.
SW asked how much responsibility lies with individual staff members to ensure that they are appropriately trained. AG responded in that staff themselves, managers, Directors and L&D team all have a responsibility in this area.
AL confirmed that the Committee would want to see that the significant amount of work on Statutory and Mandatory Training continues positively going forward. / Action:
Continue the work on Developing Educational Frameworks for key staff groups – JMcK.
Develop High Level Value Stream from Statutory and Mandatory Training – AG and PC.
Continue to progress all workstreams to improve compliance with Statutory and Mandatory Training – JMcK.
5.2 / TOPIC: Knowledge and Skills Framework Update
Issues / Assurance / Actions
What is the current position in relation to KSF? / Paul Simmons reported that it was a quiet time of year for KSF, although there were concerns about reduced activity. The KSF Team have now moved to quarterly reporting. The current position is 7.08 % as at September. This compares with 8.4% this time last year. The rolling position is 36%. In the Final quarter of the year there will be monthly reporting, as requested by the Operational Units.
AL asked how we can encourage managers to see PDP&R as a priority for their staff, as there didn’t seem to be any real challenge at local level to increase compliance. It was noted that eKSF utilization continues to be a challenge across Scotland and that there were many factors that were leading to a declining compliance rate, that have been discussed at this Committee previously.
It was also noted that a new recording system was expected in 2018 to replace the eKSF System and that this would be an opportunity to reinvigorate the process.
Some discussion took place about we could get back to 80% update, when the position had been closely monitored at Board level, when this was under close scrutiny at national level. It was agreed to revisit this at the next meeting.
Adam Palmer reported that the situation wasn’t helped by apparent restrictions on training, due to financial circumstances. It was agreed though that as Statutory and Mandatory Training was provided by the organisation, staff should prioritise this essential training.
PS reported that KSF short guides had proved to be helpful and ‘Highlights’ had promoted links to training clips. JMcK referred to the important role of Leaders in role modelling how staff were valued.
AP referred to the Band 1 review which will hopefully also help, with the position, alongside NMC revalidation requirements.
AL suggested that he would draft letter to go to Managers about the current situation, expressing the concerns of the Staff Governance Committee. / Action:
AL to draft a letter on behalf of the Committee to go to all Operational Manager
6.1 / TOPIC: Staff Experience and iMatter Activity Update
Issues / Assurance / Actions
What is the current position in relation to iMatter implementation with NHS Highland? / PC reminded the Committee that she was now the Board Operational Lead for iMatter supported by Paul Simmons and Michelle Jeans.
PC gave an update to the Committee on the 5 iMatter Cohorts and where they were in their iMattter Cycles. South and Mid Operational Unit were in the process of completing their Questionnaires and North and West were preparing to go live early next year, with Argyll and Bute due to participate in their first run in 2017. Discussion will need to take place as to whether Social Care Staff, employed by Argyll and Bute Council, will participate alongside their NHSH colleagues. Raigmore will now run as a whole Cohort in next year and HR Services will join with the rest of Corporate Services. All NHSH staff will have participated in iMatter by the summer of 2017.
In June 2016 63% of Staff in NHS who had participated in iMatter had completed the Questionnaire and the Employee Engagement Index was 74%. PC will bring a full written update on the position to include response rates, generation of Team Reports and completion of Actions Plans to the next Meeting. / Action:
Written report on iMatter to be presented to the next Committee Meeting – PC.
6.2 / TOPIC: IHI Joy at Work
Issues / Assurance / Actions
How is the work on the participation in the IHI Joy in Work Prototyping proceeding? / PC gave a Presentation on the work-stream that IHI are Prototyping on Joy in Work, which NHS Highland is participating in, using the Employment Services Team, to test our the principles and methodology. This work is very much linked to the HQA, the People Objectives and the use of Improvement Methodology, using small tests of change.
IHI have identified ‘Critical Components for Ensuring a Joyful and Engaged Workforce’; Physical and Psychological Safety, Meaning and Purpose, Autonomy and Control, Recognition and Rewards, Participative Management, Camaraderie and Teamwork, Daily Improvement, Wellness and Resilience and Real Time Measurement.
The Team was asked to understand what was getting in the way of joy and what matters to them, commit to share responsibility at all levels, test systematic approaches to improving joy and monitor and evaluate changes. This should lead to improved customer experience, organisational performance and reduced staff burnout.
AG confirmed that NHSH are one of about fifteen participating organisations across both USA and Europe and NHSH were participating as part of the Scottish iMatter Group.
JMcK agreed that there was a lot of evidence on effect of team behaviours on performance. It was acknowledged that we already have some very positive examples across NHSH.
PC reiterated the importance of Leadership in creating Joy in Work and confirmed that this work will link with the Leadership Qualities recently developed as part of the work on Talent Development. AG confirmed that she saw Joy in Work, complementing iMatter, but providing a framework for improving staff experience every day, as part of Daily Management.
PC and AG will reflect on the learning from Prototyping and plan how best to take this work-stream forward. / Action:
PC and AG to reflect on the learning from Prototyping and plan how best to take this workstream forward.
7.1 / TOPIC: NHS Highland Staff Governance Monitoring Return Feedback Letter and Draft Response
Issues / Assurance / Actions
What is the response to the Scottish Governments feedback on the Staff Governance Monitoring Return? / PC referred to the letter received from the Scottish Government in October, which provided comments on NHSH’s Staff Governance Return, in relation in the main to the last National Staff Survey, held in 2015 and the Draft response to this letter from NHS Highland. PC referred to the range of activity undertaken in NHSH around various staff governance elements that had been progressed considerably since the last Staff Survey. The Committee where content with the Draft Response.