Minutes of a Regular Meeting

Date: November 08, 2016 PRA Office Time: 8:00 a.m.

The Putnam Redevelopment Agency met for a Regularly Scheduled Meeting on Tuesday, November 08, 2016, in the Redevelopment Agency conference room, 156 Main Street, Putnam, CT 06260.

Meeting opened at 8:02 a.m.

Chairman appointed George Tsanjoures as a voting member

ROLL CALL: Chairman Paul Pikora, Vice-Chairman Paul Grenier, Director Delpha Very and Assistant Jackie Lefevre.

Late Arrival: George Tsanjoures

Absent: Alternate member John Dignam, Selectmen Liaisons: Roy Simmons and Renee Lasko and Agency Members: Agency member Delia Fey and Dave Brotzman


APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES – September 13, 2016 Regularly Scheduled Meeting * and October 11, 2016 Regularly Scheduled meeting was cancelled: Paul Grenier motioned to approve the September 13, 2016 meeting minutes, seconded by George Tsanjoures, motion passed.

REPORTING OF EXPENDITURES – September and October 2016: Expenditures were reviewed.

CARGILL FALLS MILL: Contractor will remobilize to site. Demolition of Building # 10 is necessary in order for Second Hydro Turbine to be completed.

Palo Funding: Project is complete. An estimated $ 70,000 remains in funding. Director has been in contact with Dept of Environmental Energy Protection (DEEP) to inquire as to how the funds may be expended in keeping within the mission of DEEP. One potential project may be stream bank stabilization along the Quinebaug River adjacent to Simonzi Park.

BELDING MILL: Seven Consulting firms responded to the RFQ/P ad for qualified consulting firms to complete environmental, building conditions and planning reuse at the Historic Belding Mill. Four were chosen and interviewed. Decision will be made upon a final review.


2017 Annual Schedule of Regular Meetings*: Upon review of schedule, motion made by George Tsanjoures, seconded by Paul Grenier to accept the 2017 Annual Schedule of Regular Meetings, unanimously passed.

ADJOURNMENT- George Tsanjoures motioned to adjourn, seconded by Paul Grenier, motion passed. Meeting ended at 8:14 a.m.

Respectively Submitted by:

Delpha M. Very, Director