

Read the chapters 1 – 6 and answer the following questions in you A4 workbook. Glue these questions in chapter sections in your workbook and answer the questions below each section.


A prologue is an opening to a story that establishes the setting and gives background details, often some earlier story that ties into the main one, and other miscellaneous information (Wikipedia).

1.  A quarry is an animal that is hunted. Find a record a quote that shows Brett as a quarry.

2.  Sound imagery has been used to create what effect upon the responder? Use evidence in your response.

3.  The narrative is written in the third person. Does this affect the way the responder relates to the protagonist? Why?

4.  While Brett is only 16 years old, there is a sense that he initially has been too clever and quick for the police. What quote supports this?

5.  How has Brett tried to reject the social controls that surround him?

6.  What is the effect of the slang and colloquial language on the audience?

7.  How do you feel about Brett at this point?

Chapter One

1.  ‘Cops and food went together likes pigs and slop’ (p. 8). What is Brett’s attitude towards the police and authority in general?

2.  What sort of a place is The Farm?

3.  How do you predict Brett will respond to the rules and structure of the institution?

Chapter Two

1.  Describe Brett’s appearance using specific quotes from this chapter.

2.  Compliance, or following the rules, is necessary for an institution to operate effectively. Why does Brett refuse to comply?

3.  What are the ramifications of his non-compliance?

4.  Describe Brett’s relationship with Sam.

5.  everyone helps out here” p19

“Mary, myself and the teaching staff try to give you a new start.” p25

“You and everyone else here are entitled to certain privileges if you obey those rules.” p27

“If you break the rules you are excluded from those privileges.”

“If it’s a serious breach the whole farm is grounded”

What do these statements show about the way The Farm runs?

6.  Imagine you have been asked to run a boy’s rehabilitation centre of your own. Create your own set of rules. Think about what punishments and privileges you would use to get the boys to cooperate.

Chapter Three

1.  In fifty words describe Brett’s home life.

2.  Why do you think Brett’s attitude is one of anger and resentment?

3.  Comment on the symbolic significance of the horse as described on p.37

4.  What is Brett’s attitude to others’ possessions?

Chapter Four

1.  What is Brett’s attitude to following the rules?

2.  At this stage, what do you think the title Raw refers to?

3.  In the next five to ten lines, predict what you think the next encounter between Brett and Tyson will bring.

Chapter Five

1.  Imagine you are Sam. Write a short report outlining Brett’s behaviour and attitude to this point at the farm.

2.  Why do you think that Brett is being so difficult?

3.  ‘If you want to break the rules, you have to face the consequences’ (p. 62). What does this quote say about control?

4.  What is Sam trying to teach Brett on p62 and p63?

5.  Describe Brett’s attitude and feelings as they are revealed on pp 64, 67, 68 and 74.

6.  Why does Brett resort to violence to solve problems as on p.71 and following?

Chapter Six

1.  How is Brett confronted with control in this chapter, and what type(s) of control is/are in action?

2.  Explain Sam’s philosophy about being grown up. You may choose to use terms like: individual, choice, consequence, community, trust, cooperation, pp84, 86

3.  What does Sam have to say about ‘trust’?

After Reading Activity

After completing the chapter questions complete the following summary activity in your workbook.

Using the analysis from chapters 1 -6 complete the table below. Draw and complete the table in your workbook, not on the worksheet.

How does the novel show the ‘individual’? / How does the novel show the ‘institution(s)’? / How does the novel show ‘experience’?

Your responses can include key words, quotes, techniques, your own ideas surrounding specific examples, moo/tone/atmosphere words.

Year 11 Standard English: Unit Three ‘Raw’ Scott Monk

Chapter Questions 1-6

M.Kanaan 10/06