Curriculum VitaeHeather Coon -- p. 1
Curriculum Vitae
Heather M. Coon
December, 2010
Department of Psychology30 N. Brainard St.
Naperville, IL 60540
Phone: (630) 637-5332
2000 / Ph.D., Social Psychology,University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan (1993-2000)
Dissertation: Do successes and failures affect self-esteem? The effects of culture and contingencies of self-worth. Chair– Dr. Jennifer Crocker
2000 / Certificate in Culture and Cognition, University of Michigan, an interdisciplinary psychology/anthropology program
1995 / M.A., Social Psychology
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Thesis: Endorsing cultural norms for marriage. Chair - Dr. Joseph Veroff
1988 / B.A., Psychology (cum laude)
MountHolyokeCollege, South Hadley, Massachusetts
Honors Thesis: The pattern of peer relationships in computer environments (graduated with high department honors) Advisor – Dr. Barbara Burns
2007 – present / Associate Professor of Psychology, North Central College, Naperville IL2000 - 2006 / Assistant Professor of Psychology, North Central College, Naperville IL
1998 – 1999 / Graduate Student Associate, Center for Research on Learning and Teaching, University of Michigan
conducted mid-term evaluations with Graduate Student Instructors (GSIs): observed discussion sections, met with GSI to report findings and discuss strengths and strategies for changes. Facilitated teaching workshops.
1994- 1998 /
Graduate Student Instructor, Psychology Department, University of Michigan
courses: introduction to psychology, social psychology, research methods in social psychology
Courses Taught
Psychology 100: The Science of Behavior
Psychology 240: Social Psychology
Psychology 255: Research Design and Experimentation
Psychology 310: Cultural Psychology
Psychology 345: Cognitive Psychology
Psychology 490: Senior Seminar/Persuasion
English 125: Communicating about Japan (co-taught course)
International/Global Studies: Pre-study Abroad
International/Global Studies: Post-study Abroad
International Studies 387: Asian Values, Asian Selves(taught in China and Japan)
HON 200: What is Truth? (investigates disciplinary perspectives)
Teaching Workshops/Discussions Designed or Facilitated (University of Michigan)
1999 / Practice Teaching with Explanations1998, 1999 / First Days of Class Workshop, co-facilitator
1999 / Teaching with Technology
Teaching Workshops Attended (University of Michigan)
1999 / Creating and Supporting Team Learning Environments1998 / Fostering Critical Thinking Skills
1998 / The Multimedia Classroom
1996 / Planning and Facilitating Discussions
1995 / Seminar on Writing in the Disciplines
1994 / Issues in Multicultural Teaching
2010 / Clarence F. Dissinger Award for distinguished teaching, North Central College2010 / Exemplary Teaching Award, General Board of Higher Education and Ministry of the United Methodist Church
2007-2010, 2003, 2001 / Summer Faculty Development Grant, NorthCentralCollege
2003 / Junior Faculty Enhancement Grant Recipient, NorthCentralCollege
1999 / Dissertation Grant, Psychology Department, University of Michigan ($3000)
1999 / Mini Dissertation Fellowship, Psychology Department, University of Michigan ($500)
1999, 1996 / Summer Research Partnership, Psychology Department, University of Michigan
1998 / Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor, Psychology Department, University of Michigan
1996 - 1997 / Culture and Cognition Fellowship, University of Michigan
Articles and Book Chapters
Oyserman, D., Coon, H. M & Kemmelmeier, M. (2002). Rethinking individualism and collectivism: Evaluation of theoretical assumptions and meta-analyses. Psychological Bulletin, 128, 3-72.
Designated a “Hot Paper” by Thompson ISI Essential Scientific Indicators in July 2003 as the most cited article in the fields of psychology/psychiatry for May/June 2003.
Oyserman, D., Kemmelmeier, M., & Coon, H.M. (2002). Cultural psychology, a new look: Reply to Bond (2002), Fiske (2002), Kitayama (2002), and Miller (2002). Psychological Bulletin, 128, 110-117.
Coon, H. M. & Kemmelmeier, M. (2001). Cultural orientations in the United States: (Re)examining differences among ethnic groups. Journal of Cross-cultural Psychology, 32, 348-364.
Veroff, J., Young, A., & Coon, H. M. (2000). The early years of marriage. In Robert Milardo & Steve Duck (Eds.), Families as Relationships. New York: Wiley & Sons.
Veroff, J., Young, A., & Coon, H. M. (1997). The early years of marriage. In Steve Duck (Ed.), Handbook of Personal Relationships. New York: Wiley & Sons.
Conti, R., Coon, H. M., & Amabile, T. M. (1996). Evidence to support the componential model of creativity: Secondary analyses of three studies. Creativity Research Journal, 9, 385-389.
Amabile, T. M., Conti, R., Coon, H. M., Lazenby, J., & Herron, M. (1996). Assessing the work environment for creativity. Academy of Management Journal, 39, 1154-1184.
Burns, B., & Coon, H. M. (1990). Logo programming and peer interactions: An analysis of process- and product-oriented collaborations. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 6, 393-410.
Working Papers
Amabile, T. M., Conti, R., Coon, H,. Herron, M. & Lazenby, J. (1995). Assessing the Work Environment for Creativity. Harvard Business School Working Paper #96-004.
Conference Presentations
Coon, H.M. & Matsubara F. (2010, January). Can an offer of reparation function as an apology? Poster presented at the 11thAnnual Conference for the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Las Vegas, NV.
Coon, H.M. & Matsubara, F. (2008, July). Can admission ofresponsibility function as an apology?Paper presented at the International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, Germany.
Mueller, J. F. & Coon, H.M. (2008, May). Systematic development of scientific thinking skills across the curriculum. Poster presented at the 15thAnnual Association for Psychological Science Teaching Institute, Chicago, IL.
Matsubara, F., & Coon, H.M. (2007, November). Psychological impacts of apologies on American and Japanese college students.Poster presented atthe Annual Conference and Exposition of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, San Antonio, TX.
Matsubara, F., & Coon, H.M. (2006, August). Speech acts in apology and psychological impact. Paper presented at the International Conference of Japanese Language Education, New York, NY.
Coon, H.M., & Matsubara, F. (2006, January). Japanese apologies: Does formality matter? Poster presented at the 7thAnnual Conference for the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Palm Springs, CA.
Coon, H.M. (2005, October). Making a research design course relevant to undergraduates. Paper presented at the Associated Colleges of the Chicago Area Scholarship of Pedagogy Symposium, St.FrancisUniversity, Joliet, IL.
*Webster, R. & Coon, H.M. (2004, January). Social dominance orientation, right-wing authoritarianism, and gender as predictors of heterosexuals’ attitudes toward homosexuality,Blacks, and Arabs. Poster presented at the 5thAnnual Conference for the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Austin, TX.
Coon, H. M., Kemmelmeier, M., & Oyserman, D. (2000, February). Are European-Americans the individualism anchor?: A Meta-analysis. Poster presented at the First Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Nashville, Tennessee.
Wolfe, C. T., Crocker, J., Coon, H. M., & Luhtanen, R. (1999, June). Reflected and deflected appraisals: Measurement and exploration of race differences. Poster presented at the Eleventh Annual Convention of the American Psychological Society, Denver, Colorado.
Oyserman, D. & Coon, H. M. (1998, October). Why should cultural frame influence well-being and life satisfaction? Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Experimental Social Psychology, Lexington, Kentucky.
Coon, H. M. (1998, August). Independence and interdependence as sources of self-esteem. Paper presented at the Cultural Psychology Mini-Conference, StanfordUniversity, Stanford, California.
Oyserman, D. & Coon, H. M. (1998, August). American individualism: What do we know and why does it matter? Paper presented at the Cultural Psychology Mini-Conference, StanfordUniversity, Stanford, California.
Coon, H. M., & Kemmelmeier, M. (1998, June). Cultural orientations in various United States ethnic groups. Poster presented at the Meeting of the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Coon, H. M., Oyserman, D., & *Machado, E. (1997, May). Everyday individualism and collectivism in America. Paper presented at the Sixty-ninth Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, Illinois.
Coon, H. M., Oyserman, D., & *Machado, E. (1997, May). Strategies and balance in possible selves. Paper presented at the Sixty-ninth Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, Illinois.
Coon, H. M. (1996, May). Endorsing cultural norms for marriage. Paper presented at the Sixty-eighth Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, Illinois.
Coon, H. M., Whitney, D. M., & Amabile, T. M. (1995, June). The effects of evaluation and technical skill on creativity. Poster presented at the Seventh Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Society, New York, New York.
Conti, R., Amabile, T. M., Coon, H.M., Lazenby, J., & Herron, M. (1994, July). Work environments differ between projects high and low in creativity. Poster presented at the Sixth Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Society, Washington, D.C.
Conti, R., Coon, H.M, & Amabile, T. M. (1993, April). Effects of expected evaluation on task persistence and artistic creativity. Paper presented at the meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Arlington, VA.
Amabile, T. M., Conti, R., Coon, H.M, Collins, M. A., Lazenby, J., & Herron, M. (1992, September). Work environment differences between high creativity and low creativity projects. Paper presented at the International Creativity and Innovation Networking Conference, Greensboro, NC.
* Undergraduate student
Undergraduate Research Conference Papers Supervised
Swiatek, Kate (2010, April). “Anger is only one letter short of danger”: The Effects of Social Exclusion on Aggression. Poster presented at the 24h Annual National Conference for Undergraduate Research, Montana.
Inskeep, J. (2010, May). Do Attractiveness and Expertise Affect Hiring Decisions? Poster presented at the Psi Chi session of the annual Midwestern Psychological Association Conference, Chicago, IL.
Harley, C. (2008, May). Performing at your best? The effect of audience expectation on self-concept. Poster presented at the Psi Chi session of the annual Midwestern Psychological Association Conference, Chicago, IL.
Tyndorf, K, Peters, E., Yturbe, L., & Lambert, M. (2008, May). The effect of test type and stereotype reminders on women’s performance in math. Poster presented at the Psi Chi session of the annual Midwestern Psychological Association Conference, Chicago, IL.
Mari, L. (2006, May) Is it possible to socially influence one's interest and mood in work? Poster presented at the Psi Chi session of the annual Midwestern Psychological Association Conference, Chicago, IL.
Exner, S. (2003, March). Flow, motivation, and happiness: A cross-cultural study. Poster presented at the 17th Annual National Conference for Undergraduate Research, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Webster, R. (2003, March). The relationship between attitudes toward homosexuality and social dominance orientation, the authoritarian personality, and personal-trait and collective self-esteem. Poster presented at the 17th Annual National Conference for Undergraduate Research, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Honors Theses Advised
2009-10 / Jennifer John / Narratives and Stereotype Interpretation2008-09 / Trista Matt / Denominational Discord: The Effect of Religious Labels on Impression Formation
2007-08 / Jessica Cohen+ / Values Stated and Understood
2005-06 / Silva Hassert+ / Attitudes and behaviors regarding health and diet in modern China
2005-06 / Dorisa Ramos+ / Jealousy in Relationships
2005-06 / Carlota Rodelo / Higher education decisions for Latinas: The dialogue between Latina adolescents and their parents
2003-04 / Heather Shirk / The effect of height and face type on the perception of attractiveness
2001-02 / Jessica Crowe+ / Are environmental attitudes correlated with materialistic attitudes: A cross-cultural study among the United States, Australia, and Sweden
+Supervised student’s successful application for competitive Richter Grant for International Travel to collect data
ACADEMIC SERVICE (North Central College)
2006-presentRall Symposium Co-coordinator
Major Committees
2009-presentFaculty Personnel Committee, Chair
2007-09Faculty Personnel Committee, science division representative
2005-07Academic Programs and Policies Committee, science division representative
Other Service
2009-102003 – 05 / First Year Experience Participant
International Programs Committee member
2004 / APPC General Education sub-subcommittee member
2002 – 2005 / CREW participant
Undergraduate Academic Standing Committee member
2002 - 2006 / Hearing Panelist
2001- 2002 / FYI Participant
2001 / Bachelor of Science Committee member
Study existing college-wide bachelor of science requirements and recommend changes.
Search Committees
2007Psychology Search Committees (developmental and cognitive)
2005 / Psychology Search Committee (developmental)2003 / Philosophy/Religion Ethics Search Committee
2002 / Anthropology Search Committee
Study Abroad/Travel Seminar Experiences
2004, Fall / Faculty Advisor, North Central College in China and JapanLed 15 North Central students in first semester long China/Japan study abroad program.
Taught NCC students, coordinated classes and trips with local universities.
2004, 2002, & 2001 / China and Japan Travel Seminar, North Central College, Participant
2008-2010 / Psi Chi (undergraduatepsychology honors society).reviewed abstracts for Midwestern Psychological Association conference
2003 / Journal of International Business Studies
2002 / International Journal of Psychology
1996 / Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
1994 / National Science Foundation, Small Business Innovation Research Program
American Psychological Association
American Psychological Society
International Association of Cross-cultural Psychologists
Midwestern Psychological Association
Society for Personality and Social Psychology (APA Division 8)
Society for Teaching of Psychology (APA Division 2)
Council for Undergraduate Research