Programming Committee Meeting Minutes

October 24, 2013

Attendance: Nancy Courtney, Dave Lincove, Erin Fletcher, Shannon Neimeyer, Sarah Murphy, Gaye Jackson, Larry Allen, Melanie Schlosser, and Ruth Sesco

Absent: Tamar Chute

Note: Lisa Carter was not required and excused from the meeting

1.  Beth Kattelman proposed an event for Saturday, March 1, 2014, which features an accomplished playwright, Caridad Svich, as the keynote speaker. Beth proposed to hold a luncheon (paid by the Theartre Dept.) and Caridad’s keynote address on the 11th floor of Thompson because the Theatre Research Institute holds the Caridad Svich Collection and is co-sponsoring the keynote. However, co-sponsorship guidelines state: “Campus Reading Room (1120), Buckeye Reading Room (260), and Grand Reading Room (200) are not available to reserve at ‘no charge.’” Lisa Carter requested justification from the programing committee to host the event on the 11th floor. Lisa will then take our argument to the Exec for approval.

  1. Nancy requested arguments for using the 11th floor, which were as follows:
  2. Less noise/disruption if it is confined, resulting in less impact on students
  3. Keeps lunch contained
  4. Creates engagement with the Theatre Department - Thompson is the appropriate library for theatre and theatre grad students will be the primary attendees
  5. Connects to a library collection (TRI holds the Caridad Svich Collection); also some of the participants will be using this collection in the symposium
  6. This is an important speaker – she has donated her collection to OSUL and more is expected
  7. Engages across library departments - Connects to related exhibits from Area Studies and the Diversity Committee
  8. It is the mission of the libraries
  9. If the room must be paid for, they will move the event to Drake
  10. Arguments against include:
  11. Disruption - takes the 11th floor from the students
  12. Cost
  13. Other options: THO 150 but it is not attractive enough for a special guest speaker
  14. This issue does not involve programming committee criteria; it is a more practical issue of cost. In the future, this type of issue will be managed through emails and not in meetings. Nancy may provide a statement for all regarding alignment criteria

2.  Updates on Hathi Trust event by Robert Mc Donald from Indiana University who will present a lecture and hands-on workshop

  1. Contact problems: apparently, Robert is not responding to emails
  2. Efforts will be made to set up details through the Hathi Trust outreach department
  3. Probably will be scheduled for spring

3.  The eBooks and panel discussion includes 3 people and 2 topics and is scheduled for Wednesday, March 5: the panel portion will be from 9:30 – 11 in 165 Thompson, followed by a 15 minute break, then breakout session from 11:15 – 12:30.

  1. Stephen Bosch from the University of Arizona, will present and 2 panelists, Lynn Wiley and Tina Chrzastowski from the University of Illinois, will represent the user perspective
  2. Another panelist was recommended by Exec but did not work out, so Lisa Carter suggested a new OhioLink employee who is currently moving to Columbus from Cleveland. Follow-up with her is planned, but should not involve travel or over-night costs.

4.  The User Experience program by Gretchen McNeely will be on April 3 in 165 THO: starts at 9am with a broad overview of main user experience issues, followed by a short break and then a workshop until noon

  1. has been approved by Exec and will be paid
  2. Must special request coffee as providing refreshments requires student attendance and this is only for staff
  3. This topic was first discussed last spring and details are not well remembered, so David will send some information to committee members

5.  Ruth provided a document (included at end of minutes) and an update on the Programing Database.

  1. a few events have not been logged and assessed – people seem to have problems remembering where and how to access the database; Ruth will include directions
  2. Sarah is trying to simplify the database and will provide more details when accomplished

6.  Discussion of the Environmental Scan is tabled for now.

7.  Other news: Proposals for the gallery are being paused because it is already scheduled through 2016. For now, time will be focused on refining policies. Creative use of the space needs defining. We need to rethink how things are scheduled beyond collections as they seem to have a monopoly on gallery use. We also need a process to get more people involved with these displays.

Programming Database Update: July 24 – October 24/2013

Completed events:

1.  July 25 Pulp Fiction Eric Johnson Assessed 42

2.  Aug. 20 Jason Priem: Altmetrics Sarah Murphy Assessed 33

3.  Sept. 24 Panel Disc. Of Journal Editors Melanie Schlosser Not in Database

4.  Oct. 10 M. Zimmer: Lib. User Privacy Prog. Com. Not in Database 39

5.  Oct. 14 OSU Response to 9/11 Tamar Chute/Lindy Assessed 105


Other events in database/not approved through Committee:

Jun-Jul 24 Family Lounge for New St. Orientation Beth Black Assessed 20s

Jul. 29 Sci. Café: Dr. Dave’s Whiz Bang! Dotson/Kupferberg Assessed 153

Aug. 17 Ohioana Literary Adventure Series Melanie McGurr Assessed 30

Sept. 4 Advancement Tour of Archives Tamar Chute Assessed 5

Sept. 8 Gallery Talk on Mt. Athos exhibit Mary-Allen Johnson Assessed 19

Sept. 10 Geo. Lib. Tour Patti Dittoe Assessed 2

Sept. 11 Sci Café: Pogge, Dept. of Astronomy Dotson/ Kupferber Assessed 24

Sept. 12 Being a Buckeye: Baker Hall Tamar Chute Assessed 34

Sept. 18 Geo. Lib. Tour Oh Geo. Survey Patti Dittoe Assessed 4

Sept. 19 OSU & WWII (Baker Hall) Tamar Chute Assessed 50

Sept. 21 President’s Club Tour of Archives Tamar Chute Assessed 32

Sept. 24 Geo. Lib. Tour for Wuhan group Patti Dittoe Assessed 18

Oct. 3 Sci. Café: Hearing Loss & Hearing Aids Dotson/Kupferberg Assessed 16

Oct. 11 Painting/ Tableau/Stage, Urban Arts Sp. Beth Kattelman Assessed 16

Oct. 16 President’s Club Tour/Archives Laura Kissell Assessed 30

Oct. 18 Cold Cases: Primary Resources Laura Kissel Assessed 22

Approved Events/not in database:

1.  11/2-3 Hackathon Meris Mandernach

2.  11/5 Undergrad Research & Sp. Coll. Prog. Melanie McGurr

3.  11/5 Global Crossroads J. Swanson & J. Diaz

4.  11/8 Reel Latinos…Today & Tomorrow Jose Diaz

5.  11/14 Icelandic Paleography Eric Johnson

6.  11/18 Symposium/Hong Shen Collection Nena Couch

7.  12/5-11 Final St. Break /Pause for Paws M. McGurr/B. Black

8.  2/6 Wikipedian in Residence T. Chute & B. Leaf