Table of Contents

  1. Executive Summary


Mission Statement

Keys to Success

  1. Description of Business

Company Ownership/Legal Entity



Hours of Operation

Products and Services



Financial Management

Start-Up/Acquisition Summary

  1. Marketing

Market Analysis


  1. Appendix

Start-Up Expenses

Income Projection Statement



Executive Summary

Except for those with wealth and position, Nigerian kids including underprivileged kids have scant access to quality Education. Change Community, Inc. intends to raise funds to build a quality STEM based private boarding school model, Anambra Math, Science and Technology Academy for Nigerian kids including underprivileged kids in one of the underserved Communities in Anambra State, South East of Nigeria. This will help strengthen and create conditions that propel those vulnerable children to achieve success as individuals and as contributors to the larger community and society.
The needs are compelling:
​1. Currently only about 65% of children from Anambra State, South East of Nigeria can attend school because of the lack of classrooms, so building projects are sorely needed.
2. There are no high-quality schools in Anambra State, South East of Nigeria that providequality education to those kids in underserved community that will help them acquire skill sets for the next generation. Those kids in underserved community need this quality school that will help give them hope, skills for 21st century, opportunities to change their lives and in future become world productive science and technology leaders and innovators.
3. Most of the schools in the various underserved communities have horrible working conditions for students and teachers with no presence of adequate instructional materials, textbooks, computers, qualified teachers, etc.
4. All Children have a right to a quality education.

The name of the school will be Anambra Math, Science and Technology Academy (AMSTA).
Anambra Math, Science and Technology Academy will be STEM based education and willoperate year-round, no long vacation to interrupt the learning process and this high-quality school will be an alternative to traditional education and also will be a boarding school.
UNIFORM DRESS CODE: There will be a uniform dress code for students and staff.

ENTRANCE EXAMINATION: All potential students must pass a rigorous entrance examination before they can be admitted to Anambra Math, Science and Technology Academy. (AMSTA).


Building a high-quality STEM Based school in one of the underserved Communities in Anambra State, South East of Nigeria can be accomplished relatively quickly.Change Community, INC. believes it can dedicate and open the school during the 2019-2020academic year if fund-raising goals are met.

Mission Statement

  • The mission of Anambra Math, Science and Technology Academy (AMSTA) is to ensure a world-class education that prepares each and every student to thrive today and excel tomorrow in an ever-changing global society.
  • Providing high quality education for Nigerian students including underprivileged students in one of underserved communities in Anambra State, South East of Nigeria that will help give students hope, skills for 21st century, opportunities to change their lives and in future become world productive science and technology leaders and innovators.

Keys to Success

This will be the only special unique STEM based school in Nigeria. The school will be well computerized and highly technological equipped. This will help to attract many Nigerian parents to send their kids to the school instead of sending them abroad.
Anambra math, science and technology academy will be a sister school of MTS Technologicalhigh school Minneapolis, Minnesota USA. There will be student exchange program between Anambra math, science and technology academy and MTS Technological high school Minneapolis, Minnesota USA.

Dr. Emmanuel Obikwelu is a Professional Science Educator, Science Department Chair at MTS TechnologicalHigh School Minneapolis, Minnesota USA and Director of MTS Robotics Program and he will help to establish a robotic program at Anambra Math, Science and Technology Academy.
Robotics program will offer an opportunity for students to participate in an interactive hand-on program project-based STEM/Science curriculum, where students study the laws of physics by modeling them computationally and learn other areas of science through engineering projects which apply those fields of science. During this period students will learn LabVIEW, C++ programing and coding. Students will be challenged to design and build an autonomous remote-controlled Robot.They will use LabVIEW to create a program to run their Robot.
Our main goal is to encourage and to expose our students to activities that relate directly to careers in math-and science-related fields such as engineering, computer science, and programming.
The Robotics program will be offered as an elective class during the school day. Students will learn programming courses and ones with a similar level of rigor that will provide them an opportunity to code, LabView, C++ programming, fabrication, safety, use of hand and power tools, engineering concepts such as electricity, forces, and energy, and the problem-solving process. This will be done during the 1st and 2nd quarter of the year. During the 3rd quarter, the actual construction period will begin and the students will spend six weeks designing and creating a Robot to meet specific functions.

The program entails Anambra Math, Science and Technology Academy Robotics Team participating in the International FIRST Robotics Competition in Minnesota, USA which will give students opportunities to build their knowledge and skills by working directly with volunteer mentors in the fields of Engineering, vocational education, and information systems.

Description of Business

Change Community, INC. sees its mission as advancing the quality of life in two specific areas:
  • * Providing high quality education for Nigerian kids including underprivileged kids in one of underserved communities in Anambra State, South East of Nigeria Africa, that will help strengthen and create conditions that propel those vulnerable children to achieve success as individuals and as contributors to the larger community and society.
  • * Providing private school scholarships for underprivileged kids in Nigeria.

Company Ownership/Legal Entity

Change Community, INC. is a St. Paul, Minnesota based 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation founded in October, 2014. It received 501(c)(3) approval from the Internal Revenue service on March 31, 2015 and is registered with the State of Minnesota Office of the Attorney General.


LOCATION:This private model boarding school will be locatedin Anambra State, South East of Nigeria.
​We willbe focusing in regions where girls are especially disadvantaged and therebyincrease opportunities for girls to benefit fully from this quality STEM based education.


Building Designed for Anambra Math, Science and Technology Academy.

Hours of Operation

Anambra Math, Science and Technology Academy will operate year-round, no long vacation to interrupt the learning process and this high-quality school will be an alternative to traditional education.

Products and Services

The benefits are even more compelling:
To provide high quality education for Nigerian kids including underprivileged kids in one of the underserved communities in Nigeria. This will be the only special unique STEM based school in Nigeria and many rich parents in Nigeria will be our potential market.
The school will operate as a unique private boarding school model and the education will be a project-based STEM/science curriculum, where students study the laws of physics by modeling them computationally and learn other areas of science through engineering projects which apply those fields of science.
Although the school will operate as a private boarding school model, the school is:
  1. Open to all children.
  2. Will charge tuition to cover operational expenses in order to sustain the school.
  3. The underprivileged kids will be offered scholarships to attend the school.
A well-trained and qualified teaching staff will provide a high-quality education producing a well-educated community.
A well-educated citizen is also more mentally healthy and contributes positively to increase productivity and bring stability to communities. This will extend to Nigeria as a whole. A well-educated Nigeria contributes to a healthy and more stable world.


  • Anambra math, Science and Technology Academy will offer a comprehensive academic program designed for students with differing abilities and goals, including Advanced Placement, College in the Schools, Honors Classes, as well as Vocational Training opportunities.
  • Our students may elect to participate in internships, mentorships, community involvement programs in addition to their regular coursework.
  • Anambra Math, Science and Technology Academy will simulate college environments in many ways. The school will mirror this environment. The primary method will be through a commitment to a comprehensive Advanced Placement program. Because Advanced Placement classes represent levels of rigor and structure similar to what students might find on a college campus, and because successful completion of Advanced Placement classes can result in transferable college credit, the school will adopt open access philosophy whereby all students, beginning as early as the 9th grade year, are encouraged and provided opportunity to participate in Advanced Placement classes.
  • The school will be offering a rigorous curriculum, a wide selection of Advanced Placement courses and dual credit programs, and by instilling a “college-going culture” through college planning programs that begin in the freshman year.
  • The bar will be set very high for teaching quality, and the high expectations for applying the best pedagogical practices will be supported by specialized weekly professional development and an array of teacher support structures.
  • In addition to a robust and highly structured program of weekly professional development, the school will support professional excellence by providing teachers with meaningful evaluations throughout the year.
  • The School’s system of rubric-based teacher evaluations is designed to support teacher success and drive student achievement.
  • This system of evaluation includes formal and informal goal-centered observation cycles, followed by personal meeting with our Dean of Faculty and the Leadership team who provide teachers with positive and constructive feedback on their teaching practices. This confluence of talent, knowledge and dedication will result in the remarkable academic success of our students.
  • Curriculum will be presented on a block schedule offering ninety-minute classes.
  • Students will attend four classes daily Monday through Thursday, with a later start on Fridays to accommodate weekly professional development.
  • On Fridays, students will attend all eight classes to reduce learning loss over the weekend. Extended learning in the form of before and after school Office Hours will provide additional support, either by election or as a requirement for students who are struggling with the rigorous curriculum.
  • Ultimately, all graduates will be expected to be able to write analytically, think critically, and speak articulately. They will be expected to be able to work collaboratively but act independently. They will be expected to possess the ability to persevere and solve problems creatively. These expectations are the combined effect of the school’s unique blending of classical understanding and purpose, STEAM integration and college-preparedness.
  • The curriculum and instruction will base on Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Education.
  • ​A project-based STEM/Science curriculum, where students study the Laws of Physics by modeling them computationally and learn other areas of science through Engineering projects which apply those fields of science.
  • Anambra Math, Science and Technology Academy (AMSTA) will offer the following courses:
  • Engineering, Technology, and Design:
  • Architectural Design
  • Architecture and Industrial Design
  • Home Construction and Maintenance
  • Engineering Concepts (STEM)
  • Principles of Engineering POE (STEM)
  • Introduction of Engineering Design IED (STEM)
  • Civil Engineering and Architecture CEA (STEM)
  • Software Engineering (STEM)
  • Graphic Design and Screen Printing (Digital Design)
  • Graphic Design and Screen Printing (Applications of Print)
  • Advanced Print Technology (Apprenticeship Program)
  • Animation and Game Design 1 (STEM)
  • Animation and Advanced Game Design 2 (STEM)
Computer Technology:
  • Programming courses and ones with a similar level of rigor that provides an opportunity for kids to code.
  • LabView programming
  • C++ Programing
  • Introduction to Computer Technology
  • Introduction to Computer Programing (STEM)
  • Computer Applications for University and beyond
  • Advanced Placement Computer Science (STEM)
  • Physical Science
  • Honors Physical Science
  • Physics
  • Advanced Placement Physics 1
  • Advanced Placement Physics 2: Mechanics
  • Chemistry
  • Advanced Placement Chemistry
  • Biology-Life Science
There will be a self-regulated mathematics curriculum where students work through intelligent tutoring system on a computer and teachers support this. The school is going to use Khan Academy to achieve this goal.
First Three Months or So: Review and Build Strong Foundation in the 5 Strands in Math: Mathematical Content Strands
  • Number sense, properties, and operations

This content area focuses on students' understanding of numbers (whole numbers, fractions, decimals, integers, real numbers, and complex numbers), operations, and estimation, and their applications to real-world situations. Students are expected to demonstrate an understanding of numerical relationships as expressed in ratios, proportions, and percent. Students are also expected to understand properties of numbers and operations, generalize from numerical patterns, and verify results.
  • Measurement

This content area focuses on an understanding of the process ofmeasurement and on the use of numbers and measures to describe and compare mathematical and real-world objects. Students are asked to identify attributes, select appropriate units and tools, apply measurement concepts, and communicate measurement-related ideas.
  • Data analysis, statistics, and probability
This content area focuses on the skills of collecting, organizing, reading, representing, and interpreting data. These are assessed in a variety of contexts to reflect the use of these skills in dealing with information. Students are expected to use statistics and statistical concepts to analyze and communicate interpretations of data. Students are also expected to understand the meaning of basic probability concepts and applications of these concepts in problem-solving and decision-making situations.
  • Algebra and functions
This content area extends from work with simple patterns, to basic algebraic concepts, to sophisticated analysis. Students are expected to use algebraic notation and thinking in meaningful contexts to solve mathematical and real-world problems, addressing an increasing understanding of the use of functions as a representational tool. Other topics assessed include using open sentences and equations as representational tools and using the notion of equivalent representations to transform and solve number sentences and equations of increasing complexity.
  • Integrated Mathematics
  • Accelerated Integrated Mathematics
  • Calculus Concepts
  • Advanced Placement Statistics
  • Advanced Placement Calculus AB
  • Advanced Placement Calculus BC
  • Linear Algebra and Differential Equations
English Courses
  • Advanced Placement English Language and composition
  • Composition/Grammar and Usage
  • Creative Writing
  • Debate for Composition
  • English Honors
  • Honors Debate for Competition
  • Journalism
  • Science Fiction/fantasy Literature
  • Reading.


The appointed Private school committee members are made up of various skilled areas of expertise to give the best help and council for the School Project:
  1. Emmanuel Obikwelu, Chairman, M.S, Ph.D (Founder, Professional Science Educator, Science Department Chair at MTS Technological High SchoolMinneapolis, Minnesota USA and Director of MTS Robotics Program, STEM Education expert)
  2. Levi Ezeaku, M.Ed, Ph.D ( Retired School Superintendent in Nigeria)
  3. Chinyere Umeh, M.Ed, Ph.D (Retired School Principal in Nigeria).
  4. Harrison Nwabueze, MBA ( Business man in Nigeria)
  5. Gerald Offordile, B.S, M.S ( USA trained Computer Technology expert in Nigeria).
The above committee members will eventually become the core members of the Board of Directors of Anambra Math, Science and Technology Academy.
They are experts in Education, STEM Education, Computer Technology and Business.
They are local members of the education community in Anambra State, South East of Nigeria.
They will jointly make all financial and operational decision, hire faculty, and oversee the school.
1.Principal:Excellent schools don’t just happen; they require the right kind of leadership, both at the classroom level and in the front office. The most effective school principals have what it takes to lead their academic institutions and ensure increased student achievement.
* The principal will report to School Board of Directors
• Supervises all school personnel, directly and/or indirectly
* He or shewill serve as the chief administrator of a school in developing and implementing policies, programs, curriculum activities, and budgets in a manner that promotes the educational development of each student and the professional development of each staff member.
•He or she will conceptualize the broad goals of the school and plans accordingly to ensure that procedures and schedules are implemented to carry out the total school program.
•He or she will ensure that the school program is compatible with the legal, financial and organizational structure of the school system.
​* The principal will define the responsibilities and accountability of staff members and develops plans for interpreting the school program to the community.