Showing relationships Between Ideas①


Student Number:

Exercise 13: Complete the sentences by usingeven though or because.

  1. Tim’s in good shape physically even though he doesn’t get much exercise.
  2. Jerry’s in good shape physically because he gets a lot of exercise.
  3. Sue is a good student, she received a scholarship.
  4. Ann is a good student, she didn’t receive a scholarship.
  5. it was raining, we went for a walk.
  6. it was raining, we didn’t go for a walk.
  7. This letter was delivered it didn’t have enough postage.
  8. That letter was returned to the sender it didn’t have enough postage.
  9. Susan didn’t learn Spanish she lived in Mexico for a year.
  10. Joe speaks Spanish well he lived in Mexico for a year.
  11. A newborn Kangaroo can find its mother’s pouch its eyes are not yet open.
  12. Some people protest certain commercial fishing operations dolphins, considered to be highly intelligent mammals, are killed unnecessarily.

Exercise 14: Combine the ideas in the two sentences. Use the given words. Pay attention to correct punctuation. Use the negative if necessary to make a logical statement.

1. We went to the zoo. It was raining.

even though

but … anyway


in spite of


2. His grades were low. He was admitted to the university.


yet … still



because of

Exercise 15: Complete the following with your own words. Add commas (,) where appropriate.

  1. I had a cold but I anyway.
  2. Even though I had a cold I .
  3. Although I didn’t study .
  4. I didn’t study but anyway.
  5. I got an “A” on the test even though .
  6. Even though Howard is a careful driver .
  7. Even though the food they served for dinner tasted terrible .
  8. My shirt still has coffee stains on it even though .
  9. I still trust him even though .
  10. Even though he was drowning no one .

Exercise 15: Change the sentence by using nevertheless.

  1. He wasn’t tired, but he went to bed anyway.
    →He wasn’t tired. Nevertheless, he went to bed.
  2. She wasn’t hungry, but she ate two dishes of ice cream anyway.
  3. Even though Jack wasn’t feeling good, he went to class.
  4. I still trust him even though he lied to me.
  5. sally was very sad, but she smiled and pretended to be having a good time.
  6. George did not panic even though he was alone and lost in the woods.

Exercise 16: Give sentences with the same meaning by suing in spite of or despite.

  1. Even though her grades were low, she was admitted to the university.
    →In spite of her low grades,
    →Despite her low grades,she was admitted to the
    →In spite of the fact that her grades were low,university.
    →Despite the fact that her grades were low,
  2. I like living in the dorm even though it is noisy.
  3. Even though the work was hard, they enjoyed themselves.
  4. They wanted to climb the mountain even though it was dangerous.
  5. Although the weather was extremely hot, they went jogging in the park.
  6. He is unhappy even though he has a vast fortune.