Youth Connexions

Integrated Youth Support Service Topic Group

The role of the Service Development Team is to support the core business of Youth Connexions (YCH) by developing projects that help meet the needs of young people. This is often through external funding via central government agencies.

We are currently delivering two major projects:

1. Future 565

This is a combination of two funding streams (DWP Future Jobs Fund and HCC PRG funding) and is worth £2.1m. We aim to create 565 jobs for young people, with 365 of these being apprenticeships.

1.1 Young peoples needs – Young people are currently worst hit by the economic downturn that is being experienced both locally and nationally. Working with Job Centre + partners we have been able to identify a significant number of young people that are seeking employment. Discussions with young people have also shown that they have completed training to a level that they feel is adequate and now need employment to start developing their skills and providing an income.

1.2 Work with partner agencies – This project has seen very positive relationships grow and we are now working as a genuine partnership, with all partners contributing and supporting outcomes for young people. The National Apprenticeship Service (NAS) are providing frameworks and advice to employers regarding apprenticeships; Hertfordshire Provider Network are liaising with employers and NAS directly to identify suitable training for young people whilst they are in employment; Job Centre + are advertising vacancies and identifying suitable young people; Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce and Industry are supporting the Future 565 to develop links with key employers.

We are working closely with CSF service leads to ensure that a minimum of 65 places are filled by vulnerable young people. Service leads are supporting us to identify suitable young people and work with employers who may be able to take on a vulnerable young person.

We are also working very closely with some District and Borough Councils to develop employment opportunities. Currently, we are supporting St AlbansCity and District Council, Watford Borough Council and Broxbourne Borough Council with the creation of apprenticeship opportunities for young people and are sharing best practise across all District and Borough Councils through our Young Peoples’ Public Sector Champion.

1.3 Benefit to young people – We are working with a wide range of partners to identify positions that meet the needs of young people (needs of young people are captured by YCH staff). This is resulting in attractive positions that support the development of young people and their employment needs.

2. vtalentyear

The national organisation v have commissioned us to provide 30 full time places for young people aged 16-25 for a minimum of 44 weeks each. The contract is worth £285,000.

2.1 Young peoples needs–National research has highlighted the increased demand on volunteering. Locally, by working with vinvolved (formerly Millennium Volunteers) we have identified that there is an increasing demand in young people seeking volunteering opportunities. We also recognise through consultation with young people that the demand for volunteering opportunities in children and young people’s services is increasing.

2.2 Work with partner agencies–We are working very closely with vinvolved and also Pro Action, to ensure we attract young people that are interested in volunteering and to ensure that the placements we offer meet the needs of young people.

3.3 Benefits to young people – Young people are being provided with valuable experience and building skills to support their future career aspirations. Some young people currently taking part have historically found it difficult to gain employment or volunteering opportunities and are now thriving in an environment that they enjoy.

We recognise that external funding is crucial in supporting our existing core business and allows us to support many more young people. In addition to the projects above, we have also been successful in applying for funding to develop two new youth centres that will support a range of services, delivered by a variety of agencies. The centres will be in Watford and Hemel Hempstead and are worth £2.2m and £5m respectively.

Stuart Sapsford

Service Development Manager

8th December 2009