Post Graduate Education
Maharishi Vedic College of Perfect Health
Courses should be accredited by the Chamber of Medical Doctors

The whole post graduate education is devided into five phases or levels:

A.  Phase I Basic courses: Ayurvedic phytotherapy and diet, Maharishi Ayurveda Pulse Reading Level I (graduation for A-Diploma).

B.  Phase II: Yoga, Consciousness and Veda in Physiology. Learning TM, MAV Pulse Reading Level II

C.  Phase III: Advanced courses: Chronic diseases 1, MAV Pulse Reading Level III (graduation for B-Diploma)

D.  Phase IV: Advanced courses: Chronic diseases 2, MAV Pulse Reading Level IV (graduation for C-Diploma)

E.  Phase V: Maharishi Panchakarma (graduation for Maharishi Panchakarma Diploma)

F.  Special seminars: one day updates, symposiums, vaidya tours and correlated lectures, Indian journey etc..

Practicas and sitting therapy sessions are mandatory within the different phases.

Each level of education comprises whole knowledge, taking into account the level of understanding and experience of the participants. Each phase is a new circle of knowledge repeating the principles and rising to the next step of understanding and expansion of knowledge.

The physician should be able to effectively and safly treat common disorders by applying the knowledge he received after each course.

Phase I: Basic principles; Ayurvedic Phytotherapy and Diet (10 modules); Maharishi Ayurveda Pulse Diagnosis Level I / Ausbildungsstunden
5 Basic courses A1-A5, 14 hours per course, incl. performance control
A1: Ayurvedic Phytotherapy and Diet. Special theme: Sense of smell, aroma therapy. Maharishi Ayurveda Pulse Diagnosis Level I
Module I
·  Interactive education by two teachers
·  Comprehensive course material
·  Main contents:
o  Origin of Ayurveda, difference of Ayurveda and Maharishi Ayurveda, consciousness based medicine
o  Overview approaches of Maharishi Ayurveda
o  10fold structure of nature corresponding to the ten mandalas of rig-veda
o  Basics of Ayurveda (Doshas, Agni, Ojas, Rasa, Guna, Ama, Dhatus, Subdoshas, Prakriti)
o  Dinucharya, Ritucharya, ayurvedic biorhythms
o  Free radicals and Maharishi Amrit Kalash
o  Introduction into MA pulse reading level I (doshas and their gunas, agni, ojas, ama in the superficial pulse)
o  The simple Ama therapy (hot water, three main meals, skip out meals in between, light dinner, early to bed, pachanas)
o  The light elemination therapy (kanchi, hot water, easy virechana (ricinus oil)
o  Vata, Pitta, Kapha principles in diet
o  Aroma therapy
o  Ayurvedic herbs (basic priciples of collecting and categorizing herbs, different kind of herbal preparations like swarasam, tabletts, ghritas, kvathas, arishthas etc., rasayanas, modern factory Maharishi Ayurveda Products Noida, emblica officinalis, terminalia chebula, terminalia belerica, triphala, glycyrrhiza glabra)
o  Spices, their rasa, guna, virya, vipak, their influence on the doshas, agni, ojas (examples: ginger, curcuma, piper longum, kardamom, fenugreek and others)
o  Vata-, Pitta-, Kapha churna
o  Ayurvedic home remedies and Pachanas
·  Handouts: sideeffect of modern medicine, why do we need a new system of medicine
·  Tapes: Maharishi Tape, Lecture on MAK by Dr. Gary Kaplan, Robert Schneider (recent research TM)
·  Samples by MTC: tees, MP 16, churnas, tongue scraper etc..
Module II
·  Common Disorders: Digestive system (constipation, meteorism, functional abdominal complaints, acute diarrhoea, gastritis, hyperacitiy, . Metabolic syndrome (diabetes tpye II, hypercholesterinaemia, obesitas).
·  Practical training:
o  How to prescribe ayurvedic preparations
o  Suryanamaskar, pranayama
o  MA pulse reading, start with self pulse reading, continue with the pulse in the colleagues
o  Change of pulse after taste of triphala, spices
·  Performance control
·  Homework: As many times as possible self pulse reading and feel the pulse in patients. Hot water, 1 triphala tbl. at night, once try out simple ama therapy
·  Evaluation of criterias for course quality by the participants / 14 hours
A2: Ayurvedic Phytotherapy and Diet. Special theme: Sense of taste. Maharishi Ayurveda Pulse Diagnosis Level I
Module III
·  Interactive education by two teachers
·  Comprehensive course material
·  Main contents:
o  Repetition of basics of Ayurveda (Doshas, Agni, Ojas, Rasa, Guna, Ama, Dhatus, Subdoshas, Prakriti)
o  Manifestation of the 8 prakritis
o  Doshas and their 20 Gunas,
o  Subdoshas of Vata
o  Disorders connected to the subdoshas of Vata
o  MA pulse reading level I (doshas and their gunas, agni, ojas, ama in the superficial pulse)
o  More about Ojas
o  Rishi, Devata, Chhandas
o  Vata,-Pitta,-Kapha aromas, other Maharishi Ayurveda aromas
o  Climate and doshas
o  More about Vata, Pitta, Kapha principles in diet
o  Ayurvedic herbs: Vata reducing herbs (Withania somnifera, Nardostachys jatamamsi, Bacopa monnieri, Acorus calamus, ....)
o  Case histories (pictures and powerpoint)
o  Ayurvedic home remedies and Pachanas
Module IV
·  Common Disorders: Respiratory system (Bronchial asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, adenoids). Pollinosis.
·  Practical training:
o  How to prescribe ayurvedic preparations
o  Demonstration of patients
o  The 20 gunas in the doshas (speaking the sankrit terms, writing down their meanings)
o  Prakriti questionaire
o  Identification of Prakriti in course participants
o  MA pulse reading
o  The effects of aromas in the pulse (Vata-, Pitta-, Kapha aroma oils)
·  Performance control
·  Homework: As many times as possible self pulse reading and feel the pulse in patients. At least once a week self abhyanga, pranayama twice a day, taste and individual use of spices, use of aromas at home, in clinic
·  Evaluation of criterias for course quality by the participants / 14 hours
A3: Ayurvedic Phytotherapy and Diet. Special theme: sense of sight: colour therapy. Maharishi Ayurveda Pulse Diagnosis Level I
Module V
·  Interactive education by two teachers
·  Comprehensive course material
·  Main contents:
o  Repetition of basics of last course (Gunas in doshas, subdoshas of Vata, 8 Prakritis)
o  The effects of colours on doshas, agni, ojas
o  Subdoshas of Pitta
o  Disorders connected to the subdoshas of Pitta
o  MA pulse reading level I (doshas and their gunas, agni, ojas, ama in the superficial pulse)
o  The four energetic conditions of Agni
o  Some aspects of ayurvedic dermatology and associated disorders
o  More about Vata, Pitta, Kapha principles in diet
o  Ayurvedic herbs: Pitta alleviating herbs (Santalum album, bitter herbs, Acacia catechu, Berberis aristata, ...)
o  Anupanam, Yoga vahi
o  Ghee in diet and medicines
o  Ayurvedic home remedies and Pachanas
Module VI
·  Common Disorders: liver diseases (hepatitis, fatty liver). Skin diseases (atopic eczema, psoriasis, acne vulgaris, herpes simplex, herpes zoster)
·  Practical training:
o  How to prescribe ayurvedic preparations
o  Demonstration of patients
o  Some simple yoga asanas
o  MA pulse reading
o  The effects of colours in the pulse (by projecting colours to the screen, by putting a red, white, blue, green cloth etc. on somebody)
·  Performance control
·  Homework: As many times as possible self pulse reading and feel the pulse in patients. Watch the colours of sunset (and sunrise, if possible)
·  Evaluation of criterias for course quality by the participants / 14 hours
A4: Ayurvedic Phytotherapy and Diet. Special theme: sense of touch: massage and local applications. Maharishi Ayurveda Pulse Diagnosis Level I
Module VII
·  Interactive education by two teachers
·  Comprehensive course material
·  Main contents:
o  Repetition of basics of last course
o  Repetition of the subdoshas of Pitta
o  Subdoshas of Kapha
o  Disorders connected to the subdoshas of Kapha
o  MA pulse reading level I (doshas and their gunas, agni, ojas, ama in the superficial pulse)
o  The 7 Dhatus and the 13 Agnis
o  Short insight into the principles of Panchakarma
o  The six states of disease formation
o  Western and ayurvedic systematic of rheumatic diseases
o  Western and ayurvedic approach to thyroid gland disorders
o  Ayurvedic herbs: Kapha alleviating herbs (
o  Basic ayurvedic oils: sesami, coconut, olive, almond, ghee; MA oils for abhyanga and local applications
o  Ayurvedic home remedies and Pachanas
Module VIII
·  Common Disorders: Rheumatic diseases (Inflammatory and denegerative diseases, lumbalgia, shoulder and neck complaints, gonarthrosis, M. Bechterew, fibromyalgia). Thyroid gland disorders (Hyperthyreosis, Hypothyreosis).
·  Practical training:
o  Demonstration and of and training in local massage techniques and local applications (neck and shoulder, abdominal, knee, foot massage. Lepam (MA 682).
o  How to prescribe ayurvedic preparations
o  Demonstration of patients
o  MA pulse reading
o  The effects of oil application in the pulse (by applying some Vata, Pitta, Kapha oil on the wrist or heart of the hand (tala hridaya marma)
·  Performance control
·  Homework: As many times as possible self pulse reading and feel the pulse in patients. At least once a week a self abhyanga.
·  Evaluation of criterias for course quality by the participants / 14 hours
A5: Ayurvedic Phytotherapy and Diet. Special theme: sense of hearing: Maharishi Gandharva-Ved, music therapy, vedic sound.
Module IX
·  Interactive education by two teachers
·  Comprehensive course material
·  Main contents:
o  Repetition of basics of last course
o  Repetition of the 7 Dhatus
o  Disorders connected to the Dhatus
o  MA pulse reading level I (doshas and their gunas, agni, ojas, ama in the superficial pulse)
o  Principles and application of Gandharva-Veda
o  Changes in the pulse during Gandharva-Veda
o  Veda in Physiology: overview
o  Sama-Veda, Rik-Veda in the physiology, effects of listening, changes in the pulse
o  Sattva, Rajas and Tamas
o  Achara rasayana, behavioral rasyana
o  Medhya Rasayanas
o  Ayurvedic approach to mental disorders (sleep disorders, anxiety, weak memory)
o  Western and ayurvedic approach to cardiovascular diseases
o  Transcendental Meditation: short lecture on the basic principles
o  Ayurvedic herbs: Medhya rayasayana herbs
o  Ayurvedic home remedies and Pachanas
Module X
·  Common Disorders: Mental disorders (anxiety, sleep disorders, burnout, depression, weak memory). Cardiovascular disorders (hypertension, hypotension, ateriosclerosis). Gynaecological disorders (dysmenorrhoea, hypermenorrhoea, amenorrhoea). Pregnancy.
·  Practical training:
o  How to prescribe ayurvedic preparations
o  Demonstration of patients
o  MA pulse reading
o  The effects of vedic sound in the pulse (Gandharva-Veda, special ragas- as Gandharva-Veda has been used for demonstration of its immidiate effects in the pulse from the very first courses through all courses, here it is more specific. This is part of the knowledge of GV, as shown on slides and demonstrated from CDs)
·  Performance control
·  Homework: As many times as possible self pulse reading and feel the pulse in patients. Try out Gandharva-Veda at home, treatment of patients disorders.
·  Evaluation of criterias for course quality by the participants / 14 hours
20 case documentations incl. case history, consultation foll0wups in between the courses= 20 á 60/30 min. / 30 hours
Sitting in therapy sessions: 1 week or single days (5 days x 6 hrs. = 30 hrs.) / 30 hours
Graduation with A- diploma (certificate) for basic courses (phase I) Maharishi Ayurveda
Total amount of education time for A-Diploma / 130 hours
Phase II: Yoga, Consciousness, Veda in the Physiology. MAV Pulse Reading Level II.
1 week or three weekends: Learning Transcendental Meditation, nice routine, deep rest with daily yoga, pranayama and meditation, excellent ayurvedic meals, seminar units with Veda in physiology.
Pulse reading: subdoshas in the pulse (if one week, then subdoshas of vata, pitta and kapha during the week; if three weekends then first weekend subdoshas of vata, second weekend subdoshas of pitta, third weekend subdoshas of kapha). / 40 hours
Phase III: Chronic Diseases 1 (10 modules). MAV Pulse Reading Level III. / Ausbildungsstunden
5 advanced training courses B1-B5, min.14 hours per course, incl. performance control
B1: Nourishment of the Dhatus, Vedic agriculture. MAV Pulse Reading Level III: the dhatus in the pulse / 14 hours
B2: Chronic diseases; diagnosis and therapy of the dhatus; Pulse reading: the dhatus in the pulse, hints for the therapy of dhatus out of pulse / 14 hours
B3: Dravya-Guna (going into more specific knowledge of ayurvedic phytotherapy); rasayana therapy. / 14 hours
B4: Vastu (vedic architecture), Jyotish (vedic astrology), espansion of knowledge of basic ayurvedic principles. Maharishi Ayurveda gem therapy. / 14 hours
B5: Therapeutic Yoga: special course on advanced yoga asanas, including the therapeutic impacts of yoga asanas, pranayamas. Special asanas for the spine / 14 hours
20 case documentations incl. case history, consultation foll0wups in between the courses= 20 á 60/30 min. / 14 hours
Sitting in therapy sessions: 1 week or single days (5 days x 6 hrs. = 30 hrs.) / 14 hours
Graduation with A- diploma (certificate) for basic courses (phase III) Maharishi Ayurveda
Total amount of education time for B-Diploma / 130 hours
Phase IV Chronic Diseases 2 (10 modules). MAV Pulse Reading Level IV. / Ausbildungsstunden
C1: Introduction into sanskrit for doctors (basic knowledge, inspiration to go into the subject), more courses later, but not mandatory. / 14 Stunden
C2: Chronic Diseases. The Veda preparations. MAV-Pulsdiagnosis level IV (advanced training, disease wise description of pulse, what doshas, subdoshas, dhatus etc. where to be felt in specific disorders) / 14 Stunden
C3: Marma therapy I / 14 Stunden
C4: Marma therapy II / 14 Stunden
C5: Marma therapy III / 14 Stunden
20 case documentations incl. case history, consultation foll0wups in between the courses= 20 á 60/30 min. / 30 Stunden
Sitting in therapy sessions: 1 week or single days (5 days x 6 hrs. = 30 hrs.) / 30 Stunden
Graduation with C- diploma (certificate) for basic courses (phase IV) Maharishi Ayurveda
Total amount of education time for C-Diploma / 130 Stunden
Total amount of education time for post graduate education of Maharishi College of Perfect Health / 420 Stunden
Phase V. Panchakarma
At least two weeks training international
Special courses
Updates once a year, mandatory for beeing listed as Maharishi Ayurveda Doctor or Naturpath.
Other courses, seminars, lectures, according to national or international activities.