6th Grade Science Syllabus


Lynn Sussman – Kimberly Tuttle –

Lisa Green – Amber Jones –

Course Goal: Students will understand the fundamental principles, theories, laws, and facts associated with earth science in order to solve problems, make decisions, and function as a productive and responsible global citizen. The course will include studies in geology, hydrology, meteorology, astronomy and human impact on Earth. More information is available at www.georgiastandards.org

Materials: Three ring binder (1 in.), notebook paper, pencils, colored pencils, glue stick, highlighter, scissors, calculator

Primary Text: Holt Science and Technology Earth Science - Online: my.hrw.com


Summative 50%

Formative 40%

Practice 10%

*Students can keep up with their grades by using Synergy Student View.

Grading Scale: The grading scale is consistent with the DMS handbook and is as follows:

A= 100-90 B= 89-80 C= 79-74 D= 73-70 F= 69 and below

Make-up Work: County policy allows the student one day per day absent to complete work missed. It is the student’s responsibility to ask for missed assignments.

Classroom Management: We will use the DMS positive behavior plan.

Communication: The best way to communicate is by email. We will return your email as soon as possible. Please look at the blog for daily information.

6th Grade Earth Science Curriculum Map – 2016-2017

Unit 1: Rocks and Minerals
Standard: S6E5 / Unit 2: Weathering Erosion and Soil
Standard: S6E5 / Unit 3: Inside the Earth
Standard: S6E5 / Unit 4: Water on the Earth
Standard: S6E3 / Unit 5: Climate and Weather
Standard: S6E4 / Unit 7: Earth, Moon, and Sun
Standard: S6E1 / Unit 6: Universe and Solar System
Standard: S6E3 / Unit 8:
Final Project/Preview 7th Grade Science
7 weeks / 3 weeks / 6 Weeks / 5 Weeks / 5 Weeks / 3 Weeks / 3 Weeks / 5 Weeks