Plymouth State University Athletic Department

Drug Education, Testing and Treatment Policy


A primary concern of the Plymouth State University athletic department is the health and welfare of our student-athletes. The University and the athletic department are committed to maintaining an environment that allows individuals to thrive and grow as responsible citizens in the academic, athletic and global communities. As representatives of the University, student-athletes are held to a higher standard of positive conduct. The demands of participating in competitive athletics can place significant physical, psychological and emotional stress on students as they strive to attain and maintain high levels of physical fitness and athletic performance. Substance use and abuse is a concern in society and in athletics as it may pose risks to the student-athlete’s health, academic and athletic performance and the integrity of athletic competition.

It is our responsibility to protect the health and well-being of our student athletes. The drug education, testing and treatment policy is designed to provide students with information about the long and short term health and performance effects of alcohol, tobacco, performance enhancing substances, nutritional/dietary supplements, and other recreational drugs, while providing information about banned substances and drug testing policies as specified by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA).


The Department of Athletics at Plymouth State University (PSU) is committed to protecting the health of student-athletes and the integrity of athletic competition. As members of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), PSU student-athletes are prohibited from any non-prescribed use of substances classified by the NCAA as “Banned Drug Classes”. Any misuse of legal substances such as prescription medications, alcohol or tobacco or the use of controlled or illegal substances is also prohibited.

The Drug Education, Testing and Treatment Coordinator (or an appropriate designee) will present this policy to all student-athletes. Student-athletes will be required to sign and return the “Consent to Participate in Drug Testing” and “Authorization for Release of Related Information” form prior to participating in any practice or game. If the student-athlete is under the age of eighteen, the form must also be signed by a parent or legal guardian. Failure of the student-athlete to sign and return the appropriate forms will result in that student-athlete being ineligible to practice or compete until the form has been signed and received by the Coordinator.

Approved September 2008


The Athletic Department at Plymouth State University believes in the importance of using educational programming to create a positive environment. The drug education program is committed to disseminating information for student-athletes to help them make reasoned choices about the use and abuse of substances while providing them with full disclosure on all applicable rules and regulations governing the same.

The Drug Education, Testing and Treatment Coordinator will implement educational programming for all student-athletes, administrators, coaches and other athletic department staff that:

1. Explains the Plymouth State University and NCAA drug testing policies, including providing information about those substances identified as “Banned Drug Classes” by the NCAA.

2. Provides information on how both legal and illegal substances affect the human body and athletic performance.

3. Provides athletes with the opportunity to learn coping skills necessary to be a substance-free student-athlete.

4. Provides athletes with information about therapy and counseling services available to individuals who have possible substance abuse issues.

5. Provides educational programming to identify “at risk” student-athletes and successful intervention methods to assist these students in receiving appropriate treatment and/or care.


The drug testing program at Plymouth State University is designed to protect and reinforce the health and safety of all student-athletes. The athletic department reserves the right to test, through randomized selection and/or based upon reasonable suspicion, any student-athlete. Drug testing is designed to identify those student-athletes who are using illicit and/or illegal drugs or who are abusing alcohol or licit drugs and to provide those students with appropriate avenues for treatment and/or intervention. Drugs and supplements for which testing may be conducted include, but are not limited to:

1. “Street drugs”: including amphetamines, Ecstasy (MDMA), barbiturates, benzodiazepines, cannabinoids (marijuana), cocaine, methaqualone, opiates, and phencyclidine (PCP)

2. “Performance Enhancing Drugs”: including anabolic steroids, including oxymetholone, methandrostenolone, oxandrolone, ethylstrenol, stanozolol, and nandrolone

3. “Nutritional Supplements”: including adrostenedione, androstenediol, norandrostenedione, norandrostenediol, DHEA, ephedrine and other substances banned by the NCAA. Although theses supplements may be purchased legally, they are banned by the NCAA and other athletic governing bodies.

The Plymouth State University Drug Education, Testing and Treatment Policy and Program is a University program, which is separate and distinct from the NCAA testing program. All student-athletes are subject to testing by the University and / or the NCAA.


1. All student-athletes must sign and return the “Consent to Participate in Drug Testing” and “Authorization for Release of Related Information” form to the Drug Education, Testing and Treatment Program Coordinator prior to any athletic participation.

2. Any student-athlete currently taking an over-the-counter dietary or nutritional supplement must complete, sign and submit a “Supplement Notification Waiver” to the Athletic Training Department. It is the student-athlete’s responsibility to make sure the supplement does not contain any “banned” substances as identified by the NCAA. It is important to understand that dietary and nutritional supplements are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration and as such, they may be mislabeled or their contents not correctly identified. Student-athletes are advised to use a “buyers beware” approach to the use of such supplements and to understand that they will be held responsible should the supplement contain a banned substance.

3. In compliance with the NCAA Committee on Competitive Safeguards and Medical Aspects of Sports – Medical Exceptions and Banned Drug Classes, any student-athlete who has been prescribed and is using a qualifying substance, must submit all appropriate information and documentation to the Athletic Training Department prior to any participation. It is the individual student-athlete’s responsibility to ensure that all necessary documentation is kept up to date and on file with the Athletic Training Department.

a. Conditions requiring treatment with substances that may qualify for a medical exception include, but are not limited to, the following:

i. Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD / ADHD): Methylphenidate (Ritalin) and Amphetamine (Adderall) are “Banned”

ii. Male Pattern Baldness: Finasteride (Propecia) is “Banned”

iii. Hypertension: Betablocker drug classes are “Banned”

iv. Hypogonadism: Testosterone is a “Banned” anabolic agent

b. Any student-athlete wishing to pursue a Medical Exception should contact the Athletic Training Department for information and assistance to complete the appropriate paperwork and determine all necessary supporting documentation.

c. In order for a student-athlete to be granted a medical exception for the use of a medication that contains a banned substance, the student-athlete must:

i. Have declared the use of the substance to his or her athletics administrator responsible for keeping medical records (PSU Athletic Training Department)

ii. Present documentation of the diagnosis of the condition; and

iii. Provide documentation from the prescribing physician explaining the course of treatment and the current prescription.

d. All requests for medical exceptions will be reviewed by physicians who are members of the NCAA Committee on Competitive Safeguards and Medical Aspects of Sports. Medical exceptions will be granted if the student-athlete has presented adequate documentation as noted above.

4. Drug Testing Implementation

Random drug testing may be performed at any time throughout the academic year. Any student-athlete is eligible to be selected for any randomized drug test. Dates for drug testing will be determined on a random basis by the Director of Athletics and the Drug Testing Coordinator.

a. Plymouth State University student-athletes will be subject to a random selection process for any testing.

i. All student-athletes’ names will be put in a computer program and selected randomly by the contracted Drug Testing Agency. Random selections may include all team rosters or may be team specific.

ii. Each student-athlete selected will be notified by the Drug Testing Site Coordinator, his/her coach, a representative of the Athletic Training staff or the Drug Education, Testing and Treatment Program Coordinator.

b. A student-athlete may be subject to drug testing at any time when the Director of Athletics or his/her designee determines there is individualized reasonable suspicion to believe the student-athlete may be using a prohibited or banned substance. All cases of reasonable suspicion will be based on objective information as determined by the Director of Athletics, Head Athletic Trainer, Drug Education, Testing and Treatment Coordinator, Team Physician, or a Head Coach. A reasonable suspicion form will be completed and submitted to the Director of Athletics to be deemed reliable or unreliable by the director and/or his/her designee in consultation with a designated member of counseling services. Examples of reasonable suspicion include, but are not limited to

i. Observed possession or use of substances appearing to be prohibited drugs

ii. Arrest or conviction for a criminal offense related to the possession or transfer of prohibited drugs or substances

iii. Smell of alcohol on breath

iv. Observed abnormal appearance, conduct or behavior reasonably interpretable as being caused by the use of prohibited drugs or substances.

If reasonable suspicion is verified, the Director of Athletics or his/her designee will notify the student-athlete and the student-athlete must stay with a member of their coaching staff, the athletics administration staff, or the athletic training staff until an adequate specimen is produced. Note: The possession and/or use of illegal substances may be determined by means other than urinalysis (e.g., using on-site saliva testing products to determine alcohol consumption). Any individual found to be in possession and/or using such substances will be subject to the same procedures that would be followed in the case of a positive urinalysis.

c. Student-athletes selected for testing will be notified, in person and in writing (no voicemails, emails, or text messages) and tested within 24 to 48 hours. Once at the testing site, the student-athlete must provide proof of positive identification and will remain there until an adequate urine sample is collected.

i. Failure to report to the site, failure to give a urine sample or manipulation of a sample will be treated as a positive test result.

ii. The student-athlete has the right to a witness of his/her choice to be present at the time of the testing.

iii. A representative from the contracted Drug Testing Agency will collect the urine specimen which will then remain in his/her custody until the sample is submitted to a certified transportation agent and/or processed by the laboratory.

d. If a student-athlete is suspected of manipulating specimens (e.g., via dilution or exchange) or the specific gravity is below 1.005, the student-athlete may be subject to frequent follow up drug testing.

5. Positive Test Results

a. Test results will be conveyed by the contracted Drug Testing Agency to the Director of Athletics and/or a designee who will then follow the outlined procedures for notification of a positive test result. All drug testing results will be secured in a locked and confidential location.

b. If a student-athlete drug test is determined to be positive, the Director of Athletics and/or a designee will notify the student-athlete and head coach. The student-athlete’s parent or legal guardian may also be notified.

i. The student-athlete will attend a meeting with the Director of Athletics and/or a designee to be informed of sanctions and appeal rights.


1. The student-athlete has the right to appeal on the basis of any errors in procedures or a clearly erroneous finding in the drug testing process.

2. The decision to appeal must be made in writing within five business days from the receipt of the written notification of positive test results. Written appeals must be submitted to the Faculty Athletic Representative (FAR) at Plymouth State University.

3. The appeal board (or designees) shall make every effort to convene within three business days following receipt of an appeal. The appeal board shall consist of the FAR (chair) the Associate Director of Athletics and the Drug Education, Testing and Treatment Coordinator. The University provides one appeal opportunity, which may be conducted either in-person or via a telephone conference call (student-athletes choice) and will include the appeal board, the student-athlete and an advocate for the student-athlete if s/he desires. In the event the appeal board is unable to convene within three business days, a new appeal date will be set and the student-athlete will be notified in writing of the new date and time for the appeal.

4. After the appeal hearing and review of information, the appeal board will determine if there is a reasonable basis for granting the student-athlete’s appeal. The decision of the appeal board shall be final, and no other university representative or body shall have the authority to override the appeal board’s decision.

5. The decision of the Appeal Board will be communicated in writing to the student-athlete and the Director of Athletics.

If the Appeal Board finds for a valid positive drug test, the Director of Athletics shall convene the Substance Abuse Team, comprised of the Director of Athletics (or a designee), a substance abuse counselor or appropriate representative from University Counseling Services and the Drug Education, Testing and Treatment Coordinator. The Substance Abuse Team shall meet to review all available information, develop a strategy for a counseling referral and short-term disposition of sanctions.

Minimum sanctions for a confirmed positive drug test under this policy are described below. Additional sanctions may be applied at the discretion of the Director of Athletics. In addition, the student-athlete may be subject to potential discipline from the Office of Student Affairs under the general student body rules that are applicable to all students at Plymouth State University (see the PSU Student handbook).

First Violation

1. The student-athlete is required to meet with the Director of Athletics or his/her designee. The Director of Athletics will inform the student-athlete of any sanctions.

2. The student-athlete will be required to complete a mandatory, individualized, education and counseling program at Plymouth State University. If the student-athlete fails to comply, this may result in further sanctions and/or removal from all intercollegiate teams at Plymouth State University.