Resident-led Partnership

Forty first meeting06 February 2018

Held atDowns Farm Community Centre


Partnership members:Pat Simnett (Chair),Jackie Gaunt (Vice Chair), Gary Storer, Mags Pawson, Richard Street, Martin Styring ,Rachel Pearson, Steve Manwaring,Becky Polain.

In attendance: Lisa Bartholomew (Admin), Jim Boot (Local Rep), Graham Hodgson, Fiona Stepanek, Jason Livingstone, Jim Breeds,Sarah Stone, Laura Blackwell (Hastings Country Park)

Apologies: Jan Papworth (CDW), Maureen Gardiner, Emile Tambeh (HBC), Tania Charman.

  1. Welcome and apologies
  • Pat opened the meeting and welcomed new guests Jim Breeds (local resident), Fiona Stepanek (Downs Farm community centre manager) and Jason Livingstone (Downs Farm caretaker). The partnership introduced themselves.
  • The minutes of the last meeting were agreed.
  1. Information Packs
  • Lisa has produced information packs for new and existing RLP members and these were distributed to the group. The packs are to store partnership papers/documents. The folders will be updated regularly.

Action: all members to read, sign and return to Lisa the register of interest form and to confirm their contact details.

  1. RLP Meetings and AGM
  • Pat ran through the procedure of voting of the Chair. This happens after the AGM at the first available RLP meeting.

There is an 18 month time scale on which to hold the next AGM. Lastyear’s AGM was held on the 10th May 2017. Thisyear the AGM must be held before November 2018.

It wassuggested the AGM be held later in the year and to stand-alone.Jim suggested to invite Big Local grant recipients to come along.

Members voted unanimously for the AGM to be held in July. A short interim meeting will be held in August allowing the voting of the Chair. The venue is to be arranged with possibilities of meeting in a pub.

Post meeting note: The Terms of Reference state that an AGM must be held within 15 months of the last AGM. An AGM held in July 2018 will comply with these terms.

  • Venues of previous RLP meetings have raised concerns. It is difficult to hold meetings when there is noise from other groups in neighbouring rooms.

Members agreed to continue the RLP meetings in the Downs Farm and the Bridge community centres and will be reviewed in six months.

Post meeting note: Craig Atkins of Orbit has agreed that Big Local can still use the Orbit meeting room, as long as Gary Storer (RLP member and Orbit employee) is there to secure the building at the end of the evening.

  • Printed paperwork for meetings has been excessive. The partnership were asked should they need copies of paperwork to inform Lisa prior to meetings with notice. Jim mentioned ink for printers can be claimed through partnership expenses.

It was agreedthat printed copies of paperwork will not be available, unless specifically requested by members. Requests should be made to Lisa

  1. Big Local North East Hastings website
  • The website for Big Local North East Hastings needs to be refreshed.
  • Graham has submitted a bid and others are welcome to forward a proposal for consideration. Jim Breeds has relevant experience that he is willing to contribute.
  1. LTO update - community centres, Heart of Hastings and local news – Steve Manwaring

Steve updated the partnership on progress in appointing new management of the Bridge Community Centre. Interviews of interested organisations will take place on 28thFebruary. A preferred partner will be identified and announced in March.

  • Steve has held separate meetings with the Broomgrove, Ore and Downs Farm community centres to discuss their long term plans and identify areas needing funding, up to £3000 per centre. The Bridge will be deferred until April when the named organisation will take over.
  • Funding proposals were distributed to the partnership prior to the meeting. Steve explained the three proposals and recommended that;

a)The RLP approve the investment of £3,000 for the three centres.

b)Delegated authority is given to HVA in its capacity as Locally Trusted Organisations to issue grant offer letters, agree conditions and monitoring arrangements.

c)HVA liaise with Education Futures Trust to make them aware of the investments being made and to understand this in context of their wider work running the

d)Liaison with new management at the Bridge in to identify how they would spend a £3K grant would be added to Big Local forward plan.

Members voted unanimouslyto approve these recommendations.

  • There have been two productive meetings held with the Heart of Hastings(HoH) to negotiate conditions on behalf of the partnership. As previously discussed these include acquisition of the land, evidence of expenditure, regular updates, and access to the outreach data. The grant offer letter is almost completed.
  • Pat thanked Steve for his continuous support, updates and time spent.
  1. Big Local Rep update-Jim Boot
  • There is a new process for reporting to Local Trust. This will be changing from annually to every three years.
  • A formal review of the year will be discussed at the next meeting looking at funding from the previous year.
  • On the 9th March, the Chief executive from Local Trust is visiting Hastings and would like to meet recipients of Big Local grants. Suggestions were made to meet with the Ore Centres café,HoH, the Men’s Shed and the Graham’s Community Bus.

Action: Jim to share details

  • There are training opportunities from Local Trust for four learning clusters.Meetings will be held four times a year on the following; Your Big Local Legacy, Better Homes and Building Homes, Addressing Youth Violence in the Community and Developing Costal Communities and Economies. There is room for twelve Big Local areas on the programme. Jim asked if anyone would like to join the Developing Coastal Communities and Economies training.

It wasagreedthat Jim will forward an interest to Local Trust on behalf of the Resident led Partnership.

  • Jim shared information about Makerble, an evaluation tool endorsed byLocal Trust, which enables Big Local areas to track their impact. Jim said it is something Big Local can use Discussion were made within the group. There were concerns raised which included the fact that things that the platform is offering is already being done by the partnership, who will be responsible for all the data input, will groups and organisations have the capacity and time to do this? Andfinally, costs. The first three months are free after this the cost is £100 a month.

It was agreed for someone to try out the system for the first three months. Jim, Graham and Martin offered and Jim suggested Lisa and Jan should also try it.

  1. Co-option of new member
  • Jim Breeds is interested in joining the RLP. He has met with Jan and sent in an application. Jim shared his background with the group. He is a resident with in the Big Local area, has web design experience and is a member of the Ore Community Land Trust.

Members voted unanimouslyfor Jim to be co-opted on to the RLP.

  1. Hastings Country Park – Ground Works
  • Laura introduced herself and gave an overview of the Country Park project to improve the quality of pathways, sign posts etc. Many residents living in the area are unaware the park exists, which is part of the Hastings Hidden Heritage.
  • This project is in the development stage and applying for a Hastings Lottery grant. Rachel’s team are asking groups what they would like to see and what improvements are needed, they are also making people aware of the Park. Rachel has spoken to other organisations for possible connections and links to other local groups. Exchange of details with in the partnership were given to Laura to link to.
  • Pat thanked Laura for joining the meeting and giving an informed overview of the project.
  1. Any other business
  • Becky - the OCLT container has been bought and in place. Clearing of the area has started and everything is on track.
  • Graham -is looking for fresh ideas for the Community Hub to promote Big Local and other local organisations. Any ideas or events to contact Graham.
  • Richard – the Sandown Pool project has now ended. Previous money raised from grants and groups must be allocated to similar projects in the area.

Christ Church in Ore would like to have a community hub, there will be a consultation on the 24th February to discuss planning. Richard invited RLP members to attend and report back to the partnership of any outcomes.

  • Martin – asked if the RLP would like another summer event. Members were in favour of another event and to explore options of venue. Martin will contact HoH for availability. Martin said he is reluctant to share his email address for the event again this year and suggested a Big Local information mail box for all Big Local enquiries. Steve mentioned a mail box with HVA could be possible, further discussions needed.
  • There will be no Easter event this year. There are possibilities to help fund groups in the Big Local area for their Easter events.
  • Steve – the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will apply to all from 25th May 2018. HVA have held training sessions on preparing of the new regulations.
  • Jackie – see Jackie for Oasis raffle tickets.

The Oasis Men’s Group opening will be rescheduled. Jackie will let the partnership know the date.

  • On the 17th February, HoH will be holding an event at the old power station site from 3pm to 10pm to celebrate community led housing in Ore Valley.
  • Winter warmer packs are still available from Tom Cole, Development Worker 4 Centres CIC,

The meeting closed at 8pm.The next Resident led Partnership meeting will take place at 6pmon Tuesday 6thMarch 2018 at the Ore Centre.

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Big Local RLP meeting 6th February 2018 /