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Phonemic Awareness: Whole Group

Materials: tree, car, spoon, plate, and assorted objects.
Readiness Lesson #6 P.30
TLW name objects in two parts using onset and rime and then put word back together to say the complete word.
Say each object in two parts using onset and rime and have students put the word back together and say the complete word.

Phonics: Whole Group

Materials: The Word House Book p. 25-52. Readiness Book p.30
Objective for Activity #1
TLW listen as the teacher rereads pages 27-52
Phonics Activity #2-Whole Group
Materials: Big Alpha Motion Card A-N, Word House CD Track 3&4, Readiness Book p. 31
TLW sing and make hand signals for the Alpha Motion cards from A-N.
Show cards H-N explain action on each card.
Phonics Activity #3-Whole Class
Materials: Big Alpha Motion Cards for the letters A and T, Little Alpha Motion Cards for letters for Aa and Tt, Readiness Book p. 32.
Objective: TLW learn the letter name and the sound for the letter Tt.
Show the Big Alpha Motion Tt Card to children. Explain sound. (p. 32) Students practice sound.
Mix up Big alpha motion cards A and T. Call on different students to name the letter.
Then take little Alpha Motion cards and have students practice saying the letter.
Spelling Readiness-Whole Group
Materials: pictures of words beginning with the letter T or short A glued on index cards to make game. Readiness Book p. 32
TLW look a pictures beginning with either T of short A and will “Spell the first letter of the word by saying either T or A.
Play game: Spell It
Seat children in circle on floor. Show first card to student and select one to answer.
“Listen to the sound you hear at the beginning of the word ______”
This picture begins with either a T sound or an A sound. What sound do you hear at the beginning of the word?
If student has trouble teacher tells child correct answers and student repeats it back and teacher moves to another student with another card
Fluency-Sight Words-Whole Group
Materials: Hop’nPop cheer Cards, Word Cards and picture cards #1 Jack #3 can, #2 Jilly, #4 play. Readiness book p. 33
Objective: TLW count the number of sentences written on chart paper and count the number of words in sentences.
Follow directions on back of cards and introduce the two new words Jilly and play. Students will read the 4 new words on the word wall. Tell about the hook for remembering the word Jilly. The ll are like the pigtails that she wears in her hair. The y may also look like a pigtail.
Students make up sentences using these words and teachers writes them on chart paper. Students count the number of sentence they have made and the number of words in each sentence.
English Grammar-Whole Group
Materials: Pop-It-To-Me Chart, Readiness Book p. 33
Objective: TLW sing a song called Pop-It-To-Me.
Song is review from lesson #4 Remember to do hand motions.
Listening/Speaking-Whole Group
Materials: Read aloud Book that is good for summarizing- For Ex. Cinderella (I am starting a Fairy tale unit this week since we are working on summarizing in this area and the children should already have some background hopefully), paper for children, graphic organizer for summarizing, Readiness Book p. 34
Objective: TWL be introduced to summarization of a book and will draw a picture showing how the book begins.
Teacher will show selected book to students and write a sentence on board that summarizes the book. Teacher will then explain that the sentence summarizes the book and put up graphic organizer for summary. A summary of a story tells the story quickly. It does not tell every thing. (GO idea. Race car vs. Moving Van)
Students listen to teacher read story and then draw a picture showing how the book begins. (Use Story train Graphic organizer for this lesson and next two for beginning, middle and end summaries)
GPS Standards
ELAKR2 a-e
ELAKR3 a&d
ELAKR5 a,b
ELAKR6 a,e
ELAKW1 b,d
ELAKLSV1 a-g /

Phonemic Awareness-Whole Group

Materials: Picture of a cat, rat, bat, fan, man, pan Appendix c glued to tag board and laminated. Make several sets.
Readiness Lesson #7 p. 35
TLW name objects in two parts using onset and rime and then put the words back together to complete the word.
Show picture cards and have children correctly say the words. Have children play games with cards during center time.

Phonics Activity-Whole Group#1

Materials: The Word House Book, Word House CD Track 1&2.
Teacher selects pages to reread based on interest of children and need.
Phonics Activity #2-Whole Group
Materials: Big Alpha Motion Cards A-N
Word House CD tracks 3&4, Readiness Book p. 36.
Objective: TLW sing and make hand signs for the Alpha Motion card A-N and the mixed up A and T.
Sing song with Track #3 and then using Track #4 use just the letters A and T.
Phonics Activity #3-Whole Group
Materials: 3 index cards with lower case t, 3 index cards with uppercase T, 3 index cards with lowercase a, 3 index cards with uppercase A, timer, Readiness Book p. 36.
Objective: TLW practice saying the letter name and sound for the letters Aa and Tt.
Play the game Pop Up;
Sit students in circle. Give each student an index card. Call out letters: Ex. Uppercase T, lowercase a. or make sound of letter vary. (Children were taught this game on Day 5)
Children POP UP if they are holding the letter or sound you call out.

Spelling Readiness-Whole Group

Materials: pictures of words beginning with the letter T or short A glued on index cards to make game, Readiness Book p. 37
TLW look a pictures beginning with either T of short A and will “Spell the first letter of the word by saying either T or A.
Play game: Spell It
Seat children in circle on floor. Show first card to student and select one to answer.
“Listen to the sound you hear at the beginning of the word ______”
This picture begins with either a T sound or an A sound. What sound do you hear at the beginning of the word?
If student has trouble teacher tells child correct answers and student repeats it back and teacher moves to another student with another card

Fluency-Sight Words-Whole Group

Materials: Hop’nPop cheer Cards, Word Cards and picture cards #1 Jack #3 can, #2 Jilly, #4 play. Readiness book p. 38
Objective: TLW practice reading the sight words Jack, can, Jilly, play.
Do cheer words as directed by program. Have children takes turns pointing to words on the words wall.
Play game Hop It.
Hop It:
Students line up in two line.
Line #1-Say it line
Line #2- Use it line
Set time for three minutes. Game begins when the times is set.
T points to word on the word wall or holds up a word wad and the corresponding picture card.. Student in Say it line says the word. The student in the Use it line makes a complete sentence for the word. Help them make a sentence if they need help.
Game moves very fast. If a student does not know word say good try and tell student the word. And have them repeat it back to you so game continues. When students at front have correctly completed their word, the next students come up and do the same. Goal of the game is to see how many words and sentences the students can get in tree minutes and to try and beat you time each time. When the students move, from front to back tell them to “ Hop It” and when they move to front of line “Hop it”. Hence the name of the game =HOP IT.
English Grammar-Whole Group
Materials: Chart with Pop-It-To- Me song, Readiness Book p. 39
Objective: TLW sing a song called Pop-It-To-Me.
Song is review from lesson #4 Remember to do hand motions
Listening/Speaking-Whole Group
Materials: Read Aloud book from Day 6. Read aloud Book that is good for summarizing- For Ex. Cinderella (I am starting a Fairy tale unit this week since we are working on summarizing in this area and the children should already have some background hopefully), paper for children, graphic organizer for summarizing, Readiness Book p. 39
Objective: TLW draw a picture describing what happens in the middle of the story.
Review what summary means. Reread story and lead a discussion about the beginning, middle, and ending of story. Students will draw a picture of what happens in the middle of the story.
GPS Standards
ELAKR2 a-e
ELAKR3 a&d
ELAKR5 a,b
ELAKR6 a,c,,e
ELAKW1 b,d
ELAKLSV1 a-g /

Phonemic Awareness-Whole Group

Materials: Picture of a cat, rat, bat, fan, man, pan Appendix c glued to tag board and laminated. Make several sets.
Readiness Lesson #8 p.40
TLW name objects in two parts using onset and rime and then put the words back together to complete the word.
Show picture cards and have children correctly say the words. Have children play games with cards during center time.
Phonics Activity #1-Whole Group
Materials: Big Alpha Motion Cards A-N, CD Track 3&4, Readiness Book p. 40.
Objective: TLW sing and make hand signs for the Alpha Motion card A-N and the mixed up A and T.
Sing song with Track #3 and then using Track #4 use just the letters A and T.

Phonics Activity #2-Whole Group

Materials: 3 index cards with lower case t, 3 index cards with uppercase T, 3 index cards with lowercase a, 3 index cards with uppercase A, timer, Readiness Book p. 42.
Objective: TLW practice saying the letter name and sound for the letters Aa and Tt.

Phonics Assess Individual

Materials: Appendix A p. 142, Little Alpha Motion Cards for the letters A,a, T,t., Readiness book p. 41
Objective: TLW individually name the letters Aa, Tt and will say the sound for Short A and T.
Individually assess students and record finding on Appendix A.

Phonics Activity #3-Whole Group

Materials: Ten Minute Phonics Cards Decks #1,#2. Letters a,t, Rime at., Readiness Book p. 42
Objective: TLW will blend the sounds /a/ and /t/ to pronounce the rime at.
Get out the a and t card and the at rime
Show children how to position mouth to make Short a sound. Sing the a sound until it bumps into the t sound. (p.42)

Spelling Readiness

Materials: pictures of words beginning with the letter T or short A glued on index cards to make game., objects from mystery box used in Day 5, Readiness Book p. 42
Objective: TLW see an object or picture previously used for phonemic awareness activities and try to split the object or picture in tow parts using onset and rime. (Activity used to get children ready for this was Mystery lesson on Day 5)

Fluency-Sight Words-Whole Group

Materials: Hop’nPop cheer Cards, Word Cards and picture cards #1 Jack #3 can, #2 Jilly, #4 play. Readiness book p. 43
Objective: TLW practice reading the sight words Jack, can, Jilly, play.
Game –Word Match
Give out 4 picture cards and 4 word cards for jack, Jilly, can ,play.
Have students one at a time holding the picture cards stand up and have the students holding the word cards come and stand beside the picture cards. Then have the children do the cheer for each word.

Fluency Sight Words #2-Whole Group

Materials: Appendix B Sight Word Assessment p. 143.
Objective: TLW be individually assessed for sight word recognition.
Teacher will assess students o first four sight words and record finding on Appendix B.

Listening/Speaking-Whole Group

Materials: book from previous lesson on listening and speaking., paper, crayon., graphic organizer, Readiness book p. 43
Objective: TLW draw a picture describing what happens at the end of story.
Review what summary means. Reread book and ask children to draw a picture about what happens at the end of the story.
GPS Standards
ELAKR2 a-e
ELAKR3 a&d
ELAKR5 a,b
ELAKR6 a,c,,e
ELAKW1 b,d
ELAKLSV1 a-g /

Phonemic Awareness-Whole Group

Materials: any of lessons of Phonemic awareness from 1-8, Readiness book p. 44
Objective: TWL and hear word in tow parts (onset and rime0 and put the word back together.

Phonics Activity #1-Whole Group

Materials: Alpha Motion Cards for letters A-N, Word House CD Track 3&4, Readiness Book p. 44.
Objective: TLW sing and make the hand signs for Alpha Motions Cars A-N and mixed up A and T.
Do Track 3 and then Mixed up A and T with Track 4.
Have students saying sounds without repeat by showing cards Ex. A/a/, B/b/, etc.

Phonics Activity #2-Whole Group

Materials: See p. 25 Readiness Manual and p.36 Readiness Manual
Objective: TLW practice saying the letter names and sounds for the letters A,a,T,t until mastery.
Select an activity from previously taught lessons.
Ex. Spotlight Game from Phonics Activity #3 Day 4 p. 24,
Pop Up from Phonics Activity #3 Lesson #7 p.36

Phonics Activity #3-Whole Group

Materials: Ten Minute Phonics Cards Decks #1,#2. Letters a,t, Rime at., Readiness Book p. 45
Objective: TLW will blend the sounds /a/ and /t/ to pronounce the rime at.
Get out the a and t card and the at rime
Show children how to position mouth to make Short a sound. Sing the a sound until it bumps into the t sound. (p.45)
Mix up cards. Students practice saying all three cards.

Spelling Readiness-Whole Group

Materials: Any activity in Readiness lessons 1-8 involving onset and rime. Readiness book p. 45
TLW name objects in two parts using onset and rime and then put word back together to say the complete word.
Say each object in two parts using onset and rime and have students put the word back together and say the complete word.
English Grammar-Whole Group
Materials: Pop-It-To-Me Chart, Readiness Book p. 46
Objective: TLW sing a song called Pop-It-To-Me.
Song is review from lesson #4 Remember to do hand motions.

Listening/Speaking-Whole Group