Grade 8 ELA
Persuasive Speech (Research)
Guidelines: Due Date: ____________________
Ø Students will research and write a 300-500 word essay using one of the following topics or a topic approved by their ELA teacher.
Ø Students need to provide a Reference page (minimum of 2 sources)
Ø Students need a Title page (Title, Name, Homeroom & Teacher Name)
Ø Students are expected to present this essay as a speech.
Ø Students are also expected to be attentive listeners.
Ø Students will receive two marks for this project: an oral and a listening mark.
1. Fads never really go out of style.
2. You can tell a lot about people by what they eat.
3. It’s more fun to be a teenager than an adult.
4. People worry too much about _____________.
5. Would you rather be an only child or have many brothers and sisters?
6. The most important quality is for someone to have a sense of humor.
7. Should Student’s textbooks be replaced by notebook computers?
8. Should girls be allowed to play on boys sports teams?
9. Should people be allowed to keep exotic animals like chimpanzees or tigers?
10. Should schools have ‘sun days’ instead of ‘snow days’ off?
11. Who are neater, Boys or Girls?
12. Canada should do more for the Syrian Refugees.
13. The use of cell phones should be banned in schools
14. Homework is/is not necessary.
15. Dogs are better pets than cats. Cats are better pets than dogs
16. ____________has helped to promote the Newfoundland character and culture (writers, painters, musicians).
17. Students should be required to participate in physical activity every day.
18. Classrooms should have closed circuit cameras.
19. Canada should rely on other sources of energy instead of fossil fuels.
20. The word ‘Newfie’ should be banned.
21. Government should be doing more to address the moose problem in NL
22. St. John’s, Mount Pearl and surrounding communities should amalgamate.
23. __________ is/was the greatest entertainer of all time.
24. __________ is/was the greatest leader of all time.
25. Computers – Do they really save time?
26. The power of one – how one person can make a difference.
27. How to make your parents trust you.
28. Self-esteem – how to be happy with the face in the mirror.
29. How to be a friend.
30. Sports – we all win when we participate.
31. The top ten reasons to …….(your choice)
32. The greatest game on earth is…
33. 10 Unique uses for Duct Tape
34. How to protect Yourself from Zombies
35. A Topic Approved by your Teacher