Department of Statistics, GeorgeWashingtonUniversity

Stat 112-10 Syllabus


Course: Statistics 112-10Semester: Spring 2010

Time: Tuesdays and Thursdays 3:45-5:00pmLocations: Media & Public Affair Bldg. 310


Name: Dr. Jeongsook (Jessica) KimCampus Address: None

Phone: E-mail:

Office hours: TTH 5:10-6:10pm

Teaching assistant: Ms. Wenjing Xu ()

TEXTBOOK: Statistics for Business and Economics, 10th ed., by McClave, Benson and Sincich

PRE-REQUISITE: Stat 51, 53, or 111


This is a survey course on statistical methods. We will discuss the science of statistics to the extent of its practical applications in making sense of available data (information). We will cover statistical techniques such as analysis of variance, regression analysis, and categorical data analysis related to the topics in collecting meaningful information as well as interpreting and predicting the collected outcomes.


As a result of completing this course, students will be able to:

  1. Analyze data to test more than two means using analysis of variance technique.
  2. Construct one-way table and two-way table to analyze categorical data.
  3. Determine/interpret regression model.
  4. Perform statistical procedures such as ANOVA and Regression model using computers (SAS)


  1. Design of Experiment and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA): Chap 8

Completely Randomized Design: Single Factor, Multiple Comparisons of Means, Randomized Block Design, Factorial Experiments

  1. Categorical Data Analysis: Chap 9

One Way Table, Two Way Table, Chi Square Test

  1. Regression Analysis: Chap 10, 11

Regression Model, Inferences about the Model, The Coefficient of Correlation , Coefficient of Determination, Using the Model for Estimation and Prediction, Residual Analysis, Simple vs. Multiple Regression Models

  1. Non Parametric Statistics: Chap 14

Distribution-Free Tests, Sign Tests, Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test for Independent Samples and Paired Differences, Spearman Rank Correlation

  1. Time Series (if time permits): Chap 13

Index Numbers, Exponential Smoothing, Forecasting, Auto Correlation



There will be ten homework assignments. Each homework-set is worth 10 points (The two lowest HW scores can be replaced by your two highest scores). Standard solutions will be posted on blackboard after the due date and late homeworkwill NOT be accepted. It is extremely important for you to understand the assigned problems to complete the course successfully.


There will be fivefifteen-minute quizzes (the lowest quiz score will be considered as a bonus), one midterm exam (chapters 8, 9, 10) and one comprehensive final exam. The midterm will be held from 3:45 – 5:00 pm on 3/11/09. The date for the final exam will be determined by GWU. There will be NO makeup for quizzes/midterm for any reason. In case of missing an exam due to medical condition, the student should talk to the instructor in advance or within 24 hours in case of emergency situation. The score for a missing exam may be extrapolated if absence is approved.

Final Grading:

Homework 15%

Midterm 30%

Final exam 40% (comprehensive)

Quizzes 15%

Grades from homework, quizzes and midterm will be posted on blackboard and the deadline for correction/modification is the last day of classes.


The GW Code of Academic Integrity will be strictly followed. It states, “Academic dishonesty is defined as cheating of any kind, including misrepresenting one's own work, taking credit for the work of others without crediting them and without appropriate authorization, and the fabrication of information.” For the remainder of the code, see:



Any student who may need an accommodation based on the potential impact of a disability should contact the Disability Support Services office at 202-994-8250 in the MarvinCenter, Suite 242, to establish eligibility and to coordinate reasonable accommodations. For additional information please refer to:


The University Counseling Center (UCC) offers 24/7 assistance and referral to addressstudents'personal, social, career, and study skillsproblems. Services for students include:

-crisis and emergency mental health consultations

-confidential assessment, counseling services (individual and small group), and referrals


In the case of an emergency, if at all possible, the class should shelter in place. If the building that the class is in is affected, follow the evacuation procedures for the building. After evacuation, seek shelter at a predetermined rendezvous location.