Notes on a meeting held on the 12th May 2016
The monthly meeting of Bassingham Parish Council was held in the Hammond Hall, on Thursday the 12th of May 2016, at 7:30pm. Councillors Baker (chair), Dalziel, Vickers, Finch, Bell, Green and Brown, District Councillors Pat Woodman M.B.E., Sue Howeand 6 member of the public were present.
MAY 16:1. Election of a Chairman.
Councillor Baker was nominated by Councillor Vickers and seconded by Councillor Bell.
No other nominations were put forward.
Councillor Baker was unanimously elected Chairman.
MAY 16:2. It was resolved to adjourn the meeting for the open session.
District Councillors Pat Woodman M.B.E. and Sue Howe gave reports to the meeting on the current work of NKDC.
No police were present.
Public: The matter of the amount of potholes down Bakers Lane was raised.
MAY 16:3. Election of a Vice Chairman.
Councillor Brown was nominated by Councillor Belland seconded by Councillor Green.
No other nominations were put forward.
Councillor Brown was unanimously elected Vice Chairman.
MAY 16:4. Appointment of a Responsible Finance Officer.
Councillor Brown was nominated by Councillor Dalziel and seconded by Councillor Finch.
Councillor Brown was appointed to the position of Responsible Finance Officer.
MAY 16:5. The minutes of the April 2016 meeting were confirmed as a true record and duly signed.
MAY 16:6. Councillor Dalziel gave a financial report and assured the Council there were sufficient current and expected funds to meet all known and expected payments.
MAY 16:7. It was resolved to reappoint Mr Mick Dorset as the internal auditor for Bassingham Parish Council. A small gift of up to £30 was approved.
MAY 16:8.
After due discussion and careful consideration.
(a)It was resolved to approve the Annual Governance Statement for year ending 31st March 2016.
(b)It was resolved to approve the Annual Accounting Statement for the year ending 31st March 2016.
MAY 16:9. The Council discussed the following planning applications received from NKDC.
REF: 16/0444/HOUS
Proposal: Raising height of boundary wall adjacent to High Street and replacing steel bar fencing between pillars with timber fencing panels.
Location: 1 Lime Grove Bassingham.
The Council supported this application.
REF: 16/0479/HOUS.
Proposal: Erection of timber framed garage/carport.
Location: Bakers Lane Farm, Bakers Lane Bassingham.
The Council supported this application.
The following planning applications had been passed by NKDC.
Proposal: First Floor extension over existing garage and two storey link extension to form self-contained annexe.
Location: Beckfields 4 HallfieldBassingham.
The following application had been refused planning permission.
Proposal: Outline application for the erection of a dwelling with access, appearance, landscaping and layout for consideration (resubmission of previously refused application 15/0756/OUT.)
Location: Land at Hall Wath, Bassingham.
MAY 16:10. It was resolved to trial the paperless receipt of planning applications from NKDC.
MAY 16:11. Councillors Baker, Green, Finch and Barnett were appointed to the Hammond Hall Sub-Committee of the Facilities Committee of Bassingham Parish Council.
MAY 16:12.Councillors Brown, Bell and Barnett were appointed to the Personnel Committee of Bassingham Parish Council.
MAY 16:13.Councillors Green and Bell were appointed as representatives to The Bassingham Village and Playing Field Charity.
MAY 16:14. Councillors Baker and Vickers were appointed as representatives to the Witham Cluster Group.
MAY 16:15. It was resolved to approve the annual litter report 2015/16 for the NKDC Grant.(report attached).
MAY 16:16.The Clerk updated the Council on the lands held by the village, it was decided to review the rents payable on village lands at the July meeting.
MAY 16:17.Councillor Vickers updated the meeting on the village clock.
MAY 16:18.The Clerk updated the Council on the progress being made on the Neighbourhood Development Plan.
MAY 16:19.Councillors Vickers and Bell updated the Council on the Speed Indicator Devices.
MAY 16:20.Mr Ben Heaver was appointed as the Play Park Inspector.
MAY 16:21. It was resolved to sign the orders of payment (see attached sheet)
MAY 16:22. Clerks report:
The work on removing the 10 metres of hedging from the junction of Carlton Road and Lincoln Road will not be started until October 2016 due to the policies of the Sustrans Group concerning such works.
The review of speed limits in Bassingham could not take place at this current time due to the restructuring of the Highways Department and funding issues. The Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership are currently reviewing all speed limits in the County.
A new bench for the Play Park had been supplied and fitted by the Bassingham Friendship Group.
MAY 16:23. Correspondence.
An e-mail from our insurers (Came and Company) informing the Council that they have closed the file on the repudiated insurance claim made against Bassingham Parish Council on 25/4/14.
An e-mail from a resident requesting that the dog bin on Torgate Lane be moved to Lincoln Road and the dog bin on Thurlby Road be moved to Croft Lane.
MAY 16:24. Information from Councillors:
Councillor Vickers read out the Internal Audit report (attached)
An annual Agenda Item is to be added for August: To review compliance with and sufficiency of the Councils Financial Regulations.
Concern was shown over the dead horse chestnut tree on Lincoln Road adjacent to the Playing Field.
A deputy RFO was needed and this should be an agenda item for next month’s meeting.
There were a lot of potholes down Bakers Lane that needed attention.
There were potholes on Queen Headland Lane near the s bend that needed attention.
MAY 16:25: It was resolved to exclude the press and public for reasons of personal and financial confidentiality.
MAY 16:26: It was resolved to appoint FenFlo Electrical as the Contractor to carry out the contract to place 2 no. lighting columns between the Community Car Park and the Multi-Use –Area for the sum of £3,631.02 plus VAT under the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, Section 19.
MAY 16:27. It was resolved to apply for £3,361.02 of Section 106 monies from NKDC to fund the placement of 2 no. lighting columns between the Community Car Park and the Multi-Use-Area.
The meeting closed at 9.34pm