Community Connector Job Application

Please fill out the application with handwriting or on a computer. If necessary, attach additional sheets.

What is your name, phone number, and e-mail address?

Name ______Phone ______


E-mail ______

Which job are you applying for?

__ My Outdoor Colorado Community Connector

__ Westwood Unidos Community Connector

__ I would like to be considered for either position

What is your primary language?

Do you speak any other languages?

How many hours a week would you like to work?

What hours of the day are you available to work?

Applications received by Thursday, April 7 will receive priority. To apply, please email this application, a cover letter, and a resume to , or return to a Westwood Unidos Connector (Fany, Norma, or Gaby) or to Emily at ReVision, West 4200 Morrison Road, Unit 7.

Community Connector Job Application

Monday ______

Tuesday ______

Wednesday ______

Thursday ______

Friday ______

Saturday ______

Sunday ______

Applications received by Thursday, April 7 will receive priority. To apply, please email this application, a cover letter, and a resume to , or return to a Westwood Unidos Connector (Fany, Norma, or Gaby) or to Emily at ReVision, West 4200 Morrison Road, Unit 7.

Westwood Community Connector Application Questions

1. List at least three reasons you are interested in working in this position?

2. Do you have experience working to bring people together and /or motivate residents in Westwood? Please describe your experience and for how long you have been doing it?

3. What skills, knowledge, or abilities do you have that will enable you to build relationships in the Westwood community with diverse audiences?

4. Please answer one of the following depending on which job you are applying for:

My Outdoor Colorado applicants: How would you approach a listening conversation with a Westwood resident to understand how they view youth and children’s access to nature and the outdoors

Westwood Unidos Connector applicants: How would you approach a listening conversation with a Westwood resident to understand how they would like to contribute to efforts to make the neighborhood safer?

5. How do you show respect for all people you interact with when doing your community work? Why is this important?

Applications received by Thursday, April 7 will receive priority. To apply, please email this application, a cover letter, and a resume to , or return to a Westwood Unidos Connector (Fany, Norma, or Gaby) or to Emily at ReVision, West 4200 Morrison Road, Unit 7.