On Monday, October 11, 2004, the Preble Town Board held its monthly meeting. The meeting was called to order by the Supervisor, Betty Ann Pitman, with the salute to the flag at 8:02.

Board members present:, Kate Edinger, Dick Martin and Dave Morse, Councilmen. Peter Knapp was absent.

Others present; Don Armstrong, Jeff Griswold, Calvin Griswold, Legislator John Steger, Frank Hogg, Bob Griswold, and Dennis Kennedy

Cortland County Legislator R. Scott Elston gave a presentation on Cortland County Treasurer’s Accounting and Reporting. The presentation was aimed at the question should a treasurer be elected or appointed. His point was to inform the Board to vote.


Motion made by Dick Martin, seconded by Dave Morse

RESOLUTION #54: To accept the September 13, 2004 minutes as submitted

Kate Edinger(aye) Dick Martin (aye) Dave Morse(aye)


DOG CONTROL: - No report

JUSTICE REPORT: $6,430. submitted to the Town of Preble for September

HIGHWAY REPORT: Jeff stated that the Preble Rest Area is due to open on Friday and that it is a tractor trailer heaven. He is concerned about the parking area for cars.


-Re-profiled East Clark Road intersection on 10/5

-Jeff has been gathering road specs from different areas to get a feeling for our new specs.

-There is one more drainage job to finish; that will rap up the major summer projects.

-90% of the sand has been hauled in. The pile will be mixed on October 20th


-Nothing to report


-Will start converting the trucks late next week or the following week, weather permitting.


-Nothing to report

RECREATION: - Dave Morse stated that the Halloween party and haunted house is scheduled for October 23rd; 6:00-9:00 PM

COUNTY LEGISLATURE: -John Steger feels the problems with the County Treasurer’s office could be solved by the Republican and Democratic Committees.

ZONING & CODE ENFORCEMENT: -2 building permits pending

-Construction value $431,000.

-Fees assessed $970.

-2 pending

-2 Certificates of Occupancy issued

-42 telephone inquiries

PLANNING BOARD: -October meeting is the 28th at 7 o=clock

HISTORIAN: -No report

TOWN CLERK: -$1481.50 - fees collected in September Disbursed $30.87 to CC Treasurer; $6.00 to Ag & Markets, $677.43 to the DEC, $45.00 to NYS Health Dept., and $722.20 to Elizabeth Pitman, Supervisor



Tower & Wireless Facilities Water Protection & Zoning, Land Use Plan- Planning Board did not have a quorum.

Property of Song Mt. Road - Don stated there was no resolution.

Barden Homers Road (Thomas Albert Dr.) speed - Barden attorney needs more information to finish title process. Don reviewed title and is waiting Board’s action. Will hold on speed. Betty Ann stated that Barden Homes wants to get moving so they can be plowed.

Hawkins & Foley zone change - A proposed Local Law changing the properties owned by Keith Hawkins and Francis Foley, Jr. from agriculture to light industrial. Will be referred to the Preble Planning Board and the County Planning Board.

Letters have been received from Robert Sweeney and Senator Seward regarding the appeal for monies for traffic fines so towns can keep monies.


Post Office Checks - Check for $541.67 received

Check for sale of mower - Received check for $5400.00 ($6000. less commission)

Check from state of NY general purpose state aid - Received $13,056.00

Letter from State of NY regarding CHIPS - Jeff stated $31,111.79 will be coming.


Bob Griswold asked about the road going to Barden Homes as there is a snow wall there in the winter. The land will be leveled after the corn comes off. John Steger said the road will work if snow banks are not used as a snow fence.


Motion made by Kate Edinger, seconded by Dave Morse

RESOLUTION #55: To pay the General Fund Vouchers, Abstract No. 10, Nos. 214 to 230, totaling $4,557.06

Kate Edinger(aye) Richard Martin(aye) David Morse(aye)

Motion made by Dick Martin, seconded by Kate Edinger

RESOLUTION #56: To pay the Highway Fund Vouchers, Abstract No. 10, Nos. 69 to 82, totaling $5,515.61

Kate Edinger(aye) Richard Martin(aye) David Morse(aye)

Motion made by Kate Edinger, seconded by Dick Martin

RESOLUTION #57: To go into executive session at 9:08 regarding the purchase of land for the Town Garage.

Kate Edinger(aye) Richard Martin(aye) David Morse(aye)

Motion made by Kate Edinger, seconded by Dick Martin

RESOLUTION #58: To close executive session at 9:25.

Kate Edinger(aye) Richard Martin(aye) David Morse(aye)

The public returned and the meeting reopened at 9:27.

Motion made by Kate Edinger, Seconded by Dave morse

RESOLUTION #59: To go over the purchase agreement of the properties owned by Bud Hall and Don Ellsworth.

Kate Edinger(aye) Richard Martin(aye) David Morse(aye)

Motion made by Kate Edinger, Seconded by Dave Morse

RESOLUTION #60: To have Attorney Donald Armstrong contact a company that will do the EAF.

Kate Edinger(aye) Richard Martin(aye) David Morse(aye)

Motion made by Kate Edinger, seconded by Dick Martin

RESOLUTION #61: To adjourn the meeting

Kate Edinger(aye) Richard Martin(aye) David Morse(aye)

Respectfully submitted,

Unofficial 10/11/2004 Sharon Cassidy Flint

Deputy Clerk